
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Cómic
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63 Chs

Uncle from the forest

- Jashinists. - Danzo said confidently.

- Jashinists? - Orochimaru asked.

Danzo took a deep breath.

- These are cultists who believe in a god of murder. They are extremely difficult to detect unless they show themselves. Their goal is to sacrifice to their god in order to receive from him the gift of immortality. - Danzo briefly explained.

- Immortality? Is it possible? - Orochimaru asked in surprise.

But before Danzō could say anything, Orochimaru's father said:

- One of them was cut off by Rei's head, but he didn't die... His head continued to scream something about Jashin, and then... Am I dead?

When Orochimaru's father finally realized what had happened, he fell to his knees.

- Rei... What happened to Rei?

- Mom... She died too. Her corpse was found in the forest, next to yours, but unlike you, she was missing her head and arms... - Orochimaru told him.

At this time, Danzō silently watched what was happening.

"Does he even know such details? As expected of Orochimaru..."

For a while, Orochimaru's father was silent until he suddenly walked over to him while still on his knees and grabbed his shoulders.

- Promise... Promise that you will find her remains!

- I promise. Dad, I promise I will. - Orochimaru said hugging his father.

In this position, father and son held for several minutes, until the first loosened his grip and got to his feet.

- And now, it would be nice if you could tell me what I'm doing here... And who this person is. - Orochimaru's father said pointing at Danzō.

Orochimaru looked at Danzō as if asking for permission.

Danzō nodded calmly, seeing no problem with Orochimaru's father finding out.

- I summoned you with a technique invented by the Second Hokage. And he is the person who told me about this technique and passed it on to me. - Orochimaru spoke succinctly.

- Danzō Shimura. - Danzō introduced himself as he approached Orochimaru's father and extended his hand to him.

Orochimaru's father froze for a moment, glaring at Danzō before extending his relatively large hand in response.

- Hagoromo Kabi.

Shaking hands, they both parted ways.

- I'm a really terrible father to leave my child alone in this world... I hope you look after him? I can see that you really care about him. - Kabi said seriously. - And now, I would like to be alone with my son. We have a lot to talk about, and you probably have your own business.

- No problem. - Danzo replied calmly.

"Do I care about Orochimaru?.. Well, that's partly true. I've already done a lot more than Hiruzen in all of Orochimaru's training."

After leaving the Root base, Danzō returned to Konoha and decided to meet with a certain person.


- Hey, Dai! Come out for a walk! - yelled one of the boys outside.

At this time, Might Dai ignored the shouts from the street, continuing to do push-ups.

- Twelve!.. Thirteen!

On the fourteenth count, Dai could not stand it and fell to the floor from fatigue.

"I'm still too weak!"

Remembering the words of his uncle, whom he met in the forest, Dai began to train every day.

- One... Two... - Dai began to count, switching to squats.

Suddenly, Dai felt that someone was looking at him and immediately jumped up from the floor to turn around and see that same uncle from the forest!

- It seems that after the Forest of Death your senses have escalated... Not bad. You will need this in the future.

- You are an uncle from the forest! - Dai exclaimed sharply.

- ...

*at my pat reon you can find more than 47 extra chapters

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