
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
70 Chs

The Inner Canon of Zhuge

Legend has it that Zhuge Liang performed a life-prolonging ritual at Wuzhangyuan. He lit 81 longevity lamps, and as long as the 81 lamps remained lit for seven days, his life would be extended by a hundred years. However, on the final day, Wei Yan suddenly stormed into the camp and blew out one of the longevity lamps. Zhuge Liang, sitting in the center, spewed out a mouthful of blood and perished.

A sigh erupted from the crowd as they stood in front of Zhuge's cottage, listening to the tour guide narrate the legendary stories of Zhuge Liang's life. Once again, everyone couldn't help but marvel at how fate envied the heroes and curse Wei Yan.

However, a young man among the crowd, with a handsome appearance, showed a hint of skepticism. He was a senior student majoring in history at Nanchang University and was well-acquainted with Zhuge Liang's exploits. Not to mention the absurdity of the life-prolonging tale, even the tour guide's introduction was riddled with errors and confusion.

At Wuzhangyuan, Zhuge Liang gazed at the astronomical phenomena in astonishment. Three celestial bodies appeared in the sky, with the guest star shining twice as brightly as the main star, which dimmed. Zhuge Liang, realizing his life was hanging by a thread, informed Jiang Wei, "I am well-versed in rituals and prayers, but I do not know the will of the heavens. You shall gather forty-nine soldiers, each holding a black flag and wearing black robes. They should surround the camp while I perform prayers to the Northern Dipper inside the tent. If the main lamp remains lit for seven days, I can extend my life by one era. But if the lamp goes out, I shall surely die."

This description of Zhuge Liang's life-prolonging ritual is from a novel, which is why the young man mocked the tour guide's nonsense. The number seven was mistakenly turned into eighty-one lamps. Furthermore, in the novel, it is mentioned that Sima Yi observed celestial phenomena, realized Zhuge Liang's critical condition, and launched a military expedition to test the situation. Wei Yan, in a panic, rushed into the tent and unexpectedly extinguished the main lamp. Zhuge Liang, abandoning his sword, sighed, "Life and death are predetermined; they cannot be altered by prayers!"

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang made arrangements for his posthumous affairs and continued to engage in intellectual battles with Sima Yi before passing away.

"However, Zhuge Liang's life-prolonging story is merely a creation of the novel. The tour guide's words are equally absurd. What's the difference?" Qin Yu mocked himself. He had come out purely to relax, so why bother getting entangled in these matters? He composed himself and followed the crowd into Zhuge's cottage.

Zhuge's cottage covers an area of approximately 120,000 square meters, with 155 halls and pavilions arranged along the central axis, including archways, a bridge, a mountain gate, a grand hall, and thatched cottages. On both sides, there are various buildings such as Zhuge's well, a memorial archway corridor, an ancient cypress pavilion, a Wild Clouds Hermitage, and a reading platform.

Inside, there are numerous plaques and steles displaying famous quotes and works by renowned figures from ancient and modern times, both domestic and foreign. Yue Fei's "Memorial before Departure" and Li Dongyang's "Reconstruction of the Memorial Temple of Zhuge Wuhou" during the Ming Dynasty are highly esteemed by calligraphy enthusiasts in later generations.

"My mission unfulfilled, yet I die in advance, leaving tears of heroes to fill their hearts!"

Qin Yu admired the poems and writings of famous figures throughout the ages and couldn't help but sigh. Perhaps it was precisely because Zhuge Liang passed away with regrets in his heart that Mr. Luo Guanzhong wrote the story of Zhuge Liang's life-prolonging ritual.

As he appreciated the calligraphy of these renowned individuals along the way, Qin Yu unconsciously arrived at a secluded area with stone tablets. The sound of water flowed nearby, and a pavilion stood tall. Inside the pavilion, an old man with white hair and a middle-aged man were brewing tea and engaged in conversation.

"Yuewen, what insights can you gather from the appearance of this young man?" the old man with white hair quietly asked the middle-aged man across from him.

The middle-aged man, upon seeing Qin Yu's figure, focused his eyes for a moment and pondered slightly before responding, "Mr. Ren, this person has an ordinary appearance without any significant highs or lows. His complexion is dark, and there is a slight reddish hue on the tip of his nose. His heart is entangled, indicating that he may be experiencing some emotional difficulties."

Qin Yu couldn't hear their conversation, but if he had, he would have exclaimed in surprise. While the first half of the middle-aged man's statement couldn't be verified, the latter half was quite accurate.

He had decided to travel precisely because of emotional matters that had been bothering him, causing him distress and restlessness.

"Haha, Yuewen, your physiognomy skills are becoming more mature. It won't be long before you surpass me!" the old man chuckled.

"You flatter me, Mr. Ren. I still have much to learn. Please enlighten me and point out any mistakes I may have made!" the middle-aged man humbly replied, showing respect in the presence of the old man.

The wise eyes of the white-haired old man glanced at Qin Yu, and he asked, "Yuewen, do you still remember the key phrase regarding physiognomy?"

"Don't judge a book by its cover!"

"Indeed, 'don't judge a book by its cover.' This ancient proverb serves as the fundamental principle of physiognomy. But if people cannot be judged by their appearance, then is there any basis for the study of physiognomy? Doesn't it contradict itself?"

"Yuewen believes that when it's said 'don't judge a book by its cover,' it means that one should not judge a person's worth or fortune based solely on their physical appearance. Historical records show that the Yellow Emperor had a majestic appearance like a dragon, Emperor Hao had eyebrows that displayed eight different colors, Emperor Shun had eyes with dual pupils, King Wen of Zhou had four nipples, Dayu had three large holes in his ears, Duke Zhou had a curved back, and Confucius had a sunken area on the top of his head. These ancient sages had unique and sometimes even unattractive appearances, but they were all respected by countless people in later generations."

The middle-aged man paused and continued, "Therefore, 'don't judge a book by its cover' is a reminder for us not to judge a person's status, fortune, or blessings based on their physical appearance, whether it be beautiful or ugly."

"Correct, what you've said is precisely what the predecessors of physiognomy wanted to caution us about. However, you missed one point," the old man said, stroking his beard. "Before Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty achieved greatness, he was a beggar with a protruding and gaunt appearance. He survived smallpox but was left with pockmarks all over his face, indistinguishable from any other beggar. It wasn't until he rose to revolt against the Yuan Dynasty that he grew increasingly thin and tall, with his forehead jutting out. When he finally ascended to the imperial throne, his chin became majestic and far surpassed that of ordinary people. He was later known as the exemplar of an emperor's appearance!"

"A person's appearance is not fixed; it can change under the influence of external factors and through the circumstances and opportunities encountered in life. That's why our ancestors cautioned us in physiognomy that while we can read a person's appearance, we cannot read their destiny!"

The old man then pointed at Qin Yu and said, "The concept of destiny itself is mysterious. Look at this young man. Despite his seemingly unremarkable appearance, observe the underlying structure of his facial bones closely."

"Indeed, the supporting bones of this person lack any remarkable features. There are no signs of brightness or luster; instead, they appear dull and obscure. It is indeed an omen of things not going well," the middle-aged man expressed his confusion. As a master of physiognomy, he had seen through Qin Yu at first glance.

The lineage of physiognomy emphasizes observing the left ear before the age of seven, the right ear between eight and fourteen, the forehead at fifteen, the center of the forehead at sixteen, the corners of the eyes at seventeen to eighteen, and the supporting bones in one's early twenties.

"What you see is merely the surface; you haven't been able to read the aura," the old man explained.

"Read the aura?"

The words of the old man left the middle-aged man astonished, forgetting his manners as he hurriedly asked, "Ren lao, have you achieved the state of reading auras?"

"After ten years of contemplation within Zhuge Cottage, I recently entered the state of reading auras! However... sigh," the old man's voice held a hint of pride but was mostly tinged with regret.

"Ren lao, it is truly a cause for celebration that you have reached the state of reading auras. Looking at our lineage of physiognomy, how many years has it been since anyone has achieved this level?" Even the tone of the middle-aged man's voice at this moment was filled with envy.

"Physiognomy indeed focuses on observing appearances and reading auras. 'Physiognomy' refers to the study of facial features, while 'aura' pertains to a person's destiny. Only by combining physiognomy and aura reading can one practice true physiognomy. However, in the past century, the art of physiognomy has declined, and talented practitioners have dwindled. No one has been able to enter the state of reading auras anymore."

"The concept of human destiny is truly enigmatic. I have only scratched the surface myself. As I observe this young man, although his facial features appear melancholic, there is a vibrant aura surrounding his supporting bones. It is evident that he will undergo a significant transformation."

Unaware that he was being discussed by the other two individuals, Qin Yu, a student of history, with a keen interest in calligraphy, was captivated by the calligraphic works of renowned figures. As he walked and admired the strokes—some vigorous and powerful, others resembling dancing dragons and phoenixes—he became completely engrossed, oblivious to the gradually dimming sky.

"Hmm, what is this?"

Suddenly, Qin Yu discovered a stone tablet in front of him, engraved with two simple and ancient characters: "Bagua" (Eight Trigrams).

It was not surprising to encounter something related to the Bagua in Zhuge Cottage. The Bagua formation and the Eight Trigrams diagram associated with Zhuge Liang were renowned in history. However, Qin Yu was surprised that this stone tablet only bore the two characters of "Bagua" without any additional inscriptions.

If Qin Yu were suspended in mid-air, he would have noticed that his current position was right at the center of the stone tablet garden. The stone tablet with the "Bagua" inscription served as the focal point, surrounded by numerous other tablets, creating a complex arrangement that seemed to contain hidden mechanisms.

Qin Yu reached out and touched the stone tablet, curious about this unique piece. His index finger glided over the ancient characters, and immediately, a sense of ancientness washed over him. Subsequently, a surge of information seemed to transmit directly to Qin Yu's mind through the stone tablet.

Overwhelmed by the influx of information, Qin Yu felt as if he were a computer in operation, unable to bear the burden, and eventually lost consciousness.

During Qin Yu's unconsciousness, the ancient stone tablet emitted a brilliant light that pierced through the sky, pointing towards a distant star. However, this colossal pillar of light went unnoticed by the others in Zhuge Cottage, as if they were completely oblivious to it.

As the pillar of light guided the star closer, it gradually illuminated the area above Qin Yu. Peculiar radiance bathed his body, and some inscriptions floated into his being, continuously...



After a while, the entire world had plunged into darkness. Dim lights illuminated the surroundings as Qin Yu slowly rose from the ground, rubbing his head. It felt as if his mind had just undergone an explosion, causing him immense pain.

"The Internal Classic of Zhuge?"

Once his mind regained clarity, Qin Yu was startled to discover a scripture that had appeared in his mind. His expression became tense. Whose mind suddenly gained an unknown scripture? He considered himself lucky to not be frightened. Focusing his attention, Qin Yu began to read the scripture within his mind, gradually transitioning from a state of confusion to one of clarity. His eyes sparkled with an inexplicable light.

"Is this the inheritance of Master Wolong?"

After thoroughly examining the Internal Classic of Zhuge, Qin Yu became increasingly excited. His eyes gleamed with enthusiasm.

This scripture was actually crafted by Zhuge Liang himself and divided into two parts. The part Qin Yu acquired primarily delved into metaphysics, including the art of Feng Shui. The Bagua formation created by Zhuge Liang was based on Feng Shui principles, and even the Northern Dipper longevity technique fell within the realm of metaphysics. If Qin Yu had come across this book at a regular bookstore, he would have scoffed at it. However, the fact that it appeared in his mind signified the extraordinary nature of this scripture. Although the contents described within were enigmatic, they paled in comparison to the miraculous occurrence of the scripture appearing in his mind.

As a history major, Qin Yu had some understanding of the ancient scholars' research on Feng Shui. Feng Shui, though considered by some as mere superstition, had persisted through the ages, indicating its inherent logic. It was an eternal truth.

With few people around and the night setting in, only a few streetlights emitted a gentle glow. Qin Yu felt no urgency to leave and decided to sit cross-legged beside the stone tablets, carefully studying the Internal Classic of Zhuge within his mind.

This secluded place was tranquil and peaceful. Bathed in the soft light of the streetlights, Qin Yu sat cross-legged, closing his eyes without moving. Occasionally, he would open his eyes, a flash of light passing through, only to close them once more. The young man's figure elongated under the illumination of the streetlights, as time gradually passed and the temperature dropped. However, Qin Yu remained oblivious, seemingly immersed in a certain state...