

Chapter 69


''What kind of encounter is this...''


Lin Feng sighed after he shouted as Zhu Zhuqing staring at him with a weird expression.

''What a chance...'' He muttered while averting his gaze to Zhu Zhuqing.

(Hmm, why is he shouting like that?) Zhu Zhuqing thought.

Even though Zhu Zhuqing is answering Lin Feng's question, she's still wary of his presence.

(What a weird guy) She assumed while staring at Lin Feng.

''Zhu Zhuqing.'' Lin Feng spoke, ''You're from the zhu clan, right.''

''Mm, I'm from the zhu clan.'' She answered with a nod.

Lin Feng's lips are twitching a little bit as he stared at her because he's still absolutely remembered the content of the engagement contract.

The youngest kid of the respective side will get engaged with each other, and if they're not willing or have a particular problem, they can reject it.

Even though he doesn't have to accept the contract, but still feels pretty weird as this contract is not for him.

''What a burden...'' Lin Feng muttered with a sigh, ''Should I break the contract.''

(But, did she know?) He thought while staring at Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

''Do you have a fiance.'' He suddenly asked, which brings out a frown on Zhu Zhuqing's face.

''Why did you ask that...'' Zhu Zhuqing coldly replied as she stared at Lin Feng.

''Well, here.'' Lin Feng said while throwing the engagement contract to her.

''Hmm...'' Zhu Zhuqing calmly accepted the contract and read it.

''This is...''

''Bai Yi'er.''

''The Black Sword Demoness.'' Zhu Zhuqing's body is suddenly trembling as she read even further into the contract.

''Zhu Clan Patriach...''

''After we respectively have descendants, the youngest one will get engaged, but if they have a problem, they can cancel this contract, and the next generation will fulfill it.''

''Y-You are the grandson of the black sword demoness...'' Zhu Zhuqing said as she raised her head and staring at Lin Feng.

(Doesn't that mean my father should be engaged to his mother) She thought while her eyes widened by sudden facts.

''But, she's married to another man...'' She muttered with a weird expression.

As the news or rumor about a man defeating a whole clan by himself is already very well known among the high-ranking nobles around nine years ago.

But, it got covered by the lin clan as it becomes an unspoken secret between the nobles.

''Because the first generation can't fulfill the contract, then the next generation...''

''W-We're engaged.'' Zhu Zhuqing stated with a bewildered expression.

She is standing like a statue on the ground because this contract is causing too much shock.

''Haha...'' Lin Feng chuckled as he shakes his head, ''Yeah.''

''But, we can break the contract as long two of us agree.''

(Well, even without breaking the contract, I'll not accept the engagement as I don't have reason to do it) Lin Feng thought as he's waiting for Zhu Zhuqing to respond to his words.

''Eh...'' Zhu Zhuqing comes out from the daze.

''Breaking the engagement...''

(The black sword demoness is a powerful woman) She thought while gripping her hand.

''Her power is so powerful to the extent become abnormal.''

''She has a titled douluo power when she's only at soul douluo realm.''

(Her grandson must be strong too, right) Zhu Zhuqung thought.

She finally realizes the feature of Lin Feng's face, which is similar to a woman picture in her father's room.

''Lin Rou...''

''The white saintess...''

''We are engaged...'' She muttered, ''But, he wants to break the contract.''

(I want to become stronger) She thought while staring at Lin Feng.

''But, if I stay in this place...''

''I can't become strong.''

''Zhu Clan.''

''Huu...'' Zhu Zhuqing releasing a heavy breath as she tried to calm herself down.

''Are you strong.'' She suddenly asked Lin Feng.

''Huh?'' Lin Feng tilted his head.

He doesn't expect her to ask this kind of question.

''Strong, huh...'' He said while staring at Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

''I'm Strong,'' He stated with a smile.

''You're strong...'' Zhu Zhuqing calmly stated while her eyes simultaneously change with the left eye becoming dark green and the right eye clear blue while her hands are transforming into claws.

''You want to break the engagement contract, right.''

''Yeah,'' Lin Feng replied with a nod.

''We can break the contract, but...'' Zhu Zhuqing said with a nod.

''Fight Me.''

''Eh, fight-,'' Lin Feng dazed as a claw appears in front of his face.

''Wait, wait, calm down.'' He said while catching the claws with his hand.

''Hell rush Stab.'' Zhu Zhuqing whispered as one yellow spirit ring appears behind her.

She then released her claw from Lin Feng as her speed suddenly doubled.

''Master...'' Aria said while staring at him.

''Aria, you stay there,'' Lin Feng instructed, ''You don't have to intervene with this kind of problem.''


(What a drag) He thought and sighed while calmly staring at the illusory figure of Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing is encircling Lin Feng with a fast speed while her eyes are searching for his weak points, which he deliberately showed with a smile on his face.

(This should be enough) Lin Feng thought while taking a step back, which trigger Zhu Zhuqing to attack him.

''Gotcha.'' Lin Feng said while swaying his hand and catch Zhu Zhuqing's hands.

''So, that's it, right.''

Lin Feng smiled while staring at struggling Zhu Zhuqing in his hand.

''No!'' She coldly stated, ''Show me your full power.''

''Okay...'' Lin Feng nodded, and tremendous pressure is coming out from his body.


The ground got cracked as four black spirit rings floating around his body.

His body then got covered by darkness as his eyes become pale bluish-white with slit-like dragon eyes.

''Is this enough...'' Lin Feng said while staring at her.

(Powerful, He's so powerful) Zhu Zhuqing thought while feeling stared by the darkness. Her body suddenly becomes cold as sweat running on her face.

''Y-You're strong.'' She stated while nodding her head.

''Well, we can break the contract now.'' Lin Feng said as he released her from his grip, and she'd fall to the ground.

''What kind of pressure is that...'' She muttered while feeling the darkness creeping into her body.

''If I...'' She raised her head while hugging the engagement contract.

''We can break the contract If you can make me strong like you.''

''Eh, Huh?'' Lin Feng tilted his head with a speechless expression.

''Wait, what.''

''Why should I make you stronger.''

''We only met a few minutes ago.''

''Even if we have an engagement contract, I don't have to fulfill it because it's not me who is starting the contract.''

''It was your clan patriarch and Bai Yi'er, who is starting the contract.''

''I want to break the contract, so I don't have to handle it in the future.''

''Even if Bai Yi'er is here, I don't have to fulfill her problem as she doesn't have a deep connection with me.''

''Nine years, I lived without the help of the lin clan or Bai Yi'er.''

''Do you think they have a word in my life?'' Lin Feng tilted his head, ''The answer is no.''

(I only come to the clan for information after all) He thought as he doesn't claim his family bond.

(Well, the remaining feeling in this body is a drag for some reason) Lin Feng remembered that he is not able to control the overwhelming emotion from his heart.

Zhu Zhuqing becomes quiet as the contract falls from her hand.

''I want to become stronger...'' She suddenly said while staring at Lin Feng's eyes.

''This place is not helping me.''

''But, you can.'' She calmly stated.

''You have four black spirit rings, which means you have a great secret.''

''Of course, I can't use it since it was useless because you can easily silence me by just killing me right now.''

''I can't offer you anything except my body.'' She said while staring at Lin Feng.

''But, I want to become strong.''

(Female Titled Douluo, that's my dream) She thought while gripping her hand.

''Uh, Eeh...'' Lin Feng closed his eyes.

''Hmm?'' Lin Feng feels something hugging his leg.

''I want to become stronger.'' Zhu Zhuqing said with a firm tone.


Lin Feng sighed while staring at the girl, who is hugging his leg.

''Fine.'' Lin Feng responded while taking the contract and burn it with gray flame.

''She's bold...''