
Chapter 2 Reward and future plans V2

watching as the slot machine application on my system screen finally stops spinning my fingers are twisted from my overcrossing them in dread of a bad roll, or god forbids I get turned into a Gatcha prize for that ginger demon from FGO, with eye closed and my fluffy buddy comforting me I open them as the sounds of RPG level up music is playing

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Congratulations user you have acquired an SR ranked item]

[Modified Type 2 energy weapon/hammer added to inventory]

[description loading....]

A melee weapon originating from the Halo universe, wielded by many fierce warriors throughout history, this customised variant can deal twice as much gravity damage and feed off the energy of the user to recharge itself, able to be customised more,

due to obtaining a weapon not existing in users home universe [blueprint Gravity hammer] has been added to users inventory by subtracting 200 universal credits from users universal bank account.


I have so many questions right now, apparently, my system gatcha tiers are different than my starter cheats, I have a super convenient bank account that just got charged so pretty sure I am in debt now just cuz my gatcha is a bitch.....calm yourself Jaune we can do this just calm your mind breath in and out in and out

sensing my turmoil my fluffy buddy licks my face and gently rubs its face against mine, so cute and lovely definitely going to make an army of you guys to protect my house and family,

"system, explain all about the Gatcha please since feel like you will try to screw me over again later and how can I add more cash to my bank account and if this bank can do other services for me since pretty sure due to my E-rank luck shenanigans are likely to happen a lot in the future please and thank you"


[understood loading files for explanation loading...........load complete]

the gatcha tiers are, Trash for bad pulls and are most likely useless things as rocks or harmful things suck as items with the intention of cursing the user, Common would be as stated common items which are worth something but won't get you much in the terms of cash depending on the universe you are in prices can be affected as they say one man's trash is another treasure.

Uncommon which are more likely to get higher prices in the long run.

Rare as stated are rare and guaranteed to make others curious how you obtained it and can be sold for high prices.

Super rare, hard to find items and will get you lots of cash.

Ultra rare and extremely difficult to find.

Mythic, items are guaranteed to be magical in nature and sold for extraordinary amounts of cash in the auction house.

God obviously related in some way to deities or at least able to make one ranked among them, almost priceless and finally Genesis tier and you would be stupid to even think to sell those

to simplify it the system will list them as T, C, UC, R, SR, UR, M, G and SSS for the genesis tier. the gatcha does not just give items, it can spit out materials, living creatures and even energy. as for the bank they can be used for many things, such as auction house for bidders and those that want to sell to meet, storage and can be used to convert your currency into any of the worlds you are in. to earn cash complete missions or defeat enemies, due to your system 1/4 of the Grimm essence of the Grimm you defeat is converted into Lien, 100 Lien is equally to 1 point or universal credit. the bank can also be used to invest in business or projects. the Bank is also connected to a nexus of different businesses with a search function at the main lobby to access the teleportation function mentally use the Teleport function while wearing your UPCD

[current remaining funds 1800 points]


"wait a minute you took 200 points from me, god that's a lot of cash one of Ruby's costume change coasted 20 liens!!!!! how is that equal ugh will just use my damn bracelet thing in inventory to pay for everything now hopefully this banks got its mitts on our worlds banks inner workings"

like seriously 5 copies of Ruby's outfit is worth 1 point and you times that by 200, note to self never let Coco or my sisters go shopping unattended with my account details unsupervised....well unless it's their birthday. it's nice having siblings that are well, not pricks so might end up spoiling them, just hope my younger ones can learn to cook since elder ones while super intelligent can only make war crimes in the bloody kitchen, the last time Bleu tried cooking still scares me as traumatic images of a purple goop begging to be released from its suffering flash throughout my mind Lucien uses his fluffy tale to get my attention back to the situation at hand, such a smart little cutie just born and already knows what needs to be done.

"hmm I wonder" I point my UPCD at Lucien and just as I thought it begins appraising him


[Lucien quartz Arc]

Age 0

Race Eeveevolt


[E-Change] amateur

Changes users race into any of the attribute evolutions, almost exactly the same as the Eeveelutions of pokemon but all having a large gem in their chest hidden by fur, the special crystal of the Eeveevolt race allows them to change with the higher the rank of the skill the more powerful and longer they can stay in their evolved forms. current time-limited 5 minutes

[focus energy] amateur

a move that increases the user's energy and focuses it into the next action, more experience with the skill allows the user access to more moves and allows the user to recover quicker.

[protect] amateur

creates an energy barrier around the user, the higher the skills rank the stronger and wider the area it covers. current limit 1 attack and around the users front.

[Tackle] amateur

a basic physical move used to typically headbutt or shoulder tackle the target, higher ranks deal larger damages and unlock more moves for the user.

[moves/techniques ranks go from, amateur, to basic, to advanced but some can rise beyond to master, grandmaster and god]


"thank god you are not a gamer system even if I am good at it I hate maths more than fire and considering I literally burned to death not that long ago that really means a lot" I begin to think maybe might be a little too unhinged about my death, sure most of the nerves in my body were damaged but still it hurt like hell, note to self when go to beacon academy ask for a few sessions with a counsellor if they have one considering canon Beacon was a little lacklustre and way too many concerning things come to mind like they let CRDL run around like frat boys, no one besides main characters and CVFY was any good at fighting and if those sick bastards touch Velvet with their dirty hands I will get biblical on their asses, okay looks like Jaunes love of bunnies really did leave its mark on me, note to self to bring a shovel for the bodies or blame Biff or whatever the yelling guy in the backseat name was.....oh dear sweet merciful buddha I am gonna have to sit through Ports lectures "mistakes where made" I whisper my tone full of despair at having to go through those days of hell listening to a old man tell stories of his youth alright better make a few ideas for training.

----------Mid Dinner time Arc house 6.30-----------------------------------------------------------------

"Jaune can you please tell me why you are stilling writing in that notebook you brought to the table," my mother asked of me as the rest of the family started staring at me with Embers eyes glowing in anticipation and hope its a new design for weapons or items as I sigh at being interrupted but then again it's my fault for being obviously suspicious

"something that's beyond necessary for the future, without it I fear I could never reach my goal of becoming stronger and reaching my dreams" a tone that demanded acknowledgement filled the room and my sisters stared into my eyes with the feeling of dread filling them, except Violate as she seemed to think my tone was funny, while my mother and father expressed shock at my answer

"Son can you please give us more details about what you're talking about" gently asked my father with a slight edge in his voice my siblings missed but from the glare from what moms making she really did not like what is about to be said as she gestured for the elder siblings to take violate and the rest out of the room which Bleu quickly went to do, with the worrying glances from my sisters as they left the room I signalled it would be okay to them as they left leaving me sighing as I look towards my parents hoping to word this right enough for them to believe me even if I have to lie them.

"I got the memories of a possible future this morning as I have seen you looking at me a little differently and I tell you now the kingdoms are doomed without our help" I begin my explanation of certain events of what can remember from the RWBY series including what really took Mt Glen down all those years ago, my fathers killing intent flooded the room at hearing me tell him how he lost friends to the delusions of a mad man playing god and how many lives were just pieces in an endless game of chess between the victims of the brother gods before detailing of the cannon version of me who begged for training just cheated his way into Beacon when no one believed in him and how he/I lost so many friends and family trying to stop Salems plans but failed, dyinging at the end with a gravity dust explosion sending me into a weird space where a mysterious group intrusted me with a few things before waking up in my bed this morning, I tear up a bit due to not liking lying to my family but from the look mom and dad are giving me they believe my explanation since while I know about dust and a few technical things thanks to my sisters none of them know anything about Aura or the names of certain important people in my explention and soon dread fills the room again as mom chokes me in a massive bear hug while sobbing as dads hands and lips are bleeding from his teeth and nails piecing his flesh in his sadness and rage before approaching me and apologising with all his might to our clans founders for failing them and letting possible millions die to his negligence and arrogance in his own power to protect our family. letting the elder siblings back and going for a less bloody recalling from our mother about my situation the 3 eldest Arc sisters swarm me with hugs and kisses while saying they will do as much as possible to assist me, with our father making plans to inform the Elders of the clan who are in the unexplored region currently named The dragon isles, and clearing it of Grimm and exploring the ruins there in order to make another secret Arc stronghold thanks to the kingdoms getting worse with plans for the area for constructing an even larger library than the one at HQ in Orleans in case the kingdoms are whipped out but their people still live afterwards to ensure our knowledge is not lost in case another great war happens or any kind of disaster that will wipe large amounts of the population out.

"We won't ask about your abilities for now but try not to use them too much before you turn eight, my son, that's when we will sort out your training, but for now, though you can show us them if you really want too, I know I wanted to show my parents my semblance as soon as I unlocked it, its called pathfinder the ability to never be lost, to know when I am needed within a 5-mile radius and passively tells me when my enemies are in a 10-meter ranger of me, its helped keep my friends and family safe" he reassured me while petting the girl's heads to calm them down as Saffron comes back carrying Violate in her arms, as she sees me she gives a happy cheer as the mood in the house has changed for the better, getting close to her I nuzzle her face with my own like what [dragon tendencies] is telling me to do showing her everything alright now and getting a cute little Kya kya sound from her in return.

"Behold the amazing Jaunes first trick" I wave my arms in dramatic fashion showing I have nothing in my sleeves as my siblings giggle at my funny overdramatic magician impression before reaching behind Violates ear and pulling out my fluffy buddy "ta-da" as he spins around my body before presenting himself to my family as the girls squeal "my first ability, [The tree of life] able to create any living being I can imagine, it was called something different but its way too pretty and nice to be called that" I declare my chest puffed and my face showing how much I hated calling it annihilation maker besides it obviously a subspecies so can call it something different. "I don't have the others unlocked but I do know I have a few more and would rather use them in a controlled environment maybe the backyard in a week or 2 after a little practice and yes Ember I do have tech abilities and yes Bleu and Rouge I will make something with you guys later, this is Lucien quarts Arc my first baby and yes I plan to introduce his species to the world later just working on a way to explain how we found the little guys" I reason with my sisters seeing that gleam in their eyes when they pull off or about to pull off random shenanigans that they will drag me into somehow as a tingling sensation fills my body again as 10 Eeveevolt eggs came out of my hand before linking to everyone in the room, the extras must be for the siblings to be born later on, I quickly scoop the leftover eggs back into my 'inner world' as I now call it till the ones they are meant for are born or before they hatch as these ones feel like they will take longer to come out, least can teach em to protect the girls before they born.

"Well looks like my gear just decided on giving us all own versions of my little friends here, feels like they will hatch in 2 days just glad it's a Friday so we don't have anything planned for the next few days" I joked as Mom just sighs while rubbing her head mumbling about me and all these surprises, lucky these guys can be pretty strong quickly as Pokemon are built like tanks and would probably give licensed hunters a difficult time as they could learn powerful moves and adapt quickly, I soon begin writing down my basic training regime based on Saitama's one with few ideas based on my own before switching to his when hit my teens before apprenticing under various relatives before heading to beacon

-------------------Jaune Arc's world-saving work out regime--------------------------------------------

50 push-ups

50 sit-ups

50 squats

5 KM run

500 sword swings

30 minutes Hoola hoop

2KM swim

every day starting at 8 years of age till teens preferable in a giant gravity chamber doubling the gravity every 6 months, with a diet made to help me grow better, maybe buy some food from gourmet worlds like in Toriko, if my calculations are right that's about 2,048 times the gravity of the planet will be enduring before finally doing the whole Saitama workout, well Jaune looks like going PLUS ULTRA alright, might even be able to bitch slap Salem to the moon if don't unlock my aura till 13 and start really breaking my limits as I look at my sisters enjoying Lucien's fluffy goodness I can't help but smile as I am determined to protect my family and my futures friends at Beacon, even if I must make some less than savoury moves in order to keep the world safe, I won't let idiots take away my happiness ever again, just hope dad will forgive me for making plans in case the elders think our ways aren't enough and I should try to make something for myself, its always good to have a backup plan