
I am Constellation

In the world full of mystic and unique creature born to rule and conquer others , those who have been given the authority shall thrive and become the supreme one . Welcome to this world and this is your authority ...

TheWallowingMANGO · Fantasía
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6 Chs


As the mysterious orb on the deep earth continuously sucking the energy from surrounding, cause an imbalance of energy making every mineral lost its magical properties and create a dire situation for every tribe on the deep earth.

All tribe on deep earth choose to having a conference so they can solve this dire problem before it creating a chaos that was never happen before. Each tribe choose their leader as their representative with their brightest mind to solve this problem. However, the only conclusion that they can make is to send their troops to search for the roots of the problem.

While they all busy with their preparation, the mysterious orb already gain its human form and continuously sucking the energy more ruthless making the imbalance much worse and destroy the environment. Every plants and mineral already lost its magical properties, making it no different than ordinary plants and stones.

The mysterious man keep sucking the energy until the last of it. However, it still not enough and he start searching for other energy resources.

The draining of energy make every tribe feel devastated . However, they still not lost hope yet and do everything in their power to solve this problem by uniting their troops to search for the answer.

However, things not go as they plan, the mysterious man intercept the troops and draining every single drop of energy from all of them leaving no one to tell the tale.

When the news already arrive to the tribes leaders, its already too late. No one survive from the massacre of the mysterious man except for a teen girl that luckily was unconscious during the massacre, the state of unconscious make the mysterious man can't read the signal energy of the girl and thus saving her.

This incident not only leave her a trauma in her heart, it also act as a fuel to burn the fire of hate in her heart. The fire of hate that keep burning in her heart continuously became a reason for her to awakened and become an authority user that swore to hunt that mysterious man.

After the mysterious man had finish his massacre on the deep earth, he continued doing his massacre as if it was his sacred mission to kill and absorb as many energy as he want until his greed been fulfill.

While this tragedy happen on the deep earth , Sirius is currently following Marina and Jay to their village so they can show him how to get out of the desert and continuing his exploration on this bizarre yet an interesting planet.

Guys I hope that you guys can write me a few comment so i know where and what to improve.

I appreciate everyone of you that read my book.

I hope that you guys can stay with me till the end of this story

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