
I am Constellation

In the world full of mystic and unique creature born to rule and conquer others , those who have been given the authority shall thrive and become the supreme one . Welcome to this world and this is your authority ...

TheWallowingMANGO · Fantasía
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6 Chs


In the center of the universe where there's no creature live because of the existence of an ancient seal that kept every being from survive .

A mysterious orb suddenly exist out of nowhere and cause a massive surge of energy making the ancient seal unstable .

The mysterious orb suddenly start to absorb the energy from the ancient seal making it becomes weaker and weaker as if it need a massive amount of energy to create something.

The mysterious orb absorb the ancient seal completely making the center of the universe free from the seal making it completely new from before.

Many living creature start to exist in the center of the universe with abundant of natural resources making them far stronger and dangerous than most of the creature in other universe.

This phenomenon cause ruckus in every corner of universe, making every powerhouse wondering about a possible new territory to control and making the most of it so that they can trample on others and become the supreme one.

While the world is busy with the sudden lost of energy from the ancient seal's universe , the mysterious orb already turn completely into full grown man in early 20-s and already gain its own consciousness .

''Where am I ? Who am I ? '' said the consciousness.

Suddenly there's voice inside the head of the consciousness ''Currently you are at the center of universe where everything come from and you are the one who is destined to be the supreme one and the best constellations of all''.

Hope that my first chapter is good enough to satisfy you guys.

TheWallowingMANGOcreators' thoughts