
Jax Troy 1

The overlapping circles glowed as it consumed the elements within the air. The elements combined to form a green ribbon.

The green ocean trembled as a steady stream of water rose up entering the dual circles.

The black orb revolved rapidly as it shrunk slowly but surely. It was deeply attracted by the green fog.

An hour or so later:

The cyan glow present within the atmosphere dimmed as the particles were being absorbed. Even the cyan sea was slowly losing its glow.The overlapping circles were emitting a cyan glow.

The black orb was the size of a mortal infant's head by now. Suddenly,it trembled as a formless wave travelled throughout the sea of consciousness.

Sensing this the overlapping circles stopped absorbing the cyan particles and the sea water. The circles started to revolve as the cyan glow was slowly being deposited within the centre.

It resembled a PBC. It represented a particle beam cannon. Usually,the PBC's absorb energy from their electromagnetic cores but the circles seemed to derive their energy from the sea of consciousness.

The black orb advanced towards the book. It was so fast that it left behind an afterimage.

The book wasn't to be underestimated. A cyan ray emerged from the circles centre as it extended towards the black orb.

The scene was truly magnificent. It was as if God himself took up a pen.

As soon as they collided a formless wave was emitted as darkness enveloped everything….







Argus grunted as he opened his eyes. There was a piercing pain in his eyes as he opened them. He took a deep breath as the oxygen entered his lungs it felt odd. Breathing.

It was a foreign sensation to him. His lungs had been replaced by artificial lungs when he was barely twelve.

He shook his head as he sat up. There was a burning pain in his chest.

'Did somebody take out my lungs?'


'Who would dare touch me!?'

Argus shook his head as he instinctively looked at his left wrist. His wristwatch should have been there. There was nothing there.


Argus spoke in his native tongue.




Iris: it was the administrative program of Gaia's Ark. It should have responded. Argus moved his right hand pressing behind his right ear.

It should have appeared. His genetic interface. Nothing. There was no response at all.

His wristwatch was missing. His genetic interface wasn't working. Iris was non-responsive.

What the hell is going on!?

"Calm down…."

"Calm down…."

"Calm down…."

Argus took deep breaths as he tried to calm down. The pain in his eyes disappeared as he looked around. He was lying on something uncomfortable. It was completely dark. The chamber seemed to suffocate him as he looked around.

"What the hell happened!?"

"Where am I!?"

Argus wondered as he touched his chest. There was a burning sensation spreading throughout his chest. It seemed unbearable.

He was wearing rough clothes. He tried to rip them off but was unsuccessful.


His body had gone through genetic modifications. It should have been easy to rip those clothes off.

The piercing sensation emerged from his chest again.

"Whatever!" Argus ignored the weird development and took his clothes off, properly this time.

He touched his chest.

"Ahh…" The pain was unbearable. He got off his bed and looked around. He needed to get medical assistance. Sooner than later.

"Swish…." As the wind blew there was a faint jingling sound. He looked around him and saw weird strings hanging down. There were colourful beads on them. He walked over and stood in front of it. He could see the stars and the moon beyond the strings and faint outlines of a few structures.

"What is this thing?"

He cautiously extended his hand. As soon as he was about to touch it he retracted it.

"It might be something dangerous…"

He grabbed his shirt and threw it towards the stringed beads. Nothing happend. The shirt collided with the stringed beads and fell down.

There were no electrical surges or plasma rays as Argus imagined.

Argus let out a faint breath he didn't realize he was holding. He extended his hand in front of him as he touched the stringed beads.


He slowly walked through and looked around. The first thing that struck him was the ground. It was uneven and covered in rocks.

On top of that he wasn't wearing anything other than his pants. He shuddered from the cold as faint moonlight cast its glow over his body. He looked down and could faintly discern an imprint on his chest. It looked like an eye.

"What the hell?"

He could hear the birds singing,the chirping of the cicadas,the rustling of the tree leaves.

He shook his head as he thought:

'What is this?'

The imprint looked as if someone took an iron rod and engraved it on his chest.

'I'll definitely put whoever did this in hell…'

'For now,I should go back inside.' Argus turned around as he entered back into the chamber.

He didn't want to put himself in any unwarranted danger. He sat back on whatever he was sitting on.

'What is this…?'

He wondered as he touched the crude thing he was sitting on.

'Where am I?'

'How the hell did I even get here?'

'Why isn't anything working!?'

'Was I kidnapped!?'

Although it might seem far fetched but there was substance in his thought. A lot of people,corporations and empires wanted to get rid of him.

Sitting in a giant floating fortress didn't help their cause in any way.

'Wait...I was in the Ark working on the prototype…'

'She came in and then….'

'What happened after that!?' Argus wondered as he grabbed his head.

'Did something happen to her!?'

'No way….how could anyone breach the Ark!?'

'Wait...wait...what about gramps?'

'Where is he!?'

'What about the family!?'

Argus grabbed his head as he started to pace around the chamber.

Suddenly,the pupil of the imprint on his chest shone with a golden glow for less than a second….




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What is happening!?

CLOUD_DEVILcreators' thoughts