
I Am a Protegenitor Vampire

A teenage high school boy was preparing for an important exam that would define his future. when he was about to take the exam an unfortunate event causes his death. But due to an interference he is thrown into a completely different world where he would not be a human. He would be something superior to the human race, he will be a Vampire! but not any Vampire he would be the Progenitor of an entire race. He accompanies him on his adventures as he learns and delves deeper into his new abilities as well as a support system similar to the system of an old game. All while you begin to strengthen and create armies together with a great Nation.

RedNovel · Fantasía
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34 Chs


"Hey wait a minute!"

And that way my trouble signal was activated.

"Matias..." Valery said.

"It's not with us" I said calmly while we both walked calmly.

"Hey you the brat and the elf" I yelled again making me annoyed by the brat comment.

"I told you to wait, are you ignoring me?"

Seriously, this guy is irritating, I want to kill him.

Even now that I'm a vampire I slowly talk about killing like it's normal now...

"What do you want?" the question came from Valery who was visibly upset.

At Valery's clearly annoyed tone, the guy who looks like a bandit took a step back in some fear but then made an annoyed face.

"That's favoritism!"

"Huh? Favoritism?" Is this guy missing some screws?

"Yeah, when I sold the twin bear skin earlier, it wasn't even bought for 2000 zenis!"

Hearing those words, the receptionist let out a tired sigh and also a little irritated.

"You are the adventurers who brought that hide in such a bad condition, correct?"

"Yeah, we've handed over the same two-headed bear, so we should have gotten the same amount of money?!" demanded the subject.

At this the receptionist puts a sharp look on while she speaks.

"It's not the same at all. The materials you brought are in a terrible state, hardly usable" explained the receptionist.

"Hee? Bad state? What the hell are you talking about?!" he demanded annoyed.

"But what a jerk. That's why I hate brainless muscles like you... Because power is high you act big and powerful but in reality you're a beginner, you don't even know the slightest bit about what an adventurer is."

Woah. The receptionist does have a sharp tongue, better from now to be a little careful when dealing with her.

"Your group had surrounded Twin Bear, and recklessly stabbed ruining it on all sides."

"Yeah, we brought him into a trap and then the 5 of us attacked him. Since his threat is only D, the main ones were advised to be careful, but it was an absolute victory the others are just scared girls." She sneered at the adventurers present who frowned and daggered at this guy.

I think I understand a little.

They confused defeating with acquiring.

In order to obtain the greatest profit, the materials must be as well preserved as possible, otherwise none of this can be used.

I guess that's why the price is so low, although 2,000 Zenis isn't bad at all.

For now I'll just watch with interest this is fun.

"Is that so?" The Clerk gives an evil smile then she points to a twin bear carcass in terrible condition.

"One of the heads completely destroyed, Claws missing, organs slashed and torn lowering its value, skin with multiple bruises and a hole, along with dirt further reducing its value. In conclusion it is garbage." Said the receptionist.

"Shut up woman, stop bothering! Speaking of things that seem appropriate, fuck me! the amount was unfair."

"That's true!"

Her classmates said standing next to her. In addition, the conversation turned into shouting from the adventurers.

This guy is really irritating.

Even now I feel like hitting this guy.

Name: Damon

Race: Beastman (dog)

Male gender

Mana Core Cultivation: Rank 1 (Middle Stage)

Vitality: 1424/ 1424

Mana: 288/288

Strength: 120

Dexterity: 187

Magic: 78





[Ax Techniques]


[Poison Resistance]


If this guy is a tremendous weakling.

"Also how the hell a vampire and an elf bitch brought so many beasts!" Bosifero the dog man.

"The exchange must have been fixed!" I scream in anger.

"So what? How does it really affect you? Just the fact that they're better than you make accusations like that" The Receptionist said, annoyed as well.

"...This! This is related! I repay that money should have been ours to begin with. We have the right to take it back!"

Okay officially this guy is dead now.

But first I have to wait for him to attack, if he attacks I have an excuse to take his life, in self-defense.

"They earned their materials fairly, and the way it was dismantled was of the highest quality."

"Do you really think so? Hey you're one of the filthy blood sucking breed right?" The subject spoke this time focusing on me.

"Yeah and what with that" I said seriously.

"The vampire race is famous because their race possesses high levels of magic and regeneration but beyond that they are mass murderers. Mindless beasts, it would be better if they all get killed."

At this comment my vision began to turn red.

Naturally I had the pride of a vampire and well making fun of my new breed was as serious an offense as if they insulted your parents that's how angry I felt.

"And what about that beautiful elf woman, I'm sure she saved your life more than that. When she defeats you I'll make sure to make her my wife."

This comment made his friends laugh but the other adventurers and receptionist frowned in disgust.

"Tsk...You just bark and don't bite" I scoffed.

"I'd rather marry a monkey than you son of a bitch" Valery said causing my mouth to open in surprise.

I didn't know Valery had that language.

"Hehehe...The guild doesn't get into a fight between adventurers. So they won't intervene right?"

At this the receptionist nodded.

At this I let out a sigh, these guys are all so weak that I won't even feel sorry for their deaths.

"Stop talking and fight dog" I said annoyed.

"Bastard I'll kill you" He yelled as he pulled out his ax and his friends weapons from him.

At this I look at valery who simply took out his sword ready for battle.

"Kill them" I said bored.

Immediately she rushed towards her friends who were four against one.

The man's friends dressed threw blows and cuts to kill Valery but she is moving with great ease, dodging them all.

Then she moved the blood sword cutting off the head of one.

He then kicked another into her stomach who coughed up blood before a sword plunged into her chest.

The third jump to cut off his head which she could have done.

But unfortunately her sword didn't even cause a scratch.

"Weak" Valery said.


A cut cut through his stomach leaving him on the ground.

and finally the last one broke his feet.

Faced with such a cruel sight, the adventurers were horrified by that act.

"What's happening?" I said seeing how the subject was trembling with fear.

"Wh-what the heck... F-monsters you guys are monsters" she said fearfully as she smiled.

"Come on, you didn't think we'd let them live. After all, you said so yourself... If I'm not wrong, you said: 'Battle to the death' and obviously I'm going to kill you." my tone was threatening.

In one swift movement both of the subject's legs were severed from the ankle.

"Ah? I-I, AAAAAHHH! My leg is--! Hiaaa!"

Disgusting! Disgusting! Bush!

These thoughts were in my head.

"Those who are weak have no place in the world" I said those words while taking out a bloody tentacle ready to pierce his head but I stopped myself.

"It's not worth it" she muttered.

It's not because I'm afraid to take a life, but because this isn't me. Certainly this guy was scum but he was a rational being, I'm not some megalomaniac killer who kills everyone with a smile on his face.

Walking asia, the guy kicked his body sending him crashing against the wall of this building where he was left unconscious.

Walking around the other four I nail my tails into his body while I take the head of the first attaching it to his neck and then I give him my blood where the head attaches.

This was thanks to my Vamp ability that could restore any mortal wound even though it takes 300 Mana to do so.

Then I took the other three and revived them.

I finally reached the subject who looked at me terrified.

"Be thankful that I revived your companions in an act of goodwill. So that this never happens..." I trailed off as I cauterized the stump with fire magic.

Now he will never be able to walk again.

"Matias, why did you do it?" Valery asked curiously to which I remain silent.

Given my lack of response, Valery did not insist any more.

"Well I'm sorry about what you just saw a minute ago so I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention anything!" Said.

and with that we left this place leaving a strange first impression.