
I always come back!

fun writing experiment. please give constructive critisicim

The_Second_Coming · Otras
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2 Chs

The great escape

A few grunts were standing in a room, minding their own business. They were guarding an entrance to a stairwell for some reason. Each of them had a bunch of weapons including guns, knives, and baseball bats. They had been standing there for years, mind numbingly bored. One of the guards, named Kyle, checked his watch and saw that he was only a week away from retirement.

'I'm gonna get a thirty foot hoagie.' Kyle licked his lips in anticipation of finally getting something to eat after a few centuries. Unfortunately for Kyle, his plans were cut short when a spear erupted from his chest, impaling his heart.

"*sigh* for fuck's sake," Kyle said as he slumped to the floor, dead. The other guards only stared incredulously at Kyle's killer. Nothing like this had ever happened during their hundreds of years of employment. They only snapped out of their stupor when the killer stabbed his makeshift spear into the chest of another guard.

They quickly began opening fire upon Kyle's killer only for him to use their comrades body as a shield. The killer returned fire from behind his meat shield, taking out most of the guards and wounding the others. He then threw the corpse at one of the remaining grunts and charged out with a spear, killing two more. He picked up one of the guns from the floor and executed the last guard, who was lying on the floor writhing in pain.

The killer began gathering equipment, weapons, and ammo from the corpses. Suddenly, alarms began blaring and red lights flashing.


The now dubbed prisoner#32 immediately dropped his actions and sprinted away. Mechanical whirring came from the walls as the doors were in the process of being covered by thick metal sheets, signifying the base going into lockdown.

'Not good, they're a little faster this time around.' Prisoner#32 furrowed his brow and grabbed a grenade from his hip and threw it behind him. His keen senses picked up on a few presences sneaking up. He was proven right when screams of pain followed the explosion.

Seeing that the lockdown door covering was about to seal his exit, he grabbed one of the larger guns off his back and threw it into the opening, wedging it open for a short time. He slid through the opening and grabbed the wedged gun, leaving his pursuers sealed behind him.

He wasted no time and sprinted around the maze-like corridors, shooting any cameras he saw on the way to his destination. After sprinting for a few minutes he spotted his target, an inconspicuous hallway that seemingly leads into a dead end. He sprinted full speed into the wall, yet the unexpected happened when he seemingly phased through it. He appeared in a slightly dilapidated office room. He rummaged through a desk and pulled out an old phone. He tapped it a few times before putting it up to his ear.

"Fred, it's me William, are you in position?" The now redubbed Prisoner#32 said into the phone with a rough and gravelly voice.

"Affirmative, I'm in the second safe room and am getting the payload ready to fire, just try to hold back the guards for at least 15 minutes."

"Got it, call me back when it's ready." William disconnected from the call and stuffed the phone into a pocket. He then picked up an old rusty hammer lying on the wall and used it to smash a false wall on the west side wall of the room. Behind it was a broken mirror and a trunk. William peered into the mirror for a few seconds. What he saw did not please him.

He looked like skin and bones, far past the point of anorexia. His old loose skin was floppy, wrinkled and marred with scars. His previously handsome face was now utterly ghastly, looking like an evil resentful ghost. William sighed and shrugged off his appearance, he'd been through worse besides, it wouldn't last long anyway. He hunched over and opened the trunk, revealing its contents to be a chemistry station and a few iv bags filled with pure white fluorescent liquid.

'Ultra Purified Remnant Concentrate, I really outdid myself this time.' William smirked and placed the trunk onto a table. He disconnected the chemistry kit from the bags of Ultra Purified Remnant and set them up in an iv drip configuration. He then sat down on a chair, soon after, a glowing purple orb shot out from his chest. Its light was dim and graying with cracks lining its surface from where wisps of light seem to be leaking. He connected most of the Iv drip to the purple orb and had one injected into his body.

Both seemed to revitalize at speeds visible to the naked eye. William de-aged from a walking corpse into a skinny looking 40 year old. The purple orb was rid of its cracks and grayishness, turning into a brilliant shade of violet. The orb morphed into a younger looking William and returned to the body. William's body grew younger once more, transforming into a handsome but still skinny 20 year old.

"*sigh* much better," William said with a smirk. William stood up from his chair, standing around a foot taller than before at 6,5(195cm). William dug through the trunk and pulled out a laptop and a few disks. William ran a few programs on the computer and out from behind the mirror burst out a robot with a small stature of 5,5(165 cm), William's previous aged height. William adjourned the robot with a cloak and a few disks.

The robot transformed into the visage of William's previous self. Williams gave it a few weapons and his phone which he used to contact Fred. The robot nodded at William then rushed out of the safe room. William turned over to the wall in which the robot came out from. He picked up the mirror and covered the hole behind him as he stepped through the opening.

The room behind the mirror was less like a room and more like a tunnel. In the corner was a desktop computer which seemed to continuously run programs. William walked up to it and changed one of the programs then walked off. A small robot rolled down the tunnel, past William and to the hole behind the mirror. William paid it no heed as he had just programmed it to wall off the hole with brick and mortar.

William jogged down the tunnel as he watched the Robot William's camera feed on his laptop. Robot William killed guards left and right, while slowly making his way to His and Fred's arranged escape point.

"Fred thinks he's clever doesn't he, unfortunately he's playing checkers and I'm playing chess." William smirked and ran off into the night.

Back with Robot William.

The robot went on a mad killing spree, guards left and right folded over like rotten banana peels. Most of the guards were part of a sinner rehabilitation program and were not very competent. This on top of William's rich fighting experience programmed into the robot allowed it to decimate the prison's forces. It wasn't long before the elite forces popped out of the woodwork and finally gave Robot William some trouble.

Right now, Robot William was in a firefight with many elite forces summoned by the Warden. The elite agents were finally able to pin the robot down in a guard tower. The top room of the guard tower glowed red from the amount of lasers trained on the different windows. If Robot William were to so much as peep for half a second, he would die instantly. Robot William ducked below the windows and guarded the hatch that led to the room he was in. He occasionally sent down a grenade when he sensed agents trying to break in. Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated like crazy.

Brring! Brring!

The robot imposter picked up the phone and saw that Fred was calling, probably to let him know his task was done.

"William, the payload is set to go off in 30 seconds, try to stay in that tower and hold them off some more."

"Got it, See you in a bit," Robot William said. Just as he put away his phone a resounding boom rang out and the tower shook like a tree in a hurricane. Robot William ran down a floor and peeked through a crack in the wall that formed after the explosion. Robot William spotted the culprit. It was a middle-aged man in a two-piece black suit and dress shoes. He had slicked-back brown hair and an earpiece with a wire.

This was elite agent Wilson, an elite of the elite agent in charge of managing the eternal torment of sinners. He was a peak Dark Spirit, evolved from the merged souls of the mindless damned. He had the potential to evolve into a Devil. The dark spirit had raised his hand once more and a mass of black miasma formed in his hands, before igniting into flames. Agent Wilson fired the mass of flames like a missile. The flame missile hit the tower, making it shake like a leaf in the wind.

'Thank god this tower is sturdy as fuck.'


This time the explosion didn't come from the tower but from a large distance away. The entire prison complex was in disarray, with other prisoners escaping left and right. The guards were panicking and no one had no idea what to do. Using this distraction, Robot William was able to slink away through the blown off bottom door of the tower. Robot William made a beeline toward the epicenter of the explosion. At the explosion site, fire and destruction were all that were in sight. The great prison wall that hadn't been breached in over a thousand years has been nearly completely destroyed.

Desperate prisoners tortured to the brink of insanity escaped in droves. The guards fruitlessly tried to regain control of the situation. Some prisoners were able to break into the armory and are now going on a madness fueled murder trip. Who had time to look for William? Robot William met up with Fred and they both snuck through the gaping hole in the wall. Once they were a few dozen meters away, they sprinted away like mad. Fred had a manic grin of happiness spread across his face.

'Fred is one good actor. I wonder when the Warden will pop out?' Robot William mused to himself as they ran through the scorching barren wastelands of Hell. They soon made it to a rocky ridge. They both slid down it and into a garage. There were two rusty motorbikes in it, poised to leave.

"Say, how did you even manage to get these anyway?" Robot William said in feigned curiosity.

"Isn't it too late to be asking questions, William?" Fred's excited expression soon morphed into one of disdain as the facade of the garage faded away to a white void. Fred's visage morphed into that of an old fossil of a man.

Even William's previous appearance looked youthful and exuberant in comparison. It was the Warden, the head of the prison.

'How unexpected, I knew Fred was not what he seemed but I didn't expect him to actually be the Warden, I thought he was just some undercover agent or something. Why would he place so much importance on me that he would do all this in person?' Even William's prodigious intellect could not have foreseen this.

"Hehe, surprised you didn't I? Now why would a man such as I do so much for little ol' you? Well you see you are my ticket to a promotion!" Mechanical hands emerged from the ground and tightly bound Robot William to the floor. The warden then continued on with his cartoonishly evil monologue.

"I manipulated you into trying your best to escape. Originally you were a 3rd class sinner but due to your many nearly successful escape attempts, you have now reached 5th class and are on the verge of 6th class. Once I capture you again you are doomed to be a 6th class "unspeakable". Promotion from a viscount into a count or even more is now assured. Unfortunately for you, being 6th class means truly eternal torment." The old man's face oozed complacency. The actual William watched on in anger behind his laptop screen.

'Just an idiot who think's he's smart.' William dismissed coldly as he closed the laptop having mixed feelings of satisfaction and hatred.

"I'm not sorry it had to be this way, blame your bad luck that you ran into me if you ever make it into the next life," Said the Warden as he turned to walk away.

"Warden!" Robot William called out

The Warden turned around and spoke, "Oh right, do you have any last words?"

"Oh it's nothing much, you just stole the words right from my mouth," Robot William soon started laughing like a maniac, completely out of character for his usually stone cold creator, William, whom he was programmed to emulate. The old man was confused. He immediately called in for all of his elite guards and agents.

"Sir, what seems to be the issue?" Elite agent Wilson said in a serious tone as he stood next to the Warden.

"It's #32 check all around the-" Unfortunately he would never get to finish his sentence as Robot William's facade disappeared to reveal his true robotic form. The robot's torso opened up to reveal a countdown timer with merely 5 seconds left. Everyone looked on in horror. A beep was let out by the mechanism, snapping everyone from their stupor. They all fled in a frenzied panic.

Moments later, a gigantic white fireball a hundred meters big engulfed a large portion of the prison's area. The shock waves flattened every building and a massive mushroom cloud could be seen in the distance.

After the smoke cleared, all that could be seen left of the prison was a crater in which an almost dead warden could be seen a mile from.

The Warden had used every life-saving treasure and technique he had at his disposal and yet it still wasn't enough.

The Warden's body from the chest down was destroyed along with his left arm and right hand. He looked like a pile of ash with a vaguely human figure. Beside him was a floating purple orb the size of a sesame seed. This was a part of William's soul that he had left in Robot William. Without it, the senses of the Warden would have noticed that "William" was soulless and his plans would have failed.

A few minutes later the actual William showed up riding a motorbike that he made from scavenged parts. He parked next to the Warden who by then had crawled away 20 feet. William absorbed the piece of his soul that was floating around and walked toward the Warden who was writhing in unimaginable pain whilst also trying to get away.

"Demons sure do have incredible vitality, say does this hurt." William's cruel smirk offset his innocent tone as William pressed his finger into the Warden's charred muscle. Normally someone with this level of burns would have their nerves stripped away. Unfortunately for the Warden, Demons worked differently and he could still feel everything. A silent wheeze of agony came from the Warden's burnt lungs. He hoisted the Warden up and hung him off the back of the bike like a putrid sack of shit.

'He should supply me with great amounts of Agony for the time being.' Agony was like Remnant in that it could supply things with great amounts of power. He was going to use the Warden's Agony to power his bike and other gadgets. William revved the bike's engine and rode off into the desolate wastes of Hell.