
Chapter 176: Just Say Whether You Sneaked In or Not

Ybur carefully curled up while sizing up the two Ingort people.

Honestly, the Ingort people looked more like elemental creatures than humans. Only at a close distance did Ybur notice that the two Ingort people not only had nearly transparent, snow-white skin, but also deep blue eyes that faintly glowed, and a vague aura of the Ice Element emanating from their bodies. It was a bit difficult to discern their specific genders, as both had very androgynous features, straight noses, thin lips with clear lines, elongated eyebrows, and their overly pale skin and slender figures gave them an elegant appearance.

One of the younger-looking Ingort people finally spoke. Ybur couldn't quite catch what they said, but their voice sounded more feminine, and he subtly observed them, thinking that if it indeed was a woman, this was the first time he had seen such an unshapely figure, even flatter than Aishi…