

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Chapter 40.Hope I can kill them all, If I cannot kill them


Host has unlocked the door to be weak

World of the God has opened up with the host using the key of weakness.

Cultivators, Rankers, Players and Mysterious Being may enter host's world.

Good luck host,


What was that?

A world of Gods, hmm but there is one thing that I am sure about now,

This world is the near perfect imitation of my past world, but I must say 'but better' as there are strong Gods like the Zeus or something and The other self proclaimed God that I killed.

They are strong enough that I could have fun,

As I have mention before, Gold, treasures and mere women are never enought to make me desire for them anymore as I have seen them just too much.

But I could not get the battle I truly want nor a worthy fight which left me with a huge urge to fight like crazy,....well I might be a battle maniac.

But that is not the important thing now is it?

I though I meed four keys to unlock this thing but got suddenly open now, and this fu*king system just pop and disappear like it have mo interest at all.

I wish he was something that I could beat...

Now the weird Cultivation part I have known because of the empress who is currently residing in one of the kingdom and their strange technique of fighting as well.

But what are Ranker and player?

But I have a gutsy feeling that things are going to turn out to be more awesome and awesome.

just the though of how they will fight is making me...I cannot even explain this...

After a while has gone, I goes to my house letting Aries and Apollo go...

Telling my wifes to prepare me a hot bath I took off from the mountains to look for the empress to give me more enquiry and more details...

After reaching them, her guards could not even recognise, but I don't blame them at all, they never really got much of the chance anyway...

The guards without a word release a huge blow with his spear trying to skewer me without a word...

But those kind of pain, I have quite grown bored as the pain was,....you know...pain...

Accurately dodging the spear to the point I doubt myself another spear came straight towards me, they are strong I must say but too strong...

With a quick dodge he stab his own companion and it was a hard blow at that which skewer him like some marshmallow...

With a right angle swing, I hit the guard on the head hearing the commotion others started to appear but before anything goes wrong,

The empress came out of her glittery and shiny Official patch tent,

"Stop" she ordered...

"Oh, king of the land do you always have to make a flashy entrance? I would have come to you, just if you jave said so"

after hearing her word, Scratching my non- itchy head," haha,sorry" I said...

After that she took me in her tent and told her I need her audience and also informally invite her to accompany me to a hot bath...na*ed...

I don't know why I need to say the n*ked part but I did spit the word out at the end after all...

She quickly accept my invitation with a minor request and followed me to my mountain...

While I carried her romantically as possible as according to her request...using both my hands lifting her at the back while she laid staring at me...

Although her clench on my chest would surely leave a mark...

"My lady we have arrive" I said, she got down as I myself guides her towards the bath...

One of my wifes accompanied her to change while I wait for her in the bath...

My wifes knows that there was something important so no one ask me a question as they understand me very well...

Maybe because I am stupid...?

As I drank the cup of something which I have no idea what it was,

The fine bodied empress came holding a knee length piece of cloth just below her huge breast with noth hands having full view of it,

while the other parts were concealed still the outskirts can all be seen vaguely,

As she walks closer, she drops the cloth and came closer towards the pool...

Seeing me staring so hard, she chuckled and ask, if I want to see her body more before a closer inspection...

Well although her slender body with smooth skin and perfect cup size...

I answered" well I rather choose to have an even more clear inspection of her royal body"..

She smiled and walks inside the pool of hot water right besides me...

While I enjoyed the two hour, twenty four minutes and 52 seconds which I last with her before the final moment of truth...

She laid iny arms while I asked her about her home town, continent and to be more accurate their believes and Gods...

She was startled when I said the God part but, she said they do have a God but not a god they worship because a strong enough Cultivator may become immortal and cultivate to be a God.

But there was also a similar place which she knows as a story when she was a child that the place where they value Cultivation just like them exist a true God like...like a monkey king or an Ancient dragon master and some heavenly kings as true Gods...

Seems those have not reach the places yet, But one thing I am sure is that there surely will be a whole bunch of Gods flying around...

Hope I can kill them all if I cannot defeat them...

But still this is all a new thing to me which somehow brings me so much enjoyment deep inside me...and is urging with joy and evil which I have not seen for a long time...

here my 40th chapter hope you enjoy it

Vena_Raltecreators' thoughts