Well, yea. There were no Joestars throwing me up in the air. They just came and congratulate me and an acknowledging smile from Kars. I mean it would be out of character for them to suddenly throw up someone in the air.
And I look at Jotaro, he had his hole in the stomach healed by Part 4 Josuke and Giorno.
I look at DIO as I heard a sound from him. There, I saw his leg is twitching.
"What?! He is not dead yet?!" All of us screamed. Well, this is Jojo so, screaming is natural.
"Why? Even after hundreds of years of planning, even after I had achieved heaven, why did I still lose to a Joestar?" DIO mumbled.
"Humans are a life form with possibilities, vampire. You can do almost anything if you simply tweak their brains a little," Kars walk toward DIO and us.
"You… you are the one that created the stone masks. Why? I had already become the most powerful being on Earth. And yet, I had lost to a human," DIO mumbled with some of his strength. I know he is trying to stall time but his arms will take time to heal.
Kars stared at DIO, "What more do you want? You've conquered the sun, will not die or age. What else is there? You know full well your body can never become the true Ultimate Thing, as I have. What's the appeal of being this 'pinnacle' you speak of?" Oh boy, I know where this is going. He is quoting the same thing he said to the Dio he had faced in Jorge's adventure.
"I merely wanted to conquer the sun. I personally slaughtered most of my kind in the war, then lost all of my kind that remained, and at last achieved my goal only to find myself alone," he has a sad look on his face. This is Kars that had goes on the adventure with Jorge Joestar and learned how to appreciate humans.
"You waited a hundred years? I've waited for a quadrillion. In all this universe, as far as my abilities reach, only Earth has any life worth mentioning. This is the only place in all the universe where life is worth living. Vampire, you are immortal. There is no need for you to rush into death here. But you had gone far this time. You will be dying by the hand of Joestars that you detest the most," the look Kars is giving to DIO is what you can call a smug face.
"Kars, do you know why I can't kill him off?" I asked.
"My guess is that someone with Reality Warping might be able to kill him," Kars answered my question. That… might be the case. In the game, it was Jotaro with his Star Platinum Over Heaven that beat the shit out of DIO.
"The World and Star Platinum are the same types of Stand, right? Then Jotaro might be able to use Over Heaven ability," I gave them a hint.
"But he won't be able to get that ability with his current strength," Kars added his remark.
"Jotaro, your Stand can get the same ability as The World when fighting against it, yea?" I added Jotaro.
"That was the same with Star Platinum: The World so, yes." He nodded.
"Then Kars, beat the shit out of Jotaro with the Stand you've copied from this DIO," I look at Kars and grins evilly.
"I thought you'll never ask," Kars also gave me the nastiest grin I've ever seen.
"Josuke and Giorno will be staying near Jotaro to keep him alive. And Jotaro? Good luck… you gonna need that," I gave him a thumb up.
"You bastard," Jotaro look at me with a glare.
Why haven't I thought about this idea? I am a genius! Instead of letting Jotaro got killed by DIO, I should let Kars train him!
Right when Jotaro and Kars are fighting a little far away, I am sitting on the lying DIO. "Step right up! Step right up! Only a dollar and you can beat DIO however you want for five minutes! Only One Dollar! I can guarantee he won't retaliate to any of your beatings! Step right up! Step right up!"
"URIEN!!!" DIO screamed.
"Oh, shut the fuck up. At least let me do my business freely," I punch him in the face with Never Gonna Say Goodbye. It seems until DIO is killed, I can still use my evolved Stand.
Now, food for thought. How about I summon other items from another universe with my Stand and take them back to my world? But… I decided against it. Not because of some grand motive, but because I just don't want to. My instinct is telling me not to do it and I trust it.
Jorge came back after a while with others. My business has been booming since then. I got a hundred dollars by the time Jotaro's Stand, Star Platinum achieved Over Heaven.
"Jotaro, before you beat the shit out of DIO, let me do something first," I told Jotaro to wait for a while.
<Two photos that I've taken in Morioh Town, I want 10 copies for the first photo and as for the second photo, I want it enough for everyone takes part in the group photo>
Laugh at me if you want for using <Word Magic> to print out the photos from the camera. And I don't regret it a bit.
In the first photo, all the Joestars including myself are doing "The Stardust Squad 'Off to Egypt' Pose" but all of us are showing off our Joestar birthmark. Well, Old Joseph decided not to take part in the photo as another version of him is already in the picture.
I quickly wrote the message on each of them.
"From your favorite nephew, from Urien" to Jonathan.
"From your legendary rival, from Urien" to Joseph.
"That was a fun trip, from Urien" to Jotaro.
"I will make sure to add a Healer to my party, from Hiroto" to Josuke.
"Try being a pianist when you are bored acting as a gang boss, from Urien" to Giorno.
"Don't try to get yourself caught by the police. I won't be there anymore, from your favorite uncle, Urien" to Jolyne.
"Now that you can STAND, get yourself a girl instead of a horse, from Urien" to Johnny.
"You are you, Josuke. Don't forget that, Hiroto" to Part 8 Josuke.
All of them also wrote their own messages on the back of my photo and gave it back to me.
I told Kars to come toward me with a hand gesture and whispered what I wanted to do with the remaining photo in my hand. He just smirks and punches the photo with The World Over Heaven Ultimate and overwrites it.
Inside the photo, an additional person appears. That person sits in front of our pose and held out two fingers making a peace sign. Without a doubt, that person is Jorge Joestar.
"May you get interesting cases to solve, Urien" to Jorge.
I called Jorge and gave him this picture. He seems to be on cloud nine after seeing the picture. There are even some tears on his face as an adopted child of the Joestar family like him can take part in this photo.
I gave the second photo to everyone who came with us to fight against DIO. By the time I give Hot Pants the photo, she gave me a kiss on the lips.
"This will be the first and last kiss you will be getting from me," she said before shooing me away. Of course, Akame and Kei both glares at her.
When I give the photo to Kei, "Thank you, Hiroto-sama. I will treasure it," she gave me her thanks with a smile.
"Well then Jotaro, the floor is yours," I gave him the way.
"Damn you, DIO. I hope this will be the last time I need to kill you," he said while glaring at DIO.
"Star Platinum Over Heaven!" The one that appeared had the same appearance as Star Platinum but is white in color instead of purple.
After the barrage of "ORA(s)!", we heard the sound of the clock striking and the white light took over us.
3rd POV
Inside the Joestar mansion that should have burned down by the fire, Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Will A. Zeppeli.
"We are back," Speedwagon said while looking around the mansion.
"It seems like people brought back to life by DIO's Stand will stay alive," Zeppeli said while looking at himself.
"It is good to see you again, Mr. Zeppeli," Jonathan hugged his teacher.
"What will you do now, Mr. Joestar?" Speedwagon asked.
"The mansion is back. Now, All I need to do is to stay alive. When I got to my grandson's time, Erina seems like she had suffered a lot during my death. I will try my best to prevent that," Jonathan looks at his fist and clench tightly.
Flash to another time, Jotaro looks at the ash in front of him. Those are the ash of Dio whom he had beaten to death and put the body in the sunlight to make sure he's dead.
"Jotaro! There is a call from the hospital! Kakyoin, Avdol, and Iggy are still alive! The one who got revived by DIO's Stand will stay alive even after DIO is dead!" Old Joseph shouted at Jotaro from inside the ambulance.
Together with his grandpa, Jotaro quickly rushed toward the hospital. And boy, he was glad to see his dead friends alive.
"The doctor said that they will need a full month's rest to leave the hospital," Polnareff said to both Joestars.
"I'm sorry for letting you stay with them, Polnareff. We need to go to Holy," Old Joseph apologizes to Polnareff.
"It's okay, Mr. Joestar. I'll take good care of them," he replied while rubbing the back of his head.
"I'll hold you on that," Jotaro shakes Polnareff's hand.
He can't believe he would be doing this but he sure as hell thank DIO for bringing his friends alive.
Flash to Part 4 Josuke,
"Rohan! Stop drawing your manga for once and come out from your house!" Josuke shouted from the outside of Rohan Kishibe's house.
"No can do, Josuke! My house just mysteriously came back after being burned down. I will be drawing the new ideas I got from reading the life of that girl, Akame!" Rohan shouted.
"Come on, man! Shigekiyo got revived too!"
"I will come after finishing this chapter!"
Flash to Giorno,
"With this, Team Bucciarati will be now back in action," Bucciarati looks at his teammates fondly.
"All of those who died from the team is revived as well," Narancia gladly shouted.
"I wonder if Boss got revived too?" Abbacchio asked.
"I don't think so," Giorno said, taking out the new photo he got from his new family and smiles. "Even if he got revived too, we will beat him again," he continues.
"But first, after taking control over Passione, I will need to go to Florida to help my Great-great grandniece and take out my half-brothers," Giorno smiles at his teammates.
"Don't worry, dude. We have your back," Mista slap Giorno's back… hard.
Flash to Jolyne,
"All of us got revived but Mr. Joestar was left behind," Anasui was sad for Jolyne.
"Don't be sad, Anasui. I got to have a heart-to-heart talk with my father during Morioh Town," she stated. "It is not that he doesn't love me. He left us because he loves us. And if you worried about the permission for marriage, you got the green light from uncle Urien," she added.
"Seriously? Great!" Anasui cheered.
"But before that, what should we do about our surroundings?" Ermes asked the gang.
"Let's leave it to Speedwagon Foundation," Jolyne reply.
"Well, that's great! We are now officially the escapees," Ermes added.
"Again, let's leave it to Speedwagon Foundation," Jolyne replies again.
"Oh, and Emporio, you can come and stay at my home," Jolyne told Emporio.
"And you can come to my house, Weather," Anasui to Weather.
"Yeah… all is good except I will never be able to see Dad and uncle Urien again," Jolyne looks up into the sky.
Flash to Johnny,
"Get myself a girl, eh?" Johnny looks at the message given to him by Urien.
"Will you?" Gyro asked him from the side.
"I think I should. After all, it was the last request from Urien," he nodded.
"Have you already found the girl you fancy?" Gyro asked again.
"Yea… you could say that," Johnny nodded at the question.
"Then, let's go! Show me the girl," his friend grins him from the side. Johnny gave thanks to Diego's counterpart. Thanking him for bringing back his friend to life.
Flash to Part 8 Josuke,
"Just be myself…" Josuke is looking at the photo of the Joestars.
"What are you looking, Josuke?" Daiya asked while looking over from his shoulder.
"Oh… nothing. Just a picture of the new family I got," he replied.
"Eh, a new family? Let's see," she took the picture from his hand.
"Isn't this Hiroto-san? The one that stayed in this home?" she immediately remembers the man.
"Yes, apparently, he is a family member of mine," Josuke added.
"Good for you, Josuke," Daiya hugs his head from behind.
Josuke just nodded his head while looking at the picture.
Flash to Jorge Joestar,
"And that solves the case," Jorge Joestar solves another case.
"Again, you finished it fast, Joji," Rohan Kishibe congratulate him after he got back from his adventure.
"Tell me Joji, how was my counterpart? Is he interesting?" Rohan asked about his counterpart.
"He sure is! (I won't be telling I need to beat him to save him from being mind-controlled.)"
Urien POV
"That was a wild ride isn't it, Urien?" Joseph asked me from beside after traveling back to America.
"Yes, it was. I think this will be a goodbye, knucklehead," I told him.
"Sure, but be sure to invite us to your wedding with Akame," he gave me a fist bump.
"Sure," I just replied. After Old Joseph spoiled our future by being a Spoiler Man, I knew Akame will make her move sooner or later. But after seeing Hot Pants kissing me on the lips, I am sure as hell she will be making her move within this week.
And just like that, a year has passed. Today is the wedding day of Akame and me. It was a busy day for both of us but both of us are happy so, being busy didn't mind us.
During that night, I and Akame are standing inside our bedroom. "Akame, are you ready for new adventures?" I hold out my hand.
"If it is with you, I will follow you forever," she gently took my hand.
And with this, I start my journey across all the Parts of Jojo's Bizarre Adventures with the help of the System to become a true Joestar.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventures
Part 2.5
Rick Roll
This marks the end of Urien's Bizarre Adventure.
We will be going back to the main world after this chapter.
Thank you for reading Jojo Arc.
I hope this is satisfactory for a Jojo Fic.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.