
I've Got You

"Love doesn't exist in this world." This is what Annabel Prescott thought to herself every day as she opened the door that leads to the place that she should have called her home. But it wasn't, and Anna knew it would never be. Not when every conscious moment was spent dreading the moment she would walk back through that godforsaken door which brought her back to her mother. For as long as she can remember, her mother had both verbally and physically abused Anna. Without someone to turn to and no one to tell about this, for fear of her mother, the first 17 years of Anna's life have slowly dragged by giving her a quiet and distant demeanor. Because of this, Anna has grown up believing that love doesn't exist. That is until a boy from her new school school decides that Anna may be more than she seems. ---------- This story does contain domestic violence so please be aware before you start reading.

PheePhee · Adolescente
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7 Chs

Chapter 3


The bus seemed to sink underneath my nervous weight as I placed a foot on the first step. I heaved my body into the narrow aisle, made smaller by the limbs strewn carelessly in its path. The bus seemed fuller than yesterday. There were only two open places I could sit; next to a girl with oily, limp, red hair and a round face, or with him. He was in the same seat as before, headphones on and face towards the window. I wonder what he's listening to...

"Don't tell me it's gon be like this every day now girl! I suggest you find yourself a seat so I can get this bus to the school! Unless you'd rather be walking." the driver yelled over his shoulder.

I grumbled. I'll just sit with that girl. She seems to be on her phone, and I doubt she'll try to talk to me.

I barely made it three steps when I heard the girl say, "Don't even think about it."

I was shocked. I figured she hadn't even seen me coming, but I guess I was wrong.

I was about to ask why, when a sudden force from behind bumped into me, causing me to drop my muffin.

"Watch it!" I spat, glaring at the asshole who ran into me. I bent down and grabbed my muffin. When I stood up, I saw that he had taken the seat next to the girl.

"Hey babe," he said to the girl, placing his arm around her. Then he looked back at me with a smirk and said, "better luck next time."

I stared at him a moment before turning my eyes to the girl, gave her a quick look over, and then turned back to him. "Ya, better luck next time to you too." I heard the girl's sharp gasp, and smiled to myself. Then I turned on my heel and plopped down in the open seat next to the black-haired boy.

Even though his face was still turned towards the window, I could see his shoulders shaking with silent laughter.



I was still laughing when she sat down next to me. I had to turn my head toward the window so she wouldn't see.

'Oh god, Makayla really had that coming...' I thought to myself, shaking my head. I could hear Makayla bitching through my headphones, making me laugh even more.

When I finally managed to compose myself, I snuck a glance at the girl next to me. She looked like she did yesterday: face covered by long hair, large, baggy clothing, and a tattered Black backpack. She was even holding a..... muffin.

The muffin.

The one that I gave her yesterday.

It had the same exact wrapper and everything. But only half of it was gone. 'Did she not like it?' I asked myself.

Right as I thought that, her small fingers began pulling at the plastic surrounding the muffin. She slowly unwrapped it and began breaking off small pieces and eating them.

This confused me even more. The words came out before I could even think about it.

"So...uh... Do you like the muffin?" She froze, her hand suspended in the air, a piece of muffin between her fingers.

I bit my tongue. Why am I so stupid?

I was about to tell her sorry when I heard a quiet voice say, "Yea......I-I do."

I don't know why, but I continue talking. "Really? That's good. My dad just made more. They're his favorite and he makes...."

Shit, I'm rambling. I could feel my face heating up.

I don't normally talk this much. I wonder what's wrong with me today.

She nodded her head then sighed and wrapped up the muffin and placed it in her backpack.

As she did so, I caught a glimpse of her face and sucked in a quiet breath. While she was pretty, that was not what caught my eye. Instead, a red, blood-crusted cut tracked its way over her brow, accented by a purple bruise that covered most of her right cheek and a split on her lower lip.

She must have caught me staring, because she quickly turned her face back to the floor of the bus, hiding behind the wall of her hair.

I too, turn away, facing back towards the window.

I wonder what happened.....