

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Chapter 30

As I walk out to the brimming people, The little girl ran towards me crying and begging me to help.

Her eyes filled with tears and dripping all over her face with was so cute in somehow, but why is she crying that much, I gave her food and even a treasure as well?

As she cried and hugged me in the right leg," Uncle, please help me and my mother, my mother is sick and cannot move, but always gave me food.

I want to feed her in return doing some works on my own but they were stolen by the group of bad guys in our tent and even tried to take mommy by force but I stab them with my sword, which makes them angry, but mother came to save me bearing her wounds but because she was heavily injured she could not defeat the and she is nearly dead

Please mister uncle save my mother"

After hearing her story, Deciding for this matter was not what a true man should do and hurriedly goes as the little leads me.

It was at the suburb area of the city, where a tent made of some animal skin was held up, that too a lot of them as well,

The little guides me towards their tents which was at the far stretch end closes to the Orc Habitat.

Upon entering the tent, I came upon this beast kin women although she looked ragged and dirty with all the blood besides where she laid like a dead person.

She was surrounded by a three of men, But from the newly scrape that is bleeding from their face, she seems to not give up her body till the end of her life.

After entering the tent, the burly looking three stooges came upon me with their sword without any warning and just tried to vent their anger to me.

A swift and heavy swing fell upon my head, but that type of simple swing was easily deflect and diverted towards his other companion cutting him from the collar straight under his left armpit.

"wow, what a clean cut, the sword is sharp indeed",I exclaimed.

A wide grip upon his head with my hands and pushing him down to the ground like squashing a bug.

"ha, the tolerance is even worse than that of a bug".

The one who was left after seeing what just happen dare not to move, looking right at me, I said,"boo" and he lose his conscious.

After what was done, I goes towards the woman in which the little girl was crying profuciously for her.

A little flick with my finger to her hair which was hiding her beautiful face.

But that was now something which surprise me, The scar of a tiger which I was sure was on her forehead.

Although not new and seems to be of when she was a child, I remembered that One of my wife who was also the general of my army have this type of scar as a reminder of her past, although she was a human but this wen is a beast kin or more accurately a wolf kin.

But why, no matter, saving her first is important, Pulling off the thin sheet of clothing covering her wounds.

How is she alive was a miracle, A huge portion of her left thigh was cleanly like cutting a meat for food.

But I remembered the little girl talks about her mother being unable to move yet, giving her food, I have an idea of how things had happened.

But I decided not to disclose this to the little girl.

But the main injured part of her body was not her thigh being cut by herself but her back which was full of burning scar, the problem was not the injured burn itself but the mana poison which resides in the injury she got.

And If I am not wrong, this was the after effect of my magic as a cause of unable to allocate all of my build up mana to a perfect area and cause this effect which is worse than poison to every of my incursion assault magic.

Which becomes intensified over time due to my self teachings.

So she got my poison somehow which means she might be a survivor of someone I want to kill or maybe an innocent victim who was caught in the after effect.

Neither way, I just have to save her, although I do not have any healing magic because I only like the assault type.

I have more than hundreds of treasure which can heal a person to the point that you have doubt if the injury was real.

Pulling out from my dimensional space inventory, A Red potion and a Gem, the both of these treasure could heal a person no matter the cause but.

I just want to try an experiment and also the poison was my own magic so it should be strong.

Even though she was still laying senseless, I put the gem in her forehead, upon putting it the gem sank into her body immediately.

taking the potion out, I let her drank it.

After a while she was floating from her bed and was shiny somehow, the little girl exclaimed," my mother is a goddes",

But after that she falls to the ground but alive and shiny this time, she look at me straight in the eyes and called me,"Husband".


I hope the way I write become better and better.

Thanks for your support

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