
I am Constellation

In the world full of mystic and unique creature born to rule and conquer others , those who have been given the authority shall thrive and become the supreme one . Welcome to this world and this is your authority ...

TheWallowingMANGO · Fantasía
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6 Chs


As the consciousness familiarizing itself, a turbulence out of nowhere create a vacuum leading to the creation of an instant wormhole connecting to an unknown plane.

As curiosity take over the consciousness , he start to move closer and closer to the wormhole while his mind filled with a lot of question.

While he is trying to get closer to the wormhole, there's suddenly a strong suction force that suck him into the wormhole transporting him to a remote planet located on far east of the universe with no connection to all galaxy on universe , called Earth.

" The energy of this planet is quite thin, compare to the planet I was on before" said Consciousness as he arrive on earth through the sudden wormhole that magically disappear leaving him stranded on this barren land.

As he walk through the desert he meet with a couple of little kid, boy and girl laying on the ground while observing the star and enjoying their nights together.

As he observe them, the boy start noticing him and get up while asking " Hey , how long have you been watching us ? " with rude tone and asking the girl to get behind him as soon as possible.

" Maybe he just lost you know, its not the first time someone ever lost in the desert. " said the girl to the boy while standing beside the boy.

" Marina isn't it weird that an unknown man is wandering the desert in the middle of the night? said the boy with to the girl named Marina.

" Don't be paranoid Jay" said Marina to the boy named Jay.

Marina then ask the consciousness " What are you doing wandering in the desert in the middle of the night, sir ? ".

" I don't know how but I suddenly got transport to this place by a strange some kind of hole I guess ." said the consciousness to answer Marina's question.

" Marina, please think twice about this, is he really lost or he just made it up." Whisper from Jay to Marina.

" Just let me handle this will you? " response Marina to Jay.

"So, you lost in this desert right . Then, we surely can help you because we are the natives of this desert. Doesn't it right Jay "said Marina to the consciousness while pinching Jay.

"Yes, yes we can TOTALLY HELP you." answer Jay with insincerely.

" Thank you very much for willing to help me. " said the consciousness.

" Nice, then, we should introduce ourselves to each other. I'm Marina and he is Jay. How about you sir? " said Marina to the consciousness with full respect.

" Nice to meet you guys , my name is ..." while answering the question, the consciousness suddenly stopped and baffled.

Jay notice about this and ask " What is your name man, we already tell ours , it should be your turn now " impatiently to the consciousness.

The consciousness answer while shaking " I .... I don't know, if I have a name? ".

Jay and Marina are staring at each other for a few seconds and then staring at the strange man in front of them weirdly.

I hope that this chapter is not too bad.

Thanks for those that are reading my novel.

TheWallowingMANGOcreators' thoughts