
I am Absolute

This fanfic is absolutely for fun, also I am an absolute beginner when it comes to writing, do expect a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling, If you see one, tell me and I'm going to correct it. Oh, and I'm going to add crossover anime characters from popular animes and they may or may not have a big role in the future so if you don't like those kinds of fanfic this is not for you. Also, This fanfic will be a slow pace compared to any Classroom of the elite fanfics out there. So, please keep that in mind. Synopsis: Adam is an "ordinary" young man who loves nothing but games and anime. Especially the anime called classroom of the elite. He loves the philosophy of the school of anime where the students compete with each other for a greater future. And now having a deal with the devil. he was given a chance to reborn in that world and compete with the original characters but with a cost. I don't own any of the characters in this fanfic other than the MC. all credits to their respective creators.

Reincarnator113 · Cómic
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24 Chs


"Since we have an even amount of girls and boys. I'll split you into 4 groups(5 girls and boys in each group), and the student with the fastest in each group will compete in the final round," the macho explained.

I must say, the school is quite generous for giving 5000 points like that. Perhaps this was a way to make the students more motivated.

Anyway, the girls were the first to compete. And as for the boys, we just watch on the sidelines and watch with interest.

"Hey, Adam, Who do you think will win?" Ryuji asked.

"Hmm? my bet is on Saeko," I said.

"Saeko?" He asked.

He looks at me, surprised. Well, even I was surprised by my answer. The reason is that, according to what I observed, Saeko's body is capable of something no ordinary human can do(This is based on the fact that in the anime, she can jump a few meters in the air with ease). How do I know this? well, my body is similar to hers but more superior.

Anyway, from the way she swims, she's holding back. But that doesn't matter in the end since she still won with end with ease. The 4 winners in the girl's group are Honami, Saeko, Mako Amikura(Original character from the LN), and the last girl is Mai Kawakami(Myriad Colors Phantom Worlds). If you're curious about Utaha and Takagi, well, they didn't even try to win, they just made sure that they would get supplementary lessons. They got 8th and 7th place respectively.

After that, they give the girls a break and it's the boy's turn to swim. This means... time to rekt some noobs.

I'm kidding, I'll still hold back since If I use my full strength I'll probably set a new world record. I don't want to scare my classmates, since knowing a 17-year-old student that can beat the world record of an athlete who spends most of his life swimming will probably give them a shock. Doubts will form around me. Which is the last thing I want to do. But of course, I'll still swim decently.

After warming up for a while, we went to our assigned spots. I was placed in the second line, right next to Shibata.

Shibata is an athletic guy. So I'll need to step up my game a little bit.

"Good luck, Shibata-kun," a girl cheering for Shibata.

"Hey, Kirusu-kun! If you didn't win this, You're going to accompany us shopping again," Utaha shouted.

'Say no more fam, I MUST win this' I thought to myself while looking at Utaha depressingly while remembering something tragic in the past. The girls giggle at my antics.

Anyway, being cheered by a girl makes me even more motivated to win this. Even though the context is more of a threat.

'Sorry Sho(Shibata's first name), I need to win this, I don't want to experience hell again' I apologize to him in my mind.

With the signal of a whistle, we all jump in the water and started swimming. Since I'm a good classmate and a friend, I'll let sho takes first place...

'Sike! Fuck being a good guy, I want the 5000 points!' I smile to myself.

Halfway through the race, I suddenly fasten my pace to overcome him, taking first place, earning a joyful shriek from the girls and gasped from the guys. My record is 25.15 seconds while Sho is 26.04 sec, while the rest takes around 30 or more seconds to finish.

"What was that Kirusu, you suddenly become faster halfway through, are on the drugs or something?" Tetsuya asked me.

"What do you mean drugs! I was adapting to the water, that's why I'm quite slow in the beginning," I said jokingly while making an excuse that doesn't make sense, but for some reason, he takes my words seriously and begins nodding.

'Hm?' I looked at him strangely.

What I didn't realize is the moment I exit the pool, the cells in my body started to release pheromones that made those who are close to me hypnotic.

Before I could ask him if he's ok. The teacher called the next group that would compete. Snapping Tetsuya out who is still in deep thought.

"Hey, Tetsuya, you ok?" I asked.

"Hm? yeah, I started to feel weird for a sec, maybe I'm just tired with all the swimming we did. Anyway, good luck with your race later," He said while joining with the others.

Putting that in the back of my mind, I watch the others compete and cheered them on the sidelines.

"Hey, Ryuji, Don't drown ok?" I said to him mockingly.

"Oh, fuck off," He said before jumping on the pool.

Well, I wouldn't consider that a cheer, but hey, it's better than nothing.

Ryuji also won his race with ease since he is also quite athletic. The other guys that won their race are Tobio(Kageyama), and Takashi(Morinozuka). With that, the 4 of us will compete with each other.

Before that, however, is the girl's moment for their final competition.

The contestants are





They all lined in their respective spot. With the blow of the whistle from the teacher, the girls leap and dived in. The first 10 meters, Mai was taking the lead. That change however when they pass the 25 meters, Honami was able to catch up to her and overtaking her, taking the lead. This lead however just like Mai from the beginning didn't last long. Since, the moment they enter the 45 meters mark, Mako also was able to catch up to them and take first place for herself, She, however, didn't hold first place even for a few seconds, since Saeko, like me, decided to take an imaginary drug and decided to rekt some noo- *cough* she decided to win the competition like a badass. Which she did, the result is like what happened to me and Sho, Only a small gap between each contestant.

1st place = Saeko- 25.45 sec.

2th place = Mai- 25.90 sec.

3rd place = Honami- 26.10 sec.

4th place = Mako- 27.04 sec.

It was an intense competition, Since the gap is so small it's barely noticeable. But in the end, a victory is a victory no matter how small the gap is.

"Holy Crap, That was Awesome, that was the most intense competition I have ever seen," Ryota said excitedly.

"hmm, I didn't expect I am going to see competition like this between high school students, I guess you have gifted Classmates, Huh, Kirusu-kun," The machi guy nodded while looking at me

"Sensei?" I asked in confusion.

"Nothing, Get ready it's your guy's turn," he said while turning around.

the 4 of us nodded, while I looked at his back for a bit while thinking about something.

'Whatever, I'll think about that later, for now, let ace this competition' I thought excitedly.

The four of most get inline as we ready to jump the moment we heard a whistle.

The 4 contestants are...





"Sorry boys, that 5000 points are mine..." I whispered.

*FWEET*(my whistle sound impression)

When we heard that sound, the 4 of us leap into the water. This time, I decided not to hold back.

the moment I enter the water, I become like a fish that enters its natural habitat. I was swimming like my life depend on it. Well, that is what I want to look like from my classmate's perspective. But in reality, this is just my "normal" speed of swimming.

Anyway, I have to disappoint my boys. Because from the moment I take the lead I didn't even give them the chance to catch up. The longer we swim, the gap between me and them increases. And of course, I win without even breaking a sweat. My result should be around 16 to 17 seconds... Wait, 16 seconds...

'Shit! this is bad, I really didn't hold back did I!?'

this time, I really did sweat since I don't know what kind of reaction my classmates would give me, would they fear me, doubt my origin? treat me like a monster?

Since humans are by nature, afraid of the unknown. That's why they fear and reject those who are different from them. And at this moment, you could say that I am a good representation of that situation. Or maybe I'm just overthinking things and maybe they still see me as Adam Kirusu. And I hope no matter their reaction was, I hope they still treat me like a human, I don't want to replicate what happens to me in the red room, I don't want them to loathe me and become scared of me, with that in mind, the moment I turn around I saw something I would never forget in my entire life.


This is my first time creating a cliffhanger, and to be honest, I don't know if did well or not. I hope you guys won't hate me for this. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chap, this chap made me do a lot of thinking, and combine with the stress of being a student. This is quite exhausting to do. But I don't regret it, since, for me, this is a form of escapism. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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