
I Am a Protegenitor Vampire

A teenage high school boy was preparing for an important exam that would define his future. when he was about to take the exam an unfortunate event causes his death. But due to an interference he is thrown into a completely different world where he would not be a human. He would be something superior to the human race, he will be a Vampire! but not any Vampire he would be the Progenitor of an entire race. He accompanies him on his adventures as he learns and delves deeper into his new abilities as well as a support system similar to the system of an old game. All while you begin to strengthen and create armies together with a great Nation.

RedNovel · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Learning new things


Giving a deep yawn I start my second day in this new world.

Just as I remember, I was in the same place as yesterday, where the remains of the campfire were still smoldering.

Standing up I do a slight stretch while my joints begin to crack.

No doubt sleeping on the floor is really uncomfortable but for now that's all there is.

Last night I was using my analysis ability and I was able to know a little more about Mana and how it works.

I found out that Mana is a special substance filled with strange particles through analysis.

These particles react to the intent of their wielder and shape the Mana so that it takes the form of the elements of the world.

Those who have an elemental affinity will have an easier time molding their Mana to that same element of the world.

Those who have an elemental affinity will find it easier to manipulate the Mana of that element compared to the rest.

I know it's a bit complicated even I don't fully understand it, plus System leaves many gaps in the information.

Maybe because I don't know many things or who really knows.

But now knowing this information I need to meditate a bit to know that feeling and then how to activate the Mana in my body.

Taking a seated position with my hand at chest level while I close my eyes, beginning to concentrate on any sensation that is not natural, that is, like a strange feeling or something like that.

At first I did not feel anything strange and this continued for a few minutes.

I was about to scream and complain but it was at that moment that I felt something deep inside of me.

It was a warm sensation which was in the center of my chest and stomach one that began to expand.

Let's go just a little further!

Using my willpower and all my concentration I managed to make that feeling come out of some kind of barrier.


Suddenly my eyes widened as I could see little specks of different colors floating around me, I could even see it coming out from my body and coming back to me.

So this is the Mana?

It's a relaxing and cozy feeling.

Or that was the best I can describe at the moment.

After a few minutes of moving the Mana throughout my body, I received a notification from System.


[You have obtained level 1 Mana Control Skill]

[Your basic stats have increased by 10 points.]



Could it be that when the Mana awakens in my body it begins to get stronger?


I don't get anything from my question, seriously this System has to be faulty or something.

Anyway since I won't get an answer I'll focus on how to use my abilities.


Name: Matthias

Race: Vampire

Title: Progenitor Vampire

Male gender

Vitality: 310/310

Mana: 140/140

Strength: 55

Dexterity: 80

Magic: 40

(Unique Skills)

Unique Ability (System)

Unique Skill (Immortal Body)

Unique Ability (Blood Manipulation)

Unique Ability (Vampirism)

Race Skills

[Vitality Recovery Lv: 1]

[Blood Absorption Lv: 1]

[Perfect Vision Lv: 1]

[Minor Regeneration Lv: 1]

[Vampirism Lv: 1]


[Mana Manipulation Lv: 1]


(Fire Resistance Lv: 1)

(Wind Resistance Lv: 1)

(Thunder Resistance Lv: 1)


If status and Unique and Race Skills are here.

Although there is a new section for normal skills I assume that these are the common skills of video games.

Also the way they are separated and classified is quite useful.

Well now that I know this let's learn how to use skills.

Taking the same position as before, I close my eyes immediately feeling the Mana that circulates in my body.

It began to unconsciously guide it towards my blood and for some unknown reason I felt like it could guide my blood.


Suddenly, before my eyes I saw how a kind of blade made of blood came out from my forearm, which took 5 Mana points from me.

When I lost my concentration due to this fact, the blade completely fell apart and the blood fell to the ground, where it immediately turned into red smoke, vanishing with the wind.


I did it!

I really did!


I was really happy now.

At last I had progress, no matter how little and insignificant it was, I had progress and that was enough.

Now I just need to keep trying until I can form a functional blood knife.

If I manage to create the knife, I will be able to separate the meat and the skin of the animals that I will soon marry, and that will be quite useful to improve the flavor of the meat.

Making a new determination, I began to experiment and practice with what I had recently discovered.

By relaxing my muscles I begin to control the Mana in my body.

Again I follow that sensation where I manipulate the blood to give it shape.

Although the result remains the same.

When it begins to take shape, it begins to unravel and I still don't know why.

Try to use the least amount of Mana and it breaks the same thing happens if you tried to use more Mana points.

Three hours had passed and I had to take a break to go to the bathroom to do my basic needs like any living creature.

After coming back I continued with the training for about an hour more but in the end I ended up with no Mana, it was literally at zero.

Along with that I had a feeling of dizziness which forced me to lean against a tree for thirty minutes.

In that time I was able to recover around 20 Mana.

I started marrying some rabbits.

Luckily, it doesn't take me more than a few minutes to run into a rabbit pal with a total of five rabbits.

Now that I look closely, these rabbits have a kind of sharp horn that protrudes from their forehead.

Maybe why I was in a narcotic state due to hunger I couldn't realize but now I do.

While watching the rabbits they were quietly eating grass with their guard down.

This is a good opportunity to attack and I did so.

I jumped right over the rabbits which were startled by being suddenly attacked.

Thanks to the fact that I was fast I was able to catch one while I was squeezing its trachea, killing it immediately, the other rabbits seemed to look at me angrily so they jumped towards me.



Giving a cry of pain I feel an indescribable pain which hit my back along with that another one followed my right leg.


This hurts too much!

I felt a strong pain which did not allow me to move.

I knew that I shouldn't neglect myself for just being simple rabbits.

After feeling how another horn was nailed to my side, I saw how now four rabbits were inscribed on my body.

Fortunately or unfortunately I could move my arms although at a great price that was a great pain.

Grabbing the rabbit that was on my side I squeezed its neck killing it immediately.

Then I repeat this action with the one on my back.

Followed by the one on my other leg.

Falling to the ground I feel how my blood began to come out of the wounds although I could feel how they began to close slowly.

I guess this is my 'Immortal Body' ability starting to act.

Looking at my vitality I notice that it was around 20%.

[Vitality: 85/310]

After staying there for a few minutes, I felt like my wounds had completely closed, although I felt very hungry after the Regeneration.

Taking a rabbit I nail my fangs beginning to drain it of all its blood, like two others.

Taking the four rabbits I have food for about three days according to my calculations, that will be a good time to learn how to create a successful ice blade.