
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasía
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355 Chs

Beautiful (2)

: Protect her heart young King that's all I ask##Cleon##

Why is this old man walking at the same pace as me ignoring the tour?

Bob: Cleon?

Cleon: Yeah

He kept looking at Carla from the back then staring at me. He had an idea of what was going on.

Bob: You know good things when you see it, don't you Cleon?

Cleon: I don't know what you mean?

Bob: I know you since you were a child. You can't disguise from me. Whenever you truly like someone you are impulsive desiring them all to yourself. Tell me...

Cleon: Stop... I don't gotta tell you anything that I don't want to Dad

He smiled at my comment

Bob: General, your emotions are everywhere.

Reminding me of the time I spent in the army, concealing my emotions.

Bob: I remember whenever you get emotional about something you called me Dad. You must really like her to call me Dad.

I train to hide my emotions, but with Carla, I can't contain the feelings I have for her.

Carla: This flower, I've never seen before?

We were now by the lake that we enjoyed each other at. Man thinking about how naked she was in that lake got me hard. The lake was now surrounded by these flowers with yellow moon drip, the flower patterns from Dark blue to pink at the tip. It glowed while dripping moon drip

Carla: I hope they don't spread. I don't know if this is an attack, but I'll do some research on it.

She Said looking worried

Bob: You know what this is right?

He turns to me hurriedly

Cleon: Yes, from what I know they only grow in the kingdom of good rulers

Bob: Carla Maria brown

He whispered while touching these rarest flowers. Instalaxia tried very hard for those flowers to appear in their kingdom but all they got was the roses. Wich means they ruled fair but not great. To think of all places, they would grow in Carla kingdom just shows how much of a keeper she is

Cheryl: Mom can I take one to Dad, am sure that would cheer him up

Bob started laughing And I know why, if Cheryl takes this to Johny, He will know what it means, he will ask her "Where did you get it?" He will see how much of a lost Carla truly was. This will torture the poor guy.

Cleon: We shouldn't mess with it until we fully know what it is.

Bob: Haha I suppose.

He backed me up

Carla: Yeah, honey let me do some research on them first.

Cheryl: It's so pretty

Carla: Yeah, I know baby, but I don't want you to develop a rash or anything. Let's continue. Fly over the lake if you can.

Louise smiled as she plucks one off the ground, placing it in her hair.

Gregory: Babe Carla just said she's not sure of the plants, what if it's poisonous?

Louise: I'll be fine honey.

She smiled at her daughter who was so confused. "My baby doesn't know her worth." I thought

She brought them to her training grounds. Everyone's eyes widened with amazement. Mountains of Gold stand tall, Even the one she demolishes Last time she trained here has renewed and regrown. There has been a need for Gold everywhere, but Carla had mountains of them. Bob looked at the citizens hardly working with drills to break down the Gold.

Bob: So, anyone can get some Gold?

Carla: Yup it's open to the public and visitors

Louise: Honey you can't keep allowing people to take your resources away.

Carla: Even though I have over 70 kids my wealth surpasses several generations. Why not spread it around. Plus, these mountains are hard to crack, it took me nearly 3 whole days to break one.

Bob: Sounds like a good workout! Am In!

Sigh, he was always a muscle head. We finish the tour very late. By the time we got to the all-black castle, everyone went to their room. I took shower in the room Carla reserved for me. I waited a while before going to her room. I knocked of course

Carla: Come in?

I came in locking the door behind me.

Carla: Hey babe

She was watching a movie, to process the day. The movie is about a girl who's in between caring for someone and loving another. I don't think we're in love yet but am sure we cared for each other

Carla: Do you want some popcorn?

Cleon: No, I just came to say, I might not be joining you tomorrow

Carla: Don't leave me by myself with these vultures

She said laughing. Man, she looks so happy lately.

Cleon: You want me there?

Carla: Yes, of course

She said popping a popcorn inside her mouth

Cleon: Then I'll spend the night here for tomorrow.

She turns red thinking what might happen tonight. I actually meant in my room but let's see where this goes. She uncovered the space by her. I climbed in

Carla: You can stay...

Cleon: I know.

She laid on my chest. I lift her chin and kiss her.

Carla: Haha waits let me brush my teeth, I know you don't like the buttery flavor

Cleon: I don't mind it.

It wasn't until I started to touch her, I realize she was nothing but flesh under the covers. I know she's thinking about going back to Johny. Tonight, I'll make my body express how much I care for her. I would never hurt her. She was ready before I got there. I kissed her slowly. I wanted to take my time tonight. If am lucky we could stay here tomorrow making endless sparks. She wrapped her hands around my neck. I don't want to play dominant tonight. I want to set the pace. No boring moment tonight. Not that we have any. I want to fully know her; I know am not her husband, but I want to show her we can get there too if she gives us a chance. Am not just wasting her time. She opened up for me, I teased the entrance a little, she frowned at that hahaha so greedy. Based on my movement I showed her I wanted to take things slow, she obliges. I had to stay focused, so I don't go on a rampage and exhaust myself out. Her Moans tonight lasted longer; I wonder if she likes it slow? I started diving how she likes it. Biting her lip seals my undivided attention to where she wanted attention, we didn't change position fast we took our time. Our climax came stronger and harder. That one spot she feels we weren't ready for; I wonder if she feels we're ready now?

Cleon: Carla?

Carla: Uh-huh

Her n*pples kept teasing me by staying hard the entire time.

Cleon: Can I?


Tonight, was different. The way he invades me was different than before. It's like he was trying to tell me something tonight. The only person who ever touched that part was my ex-husband. When He did, I felt my mind, body, and soul agreeing with him. There lays my center, it's where my creation magic dwells, all my G-spots connections are there. F*ck Cleon why there out of all places? You said it yourself were just kicking it. Seeing how determined he is I don't know if I should? I am learning to protect my heart because no one will do it for me. If I do this my body will submit to him and crave him.

Cleon: I know what you're thinking, And I don't plan on going anywhere, I know you're protecting yourself, give in when you want to, pull away when you need to, I don't mind, that won't change how I feel about you.

When he says things like this, I can't help but want to let him make me submit to him as well but what if this is just a sick joke, he and Johny put together

Cleon: Carla ahh

He said Still stroking gently,

Cleon: It's taking everything in me to not finish early please say I can. If you think it's too early, we don't have to if you don't want to.

Okay, so He doesn't mind if I say no. It should be "no" Am going to say no.


She's taking so long to respond am guessing is a no. Let me get out before I blast in her.

Carla: Alright but I must warn you... It's been a while since anyone explore there. Oh, and every time It's touched something gets created. I don't know this time it might be fire.

Look at her rambling on, She's so adorable when she's nervous. I didn't let her finish I headed towards her spine. The way she grinned back on my body, made me happy she trusted me. I was so close I couldn't keep it together. I looked down to see how she was enjoying me; her eyes were the pattern of helix nebula. Before I could ask her if she was okay, I was in endless space, surrounded by stars. I looked to my left I saw Carla looking back with "Am sorry eyes" She used her hands to cover her face in shame. We were being pulled towards this woman, Hair pure light shoulder-length, her eyes had hypnotic red and white circles, she wore a balaclava on her head with small white pure diamond as strings.

Mysterious lady: So, it's you?

She giggled. In a blink of an eye, we were back in her room. The protection I had on over-filled, some of my juice got spilled inside her.

Carla: Cleon, I got to go wash up

Cleon: Yeah sorry

I got out of her, and she rushed into the bathroom. That was unexpected. While she was in the bathroom, I decided to make some hot cocoa. Walking out of the room, I found Louise her mother standing outside Carla's bedroom. Haha guesses it can't be avoided.

Louise: Let's go!

She demanded. Without arguing I followed. She brought me were Blue, Gregory, and Bob drinking some hot tea. This is bound to be funny.

Louise: So, you and my daughter?

Blue: Haha I saw that coming

Gregory: What?

Cleon: Before I answer... What exactly did you hear?

Louise: Do you think am stupid

Blue: So, you're dating my mom?

Cleon: Do anyone want some Hot chocolate? I make great cups

Blue laughed, Louise looks like she's about to chew my head off, Gregory looks confused, Bob looks amused haha this is funny

Louise: Listened to me funny man, if you hurt my daughter like Johny, Regi, or even Ugo, so help me God. I won't rest until I kill you pussy cat

What's up with that family calling me pussy cat?

Blue: Always knew you cared for mom

Bob: You never cross the line when she was with your brother did you?

Cleon: Why would you ask me that? I don't go after what's taken

Gregory: So, this happens after Johny?

Cleon: Yes

Louise: Was it when you were keeping her in your care?

Cleon: No

Gregory: Do you like my daughter?

Blue: Haha of course he does, you don't spend time with people you don't like. You need to ask him if he looooovvves her Haha

Why are they so nosey?

Cleon: Good night... Louise, I am crazy about your daughter.

I said getting up and leaving. These people are too nosey. I know Carla's probably embarrassed about tonight; I'll go to my room.


What the heck Carla? Who the heck was that lady? Cleon will never want to have sex with me again. This bath is so relaxing. I put watermelon bubble pink soap. I wonder if he's still here. I got some of his juice inside of me. He is very picky about who he c*ms in. I finished bathing. When I went into my bedroom he was gone. See I messed up. What the heck was that space? that lady better not be a creation of mine. "Cleon I am sorry," I thought to myself. He probably thinks am so weird.

The next day I felt my bed going up and down.

Grand: Mommy some strange people are in the castle calling me their grandson

This little boy... He too forward with his words hahaha

Carla: Let me get dressed we will meet them together

Grand: Go head I'll keep jumping on the bed.

I smiled and went to get ready. I put on some t-shirt, Joggers on. Dam, Cleon might not even come today. I don't blame him; I feel like a freak show.

Grand: Are you done yet, mommy.

Carla: Yes, Can I put on some makeup first, please. I just got to feel pretty today

Grand: What? You look beautiful no matter what mommy.

Carla: Well at least I'll still have you and Blue to call me beautiful.

Because the rest of the world might say something else. Between Grand pulling me and screaming "let's go." all I got to put on was lipstick. I walked downstairs, Blue, Itybity, mom, Dad, Bob was all here but Cleon.

Carla: Good morning, everyone

Grand: Yeah, mom that woman wouldn't stop kissing my cheeks.

Haha pointing at my mom.

Mom: You're just adorable.

Gregory: Am your grandpa

Grand looked at me I nodded "Yes"

After seeing that he relaxes a bit.

Cleon: Good morning

He said walking in almost making my heart stop. I hate it when I blush without knowing

Mom: You look red you okay Hun

Carla: Never better.

Awes he came even after last night. I mean we can have a sexless relationship; I just don't want him to leave me. I like him a lot. He made his way to the kitchen to get breakfast.

Grand: Mom I want milk and cereal

Carla: Sure baby.

I went into the kitchen to get milk for Grand leaving everyone out I'm the Dining room


She walked in almost not breathing Haha what's up with her? Our eyes pulled one another yet she looks nervous

Cleon: Carla?

I said slowly pouring my cereal into my bowl of milk

Carla: Yes

She said bracing herself for what am going to say next. I walked up to her.

Cleon: Are you okay?

I ask sincerely. Her eyes twinkled with happiness. She didn't reply she pulled my shirt seizing my lips. Her hands scratching my back was new, I didn't feel the sting last night but woke up this morning I did. Was she worried about something? I started to kiss her neck until we heard.

Bob: Get a room! For Pete's sake, you got visitors.

I felt a slap on my cheek. I looked at Carla whose eyes said "Am sorry please go along with it"

Carla: Take your hands off me good sir am a lady...

She sprints out of the kitchen... Hahaha, what? I turn around to see Bob rolling on the floor laughing up a storm. "Carla your acting is horrible, plus they already know, if they didn't know then they know now" I took my breakfast back out with me. Everyone was there so she. She's so adorable I can't hold back my feelings for her.

Bob: You should be mindful who catches you, don't forget she's a queen, A queen without a king can't get pregnant, she can't be seen with someone who's below her status young King. You should present yourself as a king. Don't belittle her in front of her citizens, keep her in her earthly form until you are ready to court her, if not let a prince or a king do so, don't waste her time.

Cleon: I understand thanks for the advice.

Bob: I'll back off, I didn't know you had an interest in the Queen?

Cleon: Am very interested

Cleon: You should go to her. She's probably driving herself crazy at the thought that she hit you haha same old Carla. Johny messes things up with her, make sure you don't. Am very fond of her.

Cleon: Am aware

Bob: Protect her heart young king that's all I ask.

Cleon: Count on it.