
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasía
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355 Chs

life partner (3)


He almost killed that guy for me. He doesn't understand how proud I am to be his woman. I love him so much. Seeing how much he was willing to teach the guy a lesson for disrespecting me. His muscles twitched with intent to kill; defending my honor made me want us to go home immediately. I needed my husband to make endless love to me.

Fred: Congratulations on the baby

"Yes, that's right, I am carrying his child, aren't I?" I thought, smiling while rubbing my belly. This is the happiest pregnancy I've ever had. I love him so much.

Carla: Thank you

I smiled, looking at the father of My unborn, so proud he chose me as his mate.

Cleon: Baby, you don't think we should help Fred settle?

"Ugh, no, I don't," I thought

Carla: Of course, babe. Appu?

Puga: That's not my name

Carla: Haha, right... If one hair falls from his head. You'll wish you were dead.

Cleon's hands gripped my waist, sending hormone signals in the pit of my stomach. F*ck we gotta go now.

Cleon: Please assure the counselor has a place to stay.

I made a portal. Even if he doesn't follow me into the portal, I need to take a cold shower. This pregnancy is very different than my last ones. My others with Johny always put me in a foul mood because he always does stupid stuff, which gave me complications. Sigh, I am glad this pregnancy is peaceful. He sounds so far away as he sits In our beautiful white bed, explaining what we should do about Puga.

Cleon: So, I was thinking

Ouh, look at the way his moist lips keep parting as he explains his train of thought. His full juicy lips had me so captivated everything around me went mute. Should I tell him? No, maybe I shouldn't. This pregnancy has my hormone raging when I am around him. Before my next train of thought, I heard my mouth say

Carla: I want your mouth

Dam it! Carla be settled

Cleon: What?

Shock by my statement. Sigh, I shouldn't feel embarrassed for wanting my husband. Yet my face has a way of turning red on its own as I admit my truth.

Cleon: Did you...

Carla: Yes

I said with the most seriousness. He smiled but didn't say anything. I got frozen in place. I can't believe I said that out loud, then admitted to it. Oh lord!

Cleon: You...

Carla: Yup

I didn't want him to say it out loud; I'm sure it sounds stupid. Nevertheless, I am determined to tell him how I'm feeling. I decided to hurdle him on the bed, kissing him, not wanting him to stop me from expressing my affections for him.

Cleon: Hmm, babe?

Carla: Don't stop me

I grimaced at him. I could feel all my senses opening, Feeling the breeze on my skin as I burned off the expensive clothes I had on. I wanted him to want me like I wanted him. This pregnancy gets me so horny everything he does is mesmerizing to me. He rubbed his face with mine, staring deep into my light brown eye as I looked into his lovely dark eyes.

Cleon: If you want my mouth, you'll have to earn it.

Carla: Hmm

I felt so strong; all I wanted to do was overpower him and take what's mine. When he saw I was trying to dominate. He rolled me over, and his fur touched my skin, making me crave him more.

Carla: Haha, your teasing your pregnant wife?

Cleon: No. Am yours you know that

Then why was he trying to rum from my affections?

Cleon: Would you like to go on a hunt with me?

Carla: Haha, what?

He pulled me by my hands to his hot chest. Bitting my neck playfully. The water boiling in my stomach needed his pole to dig me out. He portal us somewhere deep in the night. The pungent smell of grass filled the air. I never imagined that grass smelled so sweet yet bitter. Hmm, Why were my senses so awake?

Cleon: You ready!

Carla: Haha, ready for what?

Cleon: You'll learn

He started to run. Man, this leopard was fast. I felt my bones softening yet extending. I got on four paws, ready to accept his challenge.

Cleon: You catch me, I'll give you the best brain of your life

Carla: Am game.

He disappeared? How fast was he? I stopped to see where I was. This? This is Instalaxia. Would he hide by his restaurant? I started running in that direction, Hoping I'll catch him. A hand pulled me when I was almost there behind this tall grass.

Cleon: Hush

He said, putting his hands over my lips To keep me quiet. His scent smelled like he wanted to mate.

Cleon: You lost; tell you what?

He whispered

Carla: What?

Cleon: Shhh

I frowned at him, shushing me.

Cleon: If you can catch your prey

Carla: First, I didn't lose. You here, aren't you?

Cleon: Love, I arrived here centuries ago, But no matter. I am down for a rematch.

He said, kissing my forehead.

Cleon: if you can catch your prey, I'll

Carla: Not interested

Cleon: You mad, Lala?

He said, biting my neck again. He knows what that does to me.

Carla: You're a tease. I don't do well with teasing.

Cleon: Hmm, what do you do to ease your desires, my Queen?

Carla: Cleon?

I said, trying to hold it together. Everything in me wanted to jump on him to get what I wanted. "what is wrong with me." I chuckled

Cleon: You should take what you want without question.

Carla: Don't tempt me, Mr. jewels.

Cleon: Never, Mrs. Jewl's

Frank: Let's go; peaches is a full moon tonight. Who knows what might happen.

Peaches: Don't rush me, Frank. Why aren't you taking care of your wh*re? And let me be.

They started to argue while walking from what seemed like a shed to an actual barn; they're still alive? Haha. Cleon's eye was so fixed on Frank. Don't tell me that's his target. Putting his head to the ground waiting for the right moment to strike, he jumped up, running after the poor pig. I ran to catch Cleon, But Frank kept oinking. Haha, and peaches was panicking. That's hilarious.

Cleon: Got you!

He said, pinning Frank on the ground. The poor pig was beyond outraged.

Frank: Banned!

He said when he realized it was Cleon.

Peaches: Oh, Cleon, you do care

She said, running up to my man and kissing him right on the lip.

Cleon: Oh, um! Yeah. So um...

Looking terrified of my reaction.

Frank: My Queen!

Bowing down to me. I couldn't even pay attention to Frank; my jealousy kept my mind occupied.

Frank: Have you come to take away the evil Queen?

Carla: What do you mean, Frank?

Frank: Well, the dragons are evil

Cleon: That's not true

Carla: And why is that? Is it because your ex was a dragon?

I blared out. Not keeping my composure. I don't even know why I am mad. Obviously, his with me. Ugh, I gotta get it together.

Peaches: Oh Cleon?

Cleon: Um, yes

He said, almost afraid to answer.

Peaches: We did have a little one.

I was nearly shocked at what she said.

Cleon: Wait, what?

Peaches: I am the proud mother of a leopard

Cleon: Um, wait?

Carla: Fantastic. Can we go somewhere private to talk, Counselor Frank?

Peaches: He isn't a counselor anymore

Carla: I don't understand?

Peaches: His weak self

Carla: Can you, um.. not talk

Peaches: Well, I never.

She grabbed hold of my husband, making googly eyes at him.

Cleon: Um, about the leopard?

Ugh, just like Johny leaving his seed everywhere.

Frank: Stop trying to trap the guy. She adopted a baby leopard the mother was going to kill him because his disabled

Cleon: Disabled?

Frank: In front of the new Queen, everything that is weak must be disposed of

Cleon: Future wouldn't rule like this.

Frank: Future was fair and just but got beaten by her half-sister for the throne.

Cleon: No! Statuses have no right to the throne

Frank: Normally, but Ex Queen future agreed to the duel, almost paid with her life.

Cleon: Does

Carla: Satphire?

I said, looking at him butting into family affairs. That has nothing to do with him.

Frank: Ex

Carla: Naw, I think she's more like his only love

Peaches: That's a lie

Carla: You're calling me a Lier?

I said, daring her to repeat it. Without warning, he grabbed me and kissed me. Striping off my jealousy. Ugh, I wanted to stay mad at him a little longer.

Cleon: I suggest you stop being so cute and jealous. I have half a mind to take you right here.

He whispered to my ears.

Frank: Your majesty him? Why him? I don't consent

Cleon: Shut up, you stupid pig.

Haha, they were constantly fueling; why?

Carla: Yeah, we're married. Trust me his not as bad as he looks

Cleon: I don't look bad.

Carla: Haha

Frank: But Johny? and the mean dragon girl?

Carla: It didn't work out. Sometimes, you have to let go and move on to something better to keep your sanity.

Frank: Haha, I would believe you if I didn't know him.

Carla: Haha, I've never been happier...

Frank: And that case. Best of luck

I was happy he understood. I am sure he relates, given his status. His wife sucked.

Peaches: How do you do this to us, Cleon? I waited patiently for you. And you.

She started to cry. Oh my God! Give me a break.

Cleon: Peaches, you married a great guy.

He said, hugging her for her to stop historically crying.

Cleon: Tell you what?

Peaches: What?

Cleon: Would you like to...

Carla: No, No, she wouldn't. Stop trying me, Cleon; I won't warn you again.

He smiled, knowing what he was doing. Playing with my jealousy isn't funny.

Peaches: I would love to. Don't talk to me, girly

Cleon: Haha, um

Carla: You're right. Haha, go on, Cleon, have fun.

I made a portal to Spookvile. One of My planets where you get to participate in real-life films.

Cleon: Hmm

He said, staring at me, daring him to go while crossing my arms.

Cleon: Haha, Peaches, I Am afraid of what my wife would do If I went.

Peaches: You had Me hooked. The least you could do is, have one last date with me?

She said, looking sad at Cleon.

Frank: Peaches!

Peaches: Oh, Shut up, Frank

Cleon looked at me and then jumped into the portal. Sigh, this boy loves to play.

Frank: My Queen?

Carla: It's fine; he won't go against our vow.

Frank: Very well, let's go.

We walked for a little while, catching up on things. He had 17 children by his status. "This piglet went to work," I thought.

Frank: I decided to move in with my status versus staying with Peaches, I don't know if you notice, but she disrespects me as the male.

I had to hold back my laugh because everyone saw it. It took him a few thousand years to see it, but I am glad he did. Guess he was blind by love like I was with Johny. He opened the door; I saw Cleon sitting on the countertop with peaches making lemonade; ugh his getting on my nerves.

Cleon: Took ya'll long enough.

Frank: Hmm, so you didn't portal where the Queen sent you pussy cat?

I smiled at Frank calling Cleon "pussy cat."

Cleon: My Queen, are you ready to leave?

He said, trying to hug me from the back. Is he serious? I neverminded him and Scoot over to sit where frank made a seat from me.

Satphire: Hello

I called her about her clan's doing. She should know

Carla: Come to Frank's house, now

I Demanded. Deep down, I didn't want to see or talk to her. But bullying the citizens I grew to care for is a no-no!

Hearing the urgency in my voice made her come right away.

Cleon: Sat, what are you doing here?

He said, hugging her as she portalled over. Smiling largely at his embrace. Ugh, they aggravate me.

Frank: Wow, in the presence of our Queen? Anyways, Diamond the Queen

Satphire: Diamond, no, it should be future; I left the throne to Future.

Carla: She got her *ss beat. Accepting a challenge she...

Satphire: Choose your next word carefully.

She warned me. So much resentment in her voice.

Carla: I said what I said. She shouldn't accept a fight she was not ready for.

Satphire: She is a bit overconfident in her fighting skill but

Frank: If it wasn't for your dad, Diamond would have killed her

Satphire: Explain?

Frank: After she clearly won, she wouldn't stop hitting Future. Then she declared all the weak animals to leave, and she ordered the rest of the citizens to execute these orders. It's hard to find a school to take my children to because we are considered weak. Plus, we are being hunted.

Cleon: Not by Leopards, correct?

Frank: No, Floyd is a great prince. He shows kindness, but dragons hunt us. We got a new population of wolves, and I honestly think they eat us. I am missing a lot of members.

Peaches: Yet, he's too scared to investigate. That Coward

Frank: I could die, my love. Is that what you want?

She looked at him, displeased but said nothing. Hmm weird

Carla: I Leave this to you?

Satphire: I am an Ex Queen. To deal with it would mean for me to take the throne. What is my dad doing about this?

Frank: He branded a Traitor. Since Queen Carla made her mutual mountain ground, they can't arrest him there. Still, if he steps into Instalaxia, they will prosecute on site.

Carla: Well, I'll be leaving

Satphire: Don't you dare

She said, getting in my face.

Satphire: We are going to fix this.

Carla: Me?

Satphire: Yes, you set this whole thing in motion

Carla: I don't follow?

Satphire: Leaving Johny, Shortly after he gets dethrone, Lady Universe knew you were to rule by his side; since he didn't have you, he became unstable, then it was.

Carla: You and Cleon. It's okay, you can say it.

Satphire: He chose you, Leaving me to endure the burden. Sadly I couldn't do it without him. Now, what they remove you from earth to rule, is in shambles, so don't you dare say this has nothing to do with you. All of this is because of you!

Sigh, she's retarded. This isn't my fault.

Carla: You're retarded.

Satphire: Say that again, I dare you?

Carla: You...

Bam! she punches me right in my mouth. What is wrong with her?

Cleon: Satphire, what is your problem? She's with child!

Satphire: Don't she always!

That B*tch! I'll rip her limb from limb.

Frank: Please! I beg you

He said, coming in between us.

Frank: This house is the only one they don't know about. If you go and show off your powers, though, your elements are beautiful. That will put my family and me in trouble.

I calmed down. I will kick her *ss as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Satphire: I am sorry!

Carla: Sigh, I can't work with her because I will kill her

Satphire: Because I left you on an island? Shut up! You have creation magic; you would have been fine.

Carla: Satphire, don't talk to me. You never apologized

Cleon: I feel like she did

I turn to see, "was he serious right now."

Cleon: I will shut up. Um, is the lemonade done, Peaches?

Carla: I was pregnant, you self turmoil nuisance

Satphire: That's rich coming from a victim.

Carla: Because I am

Satphire: Oh, Johny, I allow you to disrespect me, although I could have stopped and told you, I don't like how you talk to me, but no, I press on my emotion until one of us explodes.

Carla: Wow, That's rich coming from someone who messed up her own marriage. Funny, the doers never feel like they did anything.

Satphire: You...

Carla: Right

I said, sitting down and waiting for her come back.

Satphire: All I am saying is you could have tried harder in your previous marriage

Carla: How about you worry about your current marriage?

Satphire: I am

Carla: Right

Our silence echoed.

Frank: Alright, so what is the plan?

Carla: Hmm

Satphire: The first action is talking to my dad.

Cleon: I'll join

Of course, he will. Ugh, I am so over guy's problem. I made a portal and went home.

This book is now available on Amazon Vella. I'll be adding bonus background to the story; please support me. I don't have any fans on Amazon yet, But I am sure your encouragement and interest in my stories will encourage me to keep writing. Here is the link to my amazon Vella


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