
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
70 Chs

Chapter 43

"Kid! You're so fucking handsome. Is there a man as strong as you?"

After sex, we continued to enjoy oral sex with beauty and brag about ourselves as before, when Wu, who was sitting opposite me, said lazily, "John! How does Ba 'al feel about shutting down his sister?"

'What is it? Didn't I ask you to introduce me?"

"Why do you introduce me? You've already done it. What could be more intimate than that?"

"Wait, you... What did you say? '

In response to my surprised expression, Wu seemed to be frightened, and pulled up the blue chested prostitute who was sucking between his hips. Qi said, "Have you never seen this before in the King? The one with big white legs is the eldest sister Lili, and the one with little white buttocks is the second sister Lili. I thought you already knew that."

"What a... Bastards, didn't you say they only sent a letter two days ago? '

"They sent ordinary letters, and they rode fast horses here, and the letters arrived at the same time as the people, and I was very helpless! Imperial Mail is so inefficient."

'They came to you because they were raped by their father, and you -- you just threw them into the fire! You, you..."

'Ehhhhh! Is it strange? ' A Wu spread his hand and said helplessly, "Every woman who comes to me, I do this! If it were not for the brothel, how can there be so many empty rooms to entertain people at any time?"

Looking at his very innocent expression, there is one thing, a very important thing, I finally remembered: A Wu's name, a very imposing, can be called a pillar of the country's good name... His name is "Wu - Tian - Liang".

What kind of "friend" can you expect someone like me to make?

As for Umu's request, to be honest, I am a little worried and don't want to get involved in too many bureaucratic battles. But when he mentioned that his immediate boss, the superintendent of the water Army, is the main judge of this technician competition, to operate the technician competition, first of all to remove his obstruction, for this reason, I only reluctantly help him to adjust the medicine, but still want him to swear, just make a sex scandal, never hurt lives, save me.

"You're such a real person, that you can't even trust a good friend?"

"Not a good friend, but you. Ba and his sisters just trust you too much, so now they're in a whorehouse and they're getting weak legs..."

"Well, weren't you happy when you fucked them last night?" A Wu said, "Okay, okay, I swear, if I use your medicine to hurt people's lives, I can't be any official and be wanted like a dog, okay?"

This oath is OK, coupled with hearing that the navy commander is not a good thing, I began to make medicine. The most effective aphrodisiac, of course, is deeply recommended by the master of blood Mare, known as the world's first sex drug of chicken brain fragrance, but this thing effect is too strong, have to find a way to dilute it, fortunately, there are some raw materials on hand, although soaked in water, the effect may be a little bit worse, but will use it!

A witch seems to be very happy, took the magnetic bottle of chicken brain fragrance, and ran away joyously, see his greedy appearance, maybe this aphrodisiac first try twice, confirm the drug is strong, before taking to conspiracy to harm. Sure enough, on the same night, it came out that a witch in the "exquisite complaint" inside when the wild Johns, called more than 30 prostitutes open open assembly, and finally almost fine people died of the tragic thing.

This is in my expectation, so when two of his white magicians, looking embarrassed to knock on my door, I angrily will be a pot of prepared antidote to them. Fengnao Xiang the day of the first sexual drug can not be solved, so I gave them, I copied from the magic book of sexual magic, to ensure that immediately after ejaculation back to the "dragon essence tiger fierce Dan", it is estimated that he can support until the toxic release.

After the event, of course, there were some painful costs. When I met a Wu, he almost lost a circle of weight, and his waist could not straighten up. He could only lie on the soft couch and talk to me with no energy like a dead dog.

Even though he had made a big mistake, he didn't show any embarrassment. Shame has nothing to do with him. If he cared about it, he wouldn't have been promoted to such an official. In fact, he didn't even learn a single lesson.

After that, A Wu discussed with me that he had a new crush on a beautiful and pretty little widow, but he had no good idea how to keep it as a domain.

"This little widow's name is Bai Shuqing. This is the portrait. Look, isn't it beautiful?"

I took the picture from A Wu's hand, and it turned out to be a beautiful creature, with pointed ears and a bushy tail. She was an orc of the Fox clan. Among all races, the Fox tribe is famous for producing handsome men and beautiful women. The little widow was so beautiful that Wu, who always liked beautiful mature women, would not let it go. I wonder what his difficulties were.

"A deputy commander of the Navy, how could he fail to deal with a civilian widow? What do you think? Is there any powerful person behind her that you can't mess with?"

"No, it's just that the little widow is a chaste woman who has opened a good house for orphans and the weak and the old, and is very famous in Narivia, and you don't want to offend the people by touching her."

So, no wonder the fellow asked me for help. After some thought, I already had an idea and whispered, "Kai Shan Tang or something, the population in it must be complicated. Just make a charge that she is harboring fugitives, or that she is secretly engaged in human trafficking, and then send someone to arrest her and interrogate her, so you can do whatever you want."

"Brilliant plan! Masterplan! It is indeed my good friend, the beast John Farrell! '

'Who is the beast? Huh? Who are you fucking now? Aaah! You lecherous animal, are you fucking with his sister again? Don't you have a bad conscience?"

"What do you suggest we do?"

'Well, then! I have also brought with me two pieces of aphrodisiac for them to eat, so that if they do not give them up, they will die. In order to save the life of my dear friend and sister, we both had to come forward with tears, so that our conscience would be at peace. Last time I did Lily with big white legs, let me fuck Lily's little white ass this time... Yup! Wu, why are you staring at me like that?"

"Now I finally understand why you are the Commander of the Empire and I am only a small lieutenant of the Navy!"

Because there is no place to settle in Nalyvia, Gladys and I are now living in a villa owned by A Wu. In order to hold the "Tomorrow's Master craftsman is You" contest, she borrowed a lot of books and came back to study them carefully.

There was quite a bit of a fuss about borrowing them. As Gladys was not in a position to borrow books from the library of the Technician College, the task fell to Wu, of course. When the library did not want to borrow books on the grounds that "important books are forbidden to be borrowed", this fellow immediately marched into the library with five hundred soldiers and seized three thousand precious books in one go on the pretext that "treasonous criminals exchange secrets through the collection of books". All of them were moved back to the villa for Gladys' reference. For several days, Gladys buried herself in a mountain of books, leafing through one after another with the greatest concentration.

Gladys's elven blood came from her father, so it was said, but her father was no more than a slave, and when her mother was relegated to slavery, she met a master who liked to watch cross-breeding shows and let his female slaves and house slaves put on sex shows. Elves, orcs, and even stallions in the stables had had sex with Gladys's mother, and as a result, It was a rather humiliating question for Gladys to be asked who her father was.

But perhaps now she would thank the father who had given her elven blood. Compared with pure blood humans, elves have a better memory and learning ability, and the reason why they are driven ahead by humans is mainly because of the unbridled creativity of humans. This is the biggest reason why humans can compete with all races on the continent, and at the same time, the strengths inherited from both sides of the parents, Gladys is like a sponge thrown into the bucket. At an amazing speed to absorb knowledge quickly.

At my request, Umu brought in some instructors from the Technician College to tutor Gladys. I had helped her make up and put on her veil, pretending to be a noble daughter from the King's capital, so that the old stubborn people could teach her. A few days later, the lecturers were amazed, the original arrogant attitude changed 180 degrees, competing to receive this rare five hundred years to see the wizard as a disciple, however, every lecturer also has the same sigh: now to learn magic, it is too late, limited achievements, waste a piece of good material.

I had already thought about this before. In this age of martial arts, after all, the artisans in the world still cast divine soldiers as the mainstream, which is an indisputable fact. However, what kind of things are called divine soldiers? Take a sword as an example, the first requirement is naturally sharp, cutting iron like mud, but only with excellent materials and polishing, the effect is limited, and where in the world is there so much black iron and fine gold?

The curse of sharpening the blade when casting the sword is the origin of the foundry revolution, and the development of this technique is that of the dwarf master who was born in Solancia and got the title of "Father of the divine soldier" - Lon Mozart. Adding all kinds of gems to the sword, breaking through the technical barriers of "magic and metal mutually exclusive", so that the magic sword can be cast successfully, which is his credit. After him, the first-class God soldier has some unexpected functions: deposited in the master's body, self-repair, hidden powerful magic spells...