
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasía
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62 Chs


Selena said thank you to Alfred for the dinner and then she bid her farewell to Dylan, she felt bad that he wouldn't be able to spend the night here. Nevertheless Selena was happy that he stopped by to join them for dinner, it would have been worse if she had to sit down by herself in the large dining. 

Selene was now back inside her room, she was still holding the small bag in her hand as she took a sit on her bed. Selena didn't know what type of phone to expect, of course Damien wasn't going to get her a cheap phone but still, Selena was curious. 

"Jeez this is difficult" Selena complained as she slowly brought out the phone from the carton, she looked at it for a while as her mind kept racing. She slowly opened the carton and then she saw the name of the phone. 

Selena bit her lips and shook her head in disbelief, few hours ago, the man treated her like she was some piece of garbage something he didn't want at all. He had scolded her in front of Alfred and Dylan this morning. Anyone who witnessed the scene would think that perhaps the man had a beef with her, but now he got her a new phone. And not just any phone. It was an iPhone 15 pro max. 

Selena had never held one of these before, infact the iPhone 15 pro max was not even in the market yet. The last time Selena checked, the iPhone 15 pro max won't be out for sale for five months or maybe more than . 

But here she was, sitting on her bed with an iPhone 15 pro max in her hand, she wondered if Damien got the same for himself, Selena was sure he did. 

Selena opened her new phone as she scrolled through the applications, the phone was empty , there was nothing in it. Selena went through the contact list and then she saw his name. 

Selena couldn't help but sigh as she dropped flat on her bed, she couldn't believe that he would actually save his contact on her phone like that. 

"Mr Parker" Selena called out his name as she thought wether or not to call him. Selena knew that the reason he had his contact installed in her phone was because he wanted her to call him. Selena wondered if he would be expecting her call. 

The bag fell from her hand and a small folded piece of paper fell out of it, Selena was curious and lazy at the same time, she was so relaxed in her bed and she didn't want to get up. But then again she was curious to know what was inside the folded paper. 

Selena finally got up from her bed as she reached her hand down to pick the piece of paper. Selena read the words that were written on them and she couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief. Two words, even though it was in verbal form, Selena could still imagine his voice ordering her to call him. 

Selena glanced at the time on the wall, she wondered if he was done with his meeting, Selena didn't want to be the reason why he would have to leave the meeting room, that wasn't nice at all.

The time was almost 6pm, Selena decided that it would be best to call him by 6:30pm, she was sure that the meeting would have ended by then. 

Selena tossed her new phone on the bed as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, her hair was a bit messy. Not wanting to pay much attention to her looks, Selena walked inside the bathroom to take a hot bath. 


"You assholes!!!" he yelled as his fist hit the metal table, one would think that the pain from the hit would affect him but the man was still raging like a beast. 

"I give you one simple task, get the thumb drive and Diana, but no, you dumbass can't even manage to get one done" The man complained with his eyes fixed on the two men present in his room. If looks could kill then these men would have been dead already. 

"Where's Diana?" He asked as he took a sit down on his chair and took a whiff from his cigarette. 

"She was captured by some men, we saw them put her in a car and then they drove off" The guys answered with a little shiver in their tone but not because of the cold outside, it was because the man standing in front of them was scary as hell. 

"And Selena?" He asked as he let out smoke from his mouth while he waited for their response. 

"Mr Parker carried her out of the building and inside his car, our guess is that she's back in his mansion" One of the men reported with his head bent down. He wouldn't dare to look the man face to face, he feared that he would just fall unconscious. 

"Parker's, always interfering in my work" The man said as he got up and pushed the books on his table, everything came crumbling down. 

"I'm done playing fair, no more abiding by the rules, wherever you see her, kill her!!" He yelled as he pushed the table and it fell with a loud thud. 

"But sir the defense in the Parker's Mansion is Impenetrable, there's no way we'll be able to get in" One of the men spoke with fear. 

"Ha ha ha ha" The man laughed as he took in another whiff of his cigarette. "We've done it before, we can do it again " He said as he stood in front of his open patio and looked outside the building. His lips quirked up at the side as past memories flood his mind.


Hey reader's

Sorry for the late updates, I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I can't promise daily updates but I'll ensure to write whenever I can.

Felicity_Uhomonyecreators' thoughts