
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasía
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62 Chs


"Hey!!" Dylan shouted when Damien drove too fast while they were climbing a speed breaker. "No one is chasing you so why are you driving like a mad man" Dylan complained as he held on to his seat belt for safety. 

Damien sighed as he removed his legs from the accelerator, his eyes had turned darker than usual and his face still bared that cold expression. His midnight black hair moved with the wind as he drove through the night, so many thoughts were going through his head but Damien remained silent. He could still remember Her sobs, she was terrified, when he walked in he could see the look in her eyes. Damien remembered how she panicked the other day when they were stuck inside the elevator, he knew she wasn't good with enclosed spaces. But Diana had her locked up in a building for hours, he could only imagine how she must have felt, the thought alone got him pissed off.

"She's in the car, she's going to be alright" Dylan assured him as he too glanced at the back seat to check if she was okay. Dylan didn't know if he should be happy that Damien was acting like this or perhaps he should be worried. 

For the years he had known Damien, the man had no weakness, nothing could bring him to his knees, nothing could make him loose his composure. That was what made Damien the best in his field, he had no distractions, he was always focused in his work. But now, wellwhat happened tonight had just proved Dylan right, perhaps Damien was beginning to feel something, even though Damien denied it, Dylan was sure that something was going on with him. 

"I should have punished her myself" Damien spoke under his breath as he gripped the stiring wheel. 

"I'm sure Anatoly and his men can handle her" Dylan spoke as his mind drifted back to Anatoly's words, he had a chance to converse with the man for a few minutes while Damien was inside the building. 


"It's weird seeing him act like this" Anatoly said as he puffed out smoke from his lips while he looked at the building. 

Dylan was silent, he didn't want to say a word to the stranger but then again he had so many questions to ask. 

"His action is justified, I mean someone he cares about was kidnapped" Dylan said and then he shrugged. 

"Is she not important to you?" Anatoly asked with raised brows as he looked at the other American. 

"Of course she is" Dylan answered without a second thought, even though he had only known her for a few days, he had come to like her. 

"But I don't see you raging like a mad man" Anatoly said as he puffed out somke again from his nose this time. "It seems she's very important to him, who is she?" Anatoly asked. 

Dylan thought about it, it wasn't in his position to tell this man anything. "He says they are friends" Dylan answered. 

"Friends?" Anatoly asked and then he scoffed, it seemed that Dylan's answer didn't sit well with him. "If I can recall, something my father use to say 'A man is judged by his deeds not his words'" Anatoly spoke, his voice sounded solemn like the thought of his father bothered him.

"He sounds like a wise man" Dylan commented. "Where is he?" Dylan asked. 

"Dead" Anatoly spoke and his voice sounded cold, void of emotions as he looked at the night sky. "He was a distraction, something like your friend " Anatoly added. 

Dylan swallowed theump in his throat, the way the man spoke of death like it was nothing had Dylan frightened. 

"Who are you?" Dylan asked. 

"Anatoly Fenerov, at your service" Anatoly added and then he turned sharply when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. He looked at saw Damien walking out with a girl in his arms, he looked closer wanting to see the face of the girl who had caused this much trouble but it looked like Damien had already read his mind. Damien walked away not letting Anatoly see her face. 

"I see he is clingy too" Anatoly added as he looked at the duo with suspicion in his eyes. 


Dylan came back to the present when he felt the car come to an halt, he watched Damien quickly get down from the car and then he went to get Selena. Dylan sighed, he was still inside the car but he watched as Dylan carefully carried her in his arms and then he began walking inside the mansion. 

Dylan remembered that there was a time he wanted Damien to find someone so badly that he would pester him about it. But now that he was with Selena, Anatoly's words had him confused. Well Anatoly did seem like the kind of man who didn't believe in love but still...Dylan just couldn't shake the feeling. 

He watched Alfred help them with the door and then he saw them walk in, Dylan sighed as he tried to free his thoughts, he wasn't going to let Anatoly's words disturb him. He had a long day today and he had to eat, he was going to let bygones be bygones.