
I am Constellation

In the world full of mystic and unique creature born to rule and conquer others , those who have been given the authority shall thrive and become the supreme one . Welcome to this world and this is your authority ...

TheWallowingMANGO · Fantasía
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6 Chs


'' Who are you?'' said the consciousness to the mysterious voice.

'' I'm what every being call as Fate . Welcome to this world and your authority shall be 'Seal' " said the mysterious voice to the consciousness before mysteriously disappear.

As the voice disappear, the consciousness start to familiarizing itself with his new body. It take him a few hours to gain complete mastery over his body.

While the consciousness trying to familiarize itself, four biggest powerhouse are having conference on how to divide the central universe to four part equally to the four powerhouse that reign over the south , east , west and north universe.

" I guess everyone here knows about the phenomenon on central universe " said Shrox The Ravager of the East.

" Of course, else why we all gather here you dimwit " said Loylr The Vanquisher of the North.

" I dare you to said that to me again with my blade to your neck " said Shrox to Loylr.

" Calm down , nothing can be gain if we have to wait for you to settle your quarrel " said Rave The Deceiver of the West.

" What an idiot these guys are " said Amur The Tyrant of the South while laughing frantically.

" I think we have stall enough time for now aren't we ? " said Rave while smirking.

" We shall start now " said Amur to the three of them.

Sorry for late release guys . I hope that this chapter is better than the previous one.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

TheWallowingMANGOcreators' thoughts