
Year XXXX, Month XX, Day XX

Morning came, but you were not here. Life must go on, even if I leave my broken heart on the floor. Although the wind came and took you away, I can still see you as clear as day.

Today will most likely be the same as yesterday. Being the top man is never an easy job. However when there is nothing to motivate you, how do you keep moving forward?


I told myself I am alright. I am fine. I am okay. I will live to see another day. Another day passes without you by my side. I am not okay. I am not fine. I am not alright.


You wouldn't believe what I saw today. This subordinate had the audacity to question if my corrects were in fact correct and that he work had flaws. This greenhorn wants to question my work that I have been honing for years. Maybe even since he was a baby. I don't want to call myself old or anything. Just more experienced.