
I abandoned my pregnant wives in another world.

The main character at the age of 15 was transported to another world. When the King of the other world asked for his name, the main character calmly introduced himself as Ass Fucker. After that, the hero slowly built up his harem, defeated monsters, and eventually became the strongest hero in that fantasy world. His final battle with the Demon King arrived, whom he easily defeated. Ass wanted to celebrate his victory peacefully in bed with his wives, but they suddenly informed him that each of them was pregnant. Of course, Ass immediately decided to return to his own world, but that wasn't the end of it. His wives found a way to move to his world and they returned with children of his age to take revenge on him? Seriously?

Lord_GaGa · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Great Power Carries Great Responsibility? Who said that?

Usually, characters in manga and manhwa decide to take responsibility and hide their strength from everyone until the end.

The brunette with red eyes walked onto the soccer field with his classmates. Next to them in line were the upperclassmen, who were smirking smugly and looking haughtily at Akihiro and his classmates.

"Damn, playing against the upperclassmen again. What's our gym teacher thinking? Two of their guys play on the youth soccer team. They always make us look like idiots in front of the girls." – Yasuhiro sighed.

The upperclassmen stood in the middle of the field. A 188-cm tall redhead mockingly looked with brown eyes at Akihiro, who was 173 centimeters tall.

"Hey, Suzuki. I see you've bulked up. Even the beauty of our school can't take her eyes off you. Heh-heh, but not for long." – The redhead patted him on the shoulder.

Kentaro Tenma. The second forward of the Japanese youth national team. With a mocking smile, he circled Akihiro and ran on. He made several passes to his classmates, who successfully returned the ball to him.

"I'm magnificent! I'm cool! Look at me, girls, haha." – Uncontrolled and smug laughter spread across the field.

Honestly, I'm not even mad at this redhead. To some extent, I agree with him.

Akihiro quickly stood in front of the redhead and took the ball from him. The redhead and classmates stared at Akihiro in astonishment.

Why the hell hide your strength? Why remain in the shadows? Responsibility? That's not me. If you have the power, why not show everyone how magnificent you are.

"What the? Bastard." – Akihiro smiled and ran with the ball towards the goal. Everyone tried to take the ball from him, but he calmly dodged them and ran on.

Saichiko Rin. He's the left back of the Japanese youth national team. A white-haired guy with blue eyes and a cold look stopped in front of Akihiro.

"I don't know what's happened to you, but the games are over."

"Kyaya! Saichiko-kun is so cool!" – Some girls started squealing in love and admiration.

"Akihiro, pass!" – A brown-haired boy ran up to him. But the redhead suddenly appeared before him.

"I don't know what magic you used or how much the Goddess of Luck loves you, but I won't lose to such a loser again!" – The redhead jumped out and stood directly in front of Akihiro, blocking his pass to Yasuhiro. Akihiro just smiled at this. He sharply hit the ball and threw it high into the air.

"You idiot? What are you..." – Rin didn't finish his sentence when he saw Akihiro above him, who had jumped about five meters into the air, caught the ball in the air, and landed on the ground with it.

Every person on the field opened their mouth in shock. No soccer player or person in the world has ever jumped so high, let alone caught a ball like that. Akihiro continued to move on. He ran up to the goal and stood opposite the goalkeeper, who looked nervously at the brunette. He lunged at him to take the ball, but Akihiro went around him and was now right at the goal. He looked at Rin and Kentaro, who were staring at him in shock and helplessly watching as Akihiro swung his heel at the ball. However, suddenly Akihiro stopped and stepped on the ball.

This sent the fans and Akihiro's teammates into a stupor, while igniting a fury in their opponents. Akihiro decided not to strike. He simply stood still, waiting for someone to approach him. Rin, Kentaro, the goalkeeper, and two central defenders charged at him like bulls, drawn to a red cloth. Akihiro dodged them and ran toward his own goal, unable to suppress his laughter any longer.

What could be better than this? What fool would hide his strength for some dull-witted sense of responsibility? What could be more delightful than the astonished faces of his classmates, their eyes wide, muttering, 'This can't be. What's happening? How is he doing this?' Ahahaha. Magnificent.

"Akihiro, what the hell are you doing? Those are our goals! Have you lost your mind?" Yasuhiro yelled in disbelief.

Akihiro stopped at his goal and cheerfully looked at the opponents' gate.

"What's he going to do, shoot? He's gone completely mad!? I can't even score from halfway down the field!? Think because you're good at dribbling and jumping high, you're now Superman? I'll put you in your place, you bastard!" spat the red-haired guy, his eyes bulging in rage, as he charged at Akihiro again. He was visibly exhausted, sweating like a pig, while Akihiro didn't even have a drop of sweat on him.

What's wrong with this bastard? Is he even human? He's never played like this before! What's going on? - thought the redhead.

Meanwhile, Rin stood in front of the goal with the goalkeeper, ready to ward off any unlikely occurrences.

The goalkeeper could see nothing but Akihiro's terrifying red eyes, staring as though they could see right through him.

"If I move, I'm dead," thought the goalkeeper.

"Khx... Pff... Aura of death..." Akihiro barely uttered, barely holding back laughter.

The opposing team's goalkeeper suddenly felt a strange chill in the air and an inexplicable buzzing, like a whisper from another world. Shadows began to flicker across the field, slowly taking the form of skeletons armed with spears, scythes, broadswords, and Ram-Dao. They slowly and inexorably moved towards the goalkeeper, surrounding him in a macabre dance of death. His breath caught in terror when one of the skeletons suddenly thrust a spear into his eye. The pain was unbearable, but it was only the beginning. The other skeletons, like scavengers, began to pierce the rest of his body, tearing his flesh apart, their empty eye sockets watching his agony without mercy. The sounds of his screams blended with the crunching of bones as they began to devour his body.

"AAAAAA!" – A soul-rending scream spread across the entire field. The opposing team's goalkeeper sharply wet his pants and ran away from the goal and the field as far as possible. He was screaming like a madman. Akihiro bit his lip to keep from laughing. His cheeks turned red, tears flowed from his eyes.

"Tsutosi, what the hell!? Where are you running, you retard!?" – the redhead turned and looked shockingly at the fleeing goalkeeper.

"Kentaro, don't look here! Just take the ball from him!" – Rin yelled loudly and angrily at the redhead.

"Exactly, if he somehow scores, I'll quit this damn soccer forever!" – the redhead looked at Akihiro with determined and confident eyes.

Akihiro quickly dodged the redhead's slide tackle and immediately struck the ball. The ball flew into the goal with incredible speed and force; the wind struck the ears of every person on the field. The goalposts lifted into the air and flew several meters, crashing into the school building.

A confident and cool-headed Rin fearfully fell to his knees, trembling like a puppy. The redhead stared frightened at Akihiro, who finally couldn't hold back and burst into hysterical laughter.

My God, what could be better than this? Just look at their faces. They're not just stunned; they don't understand if this is real at all. "Is this a dream? How hard did this guy have to hit to make the goalposts fly that far into the school? This guy, is he even human?" – that's what these idiots think. Ahahaha. Just look at their faces, I can't.

Akihiro fell to the ground and clutched his stomach. His classmates, the physical education teacher, everyone just couldn't believe what had just happened.

The Next Day

After that, there were, of course, some consequences. I have no power of hypnosis, and I can't erase memory, so the principal first called my parents to understand what had happened to me during the week of absence and whether any scientific experiments were conducted on me in the laboratory.

My parents also couldn't explain anything to him. They said they had no idea themselves. They thought I had gotten involved with some junkies, but after the teacher's words, my story about being in another world no longer seemed such nonsense to them. They paid for the repair of the school, the soccer goals, and then decided to have a serious talk with me and asked me to tell everything that had happened.

Basically, I told everything. I explained how a king summoned me to another world to defeat the demon king, then how I became stronger and stronger, and finally defeated the demon king. Naturally, I kept silent about pregnant wives. I simply said that I was given battle comrades with whom I defeated the demon king.

Even showed them some of my powers. They had to digest what they heard for a long time, but the next morning, before going to school, they asked me not to show my powers anymore. They said that next time the principal might call the police, and they could turn me over to the government or scientists who would conduct experiments on my body. I wasn't particularly afraid of that, because if I wanted to, I could wipe the entire country or even the world off the face of the earth, but still, there is some reason in their words. Somehow, becoming the king of demons doesn't appeal to me much.

After that, everyone at school avoided me. Almost everyone looked at me fearfully. Although Yasuhiro, on the contrary, tried to find out what it was like. Did I get some superpowers or something like that?

"Yes-yes, consider them superpowers. But, actually, using them is quite boring in this world."

"In this world!? So you can travel to other worlds?" Classmates who were sitting next to them were carefully eavesdropping on their conversation. The main beauty of the school tucked her hair behind her ear and glanced at Akihiro. Akihiro yawned.

"Just drop it. Heard the second part of Bloodborne is coming out. Are you going to play?"

"Hey, I've replayed the first one a billion times, what a dumb question... Hey-hey! Don't change the subject!"

The next day nothing unusual happened. Although people were afraid of me on the first day, people adapt quickly. After all, I didn't attack anyone, didn't try to make everyone grovel before me, and didn't do anything special. I didn't pull off any wild stunts like in physical education class anymore. All my classmates started pestering me and asking all kinds of boring nonsense. But I was bored.

The next day we had a final test on all subjects. Of course, I aced every test. The reason for this is my intellect stat, which I maxed out in another world. This doesn't mean I know everything, but this stat greatly enhances memory. I just need to flip through a book, and I will not only remember every word in it but also understand it perfectly. Thanks to this, my popularity has risen even higher, although that's not why I decided to ace the test. I had another reason.

Akihiro stood before his parents, showing them his grade report.

"100 points!? 100? Aki-chan, don't tell me this has something to do with your abilities?" - the astonished forty-year-old beautiful woman with an amazing body, face, and a mole under her lips looked at the sheets with grades. A brunette with purple eyes.

"I also find it hard to believe that you scored 100 points on your own. In all your previous tests, your average score ranged from 57 to 71 points. Even in your best subject, English, you got a maximum of 89 points, and now you're saying you just easily get 100? Is this some skill related to cheating, right? Can you see through walls or read minds?" - the red-haired man with eyes of the same shade looked sternly at him.

"Thank you for always believing in your son. I admit that my abilities are involved, but not as much as you think. They just slightly improve my memory and help me focus. If you didn't know, I have a brain; I just never could focus calmly. Now all this anxiety is gone and, well, that's it..."

"Clear. And? What do you want? A new game console or something similar?" - the redhead glanced at him.

"You once said that only a few can become successful rockers, that you always need to have a backup plan if it doesn't work out. Now you both see that there is a backup plan, so let me become a rock musician. That means I'd like a music studio, and then, if I start to succeed, I'll perform somewhere in the evenings."

The father sighed. The mother anxiously looked at me, then sighed as well and left so as not to disturb us.

"Do what you want. You'll have your studio. But I have one condition." - the father calmly looked at him. Akihiro looked up and paid close attention.

"If you go this way, you must not use your abilities. If you have something like voice enhancement, hypnosis, perfect pitch, forget them immediately. If you choose a path, follow it honestly, without any tricks. Otherwise, why step on it at all?" Akihiro nodded and slightly smiled.

"Thank you, father."

A week passed since I returned to my world. It's been 5 years for them. I wonder if they've forgotten about me during this time? I hope so. I hope they've found someone worthy and moved on with their lives. That's what usually happens with normal people. My children are now 5? I wonder if they'll tell their children what a freak and garbage their father was, or won't say anything about me at all?

I wonder if they would try to kill me or just decide to walk past me if I accidentally met them.

Akihiro was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. He yawned loudly.

Oh, I'm afraid to even imagine. Of course, I'm stronger than them, but I'm afraid if I see them, guilt and horror will consume me. Even the demon king will seem weak. But even if I had a time machine and could go back, I would do the same. Maybe the only thing I'd want to change... I shouldn't have had sex with them. And if I really wanted to, I should have found something like a condom. Maybe I should have used those slime monsters...

Although I still don't feel guilty. They could have told me they would get pregnant. I mean like what the hell? And if, for example, they got pregnant a year before we started fighting the demon king? I was doing this with them for three years after all. Then they wouldn't have been able to help me fight the generals. God, what irresponsibility.

I didn't plan to release this chapter today, but due to the insane support from AmazeAngelo, who not only rated this novel but also wrote a bunch of comments and supports me very actively every day, and furthermore, he also supported my main novel and even wrote a few comments there. In gratitude for this, I released the chapter today.

The next chapter will be released as planned on Sunday. But don't think that I'll now start releasing two chapters a week. No, this was a one-time deal as a thank you to AmazeAngelo. I won't be doing this again, so don't get your hopes up. I'm already too busy with my main novel, which I release every day. I cannot possibly release the second novel every day as well. Anyway, that's enough.

Thank you all for your attention! Good luck to everyone and bye-bye!

Lord_GaGacreators' thoughts