
I Am a Protegenitor Vampire

A teenage high school boy was preparing for an important exam that would define his future. when he was about to take the exam an unfortunate event causes his death. But due to an interference he is thrown into a completely different world where he would not be a human. He would be something superior to the human race, he will be a Vampire! but not any Vampire he would be the Progenitor of an entire race. He accompanies him on his adventures as he learns and delves deeper into his new abilities as well as a support system similar to the system of an old game. All while you begin to strengthen and create armies together with a great Nation.

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34 Chs

Saving a merchant from goblins

After eating and a break to go to the bathroom we continue through the forest which as we advance further the trees begin to shrink significantly.

This was a good sign that we were on the right track.

Although I suppose there will be problems seeing our clothes.

I literally only own a simple baggy outfit made of solidified blood that Mana uses to maintain her shape.

On the other hand, Valery only wears cloth hidden by a brown tunic with many cuts at the hem.

"It will be difficult to enter a city" he muttered letting my thoughts escape.

"Because?" Was what Valery asked.

"Well at first we don't know the normal process to enter a city, or even have a valid ID to start with" I explained briefly.

"What if we miss the guard?" that question surprisingly came from Valery.

"Extort? It can work but we won't risk it" he replied to his question.

Closing someone is certainly necessary at certain times but if you use it often everything can go wrong in a single moment.

So let's leave that option as the last one on the list.

After an hour more on the way I could see in the distance the so anchored road which came out of the forest.

It was undoubtedly a dilapidated road with no grass around it due to the passing merchant carriages.

Finally we left the forest and entered flatter terrain, although a bit irregular but jungle for the moment.

"Hmm..." Valery made a sound while looking at Asia ahead.

Looking in the direction he noticed that about 100 meters away a group of goblins which were about 15 in total which were fighting against some species of untrained escort.

"Matias, what do we do?" Valery asked me, waiting for him to say something.

Goblins are weak creatures which don't get past the initial stage but in large numbers they are annoying.

Also if I want we can just walk past and ignore it but I'm not that kind of person who ignores someone who needs help.

I guess one of these days something bad will happen to me for helping people in need.


"Let's take care of the goblins. Tell me, do you have any weapon preferences?" I look at Valery who put a hand on his chin.

Along with that an expression of concentration passed over his face.

"Sword" he Said he suddenly.


"Yes, I feel like I'll be good to them."

"I see in that case..."

Using my blood manipulation and mana control I began to create a sword which had a normal appearance except for its color which was completely red.

When I finished creating it, I gave it to Valery who was impressed by my skills.

Along with that in my hands appeared two knives.

"Let's go save those merchants" I said as I started to run.

Our speed was incredible, it only took us 5 seconds to get to where the goblins were.

They didn't have a chance.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed how Valery was using the sword in a way that seemed incredible to me.

Of course I'm not a master of the sword but from what I can see Valery has a natural talent for it.

Even while dodging the goblins, he moves with a certain grace cutting them all down.

Diverting my attention from his fight I focus on mine.

I could see that a goblin was raising a rusty sword to strike a wounded man so I threw my knife.


The knife was inserted directly into his skull, killing him in the apartment.

I guess it's best not to show my Vampire skills.


About three goblins rushed to attack me at the same time but they were very slow.

Conjuring three blades he threw them towards the goblins who didn't stand a chance.

Shock! Shock! Shock!

The three bodies fell to the ground inert.

When I turned I saw how two goblins were jumping to attack me together but out of nowhere they were pierced by a sword which pierced them both in the chest.

Looking closer, I realized that it was Valery who had sharp eyes, as if she were a seasoned hunter.

For some reason I felt a slight chill up my spine from those eyes.

I pity whoever becomes his enemy.

"Mathias are you alright?" So her look changed from a sharp one to eyes of concern?


Did she worry that I hurt myself?

Damn I want to cry!

"Huh? No, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me there" I thanked even though it wasn't necessary.

I have a high Regeneration and I am very resistant although she does not know it.

"T-thank you for saving me" said a man who had a normal appearance among a grown man of about 30 to 40 years old, with clothes of some kind of merchant.

"..." Valery was silent so I decided to take everything here.

"You're welcome" I said grabbing the cold subject or at least an imitation.

"You guys are quite strong, are you adventurers?"

"No, but we are going to the city to become an adventurer."

I was surprised that there were adventurers even though for some reason I expected it.

I guess they who were fighting the goblins were adventurers if I'm not wrong.

"I see...You are going to the city of Parth...If so, would you like to join us?" Offered the merchant.

Oh I can use this to get into the city!

"Do you wish me to escort you?" Ask a little defensively.

"Ah, yes. Of course I'll pay you" said the merchant.

"What do you think, Valery?" I looked at my partner who nodded with her head.

"Then, it will be a pleasure sir..." I stopped not knowing her name.

"My name is Cliff. And what is yours?"

"My name is Matias and this is Valery" she introduced us both where Valery gave her a nod.

"Then a pleasure to meet both Matias and Valery."

So we got on the car, although of course I made sure to take their mana cores as well as claws.

After getting on the carriage, everything began to move while those who seemed to be adventurers stood on the sides to protect.

Since I had nothing to do I decided to talk to Cliff.

"Do goblin claws and horns sell?" I asked for .

"Yes. They do, even though they're awfully cheap. It's only used for low-quality potions."

Is it so?

I guess spending two hours clipping the claws and fangs was a waste of time. Cliff wasn't done though.

"But even if that's the case, if you take them to the adventurer's guild, you should be able to get a reward" Cliff said making my ears perk up.

"But anyway I never imagined that we would be attacked by a large group of goblins, on this route."

"Is that so?" He asked like all the curious person that I am.

"Yes. This is a route that is generally visited by adventurers, although not many have been passing lately."

"Because?" I asked paying my full attention.

At my question Cliff made a thoughtful face.

"Truthful, about a month ago something appeared in the forest and started to cause commotion in all the beasts. The beasts in the high stage started to disappear one after another causing many monsters to come out of their areas causing chaos."

At his explanation I began to sweat a little nervously.

I couldn't say that I was the one responsible for this since I began to kill the beasts at the high stage of rank 1 without mercy.

So better play dumb.

"That's why I hired this adventure team and you already know the rest" Cliff finished his explanation.

After a few minutes we continued talking where I continued with my questions.

Apparently this forest was known as the plain of grass.

This was a grassy plain known for its powerful stage 1 monsters, although it is rumored that there were some rank 2 monsters in this forest.

Fortunately I didn't meet any of them and I'm not excited to do so soon, it's best to take things easy.

Something that I also explain is that the rank of adventurers are divided into several ranks.

From F rank to S rank which was the highest of all.

Yes, it was a really fruitful talk.

And charm Fenrir and Valery well they fell asleep after 30 minutes.

I guess apart from being lazy they are gluttons.

Heh...I have a lousy sense of humor but well it's not like someone listens to me talking to myself all the time.