

After rejecting Miran's proposal, Kimimela travels Mexico to celebrate with her family, she battles with her past and is unable to forget Miran. Book two of this book available, search I'M YOURS PARTLY, to understand better make sure you read part one. Don't forget to add to your library, Thanks for reading To contact me; IG: Skypearlie Facebook: Author skypearlie. Email: skypearliewrites@gmail.com

skypearlie · Fantasía
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14 Chs


"Oh, this is... oh my goodness!" Ava, pretending to be shocked, smiled awkwardly at Kim.

"What do I do?" Kim asked worriedly.

"We have to be at the orphanage home soon, in the next two hours... let him be, he probably doesn't have anyone to spend the Easter with" Ava suggested, Kim looked at her and wondered if he was actually lonely, being with him, she hadn't always seen him around his friends except they had an occasion, but he still had them, she wondered.

"Miran? he has a lot," Kim says, blinking severally at Ava, who stood across the room watching her.

"Like?" Ava asked, staring at her, awaiting her reply.

"His mom," Kim shrugged, Ava raised her brows, furrowing them at Kim.

"I thought you said, she travels a lot?" Ava cleared her throat, staring.

"His father?" Kim suggested, Sh hadn't known Miran to be close to his father, she wondered why.

"Oh, so they could have a business talk?" Ava says, Kim stared at her frustrated, she could remember everyone in Miran's life.

"He has Lina, Esla, and that girl... Fatima" Kim argued, slamming her hands on her thighs.

"You sure, you didn't leave him again because of Fatima?" Ava giggled, seeing the frustration on her face.

"I am fed up with you!" Kim smiled looking away.

"Could be," Ava laughed.

"Well, I won't lie... I really wanted to pull her hair out of her head, that lady is so rude, but she isn't my problem" Kim took her head backwards, letting out a long whine.

"Yeah, I know that," Ava says, in a low voice.

"I am scared if it's possible… I never want him to meet my father..." Kim lamented, staring at the ceiling. Miran and her father's meeting was something she would never imagine in her head.

"He might not, but if you accept his proposal he might" Ava picks up her phone, scrolling through it.

"Not that, in Dubai... before heading home with Miran, I called my mother and a man picked... she hasn't said anything and I hope it..." Kim starts but gets interrupted.

"Wait Kim... you called your mother?" Ava asked, dropping her cell.

"Yeah, I did... I wanted to talk to her about coming home, Elsa girl had wanted to come over,"


Kim stormed past her. She walked faster than ever like she wanted to run away. she took a deep breath and placed a smile on.

"Hey," she smiled, holding his hand.

"Can we leave now?' he asked.

"Yeah," she replied. He pulled Kim, about to leave. "Eisa, I'm sorry but I can't stay over."

"It's fine, Kim, thank you for coming," Eisa says. Miran took her hands leaving the mansion. At the entrance, he stopped.

"Wait here, I need to talk to someone" Miran pecks her cheek. Kim looked at him, heading to a man dressed in black. She sighed exhaustedly from the event.

Tony hadn't arrived with the car, and her heels were starting to ache. Kim takes out her phone, dialling Lara.

"Vamos, mamá" she held her purse tight, there was no answer to the phone, Kim looked at Miran and he kept talking. She dialled the number again.

"¿Hola?" A male voice rang in her ears. Kim hung up, she looked at her phone, checking if she had dialled the right number, and she did. Her mind wandered off.

"Miss Cortes?" Tony calls, Kim gasps, staring at him. "Is something wrong?"

"Huh? no, I'm fine" She breathed.

"Hey, are you okay?" Miran asked.

"Yes, can we leave now?" She gulped, managing a smile.

"Sure..." He places his hands on her waist, taking her to the black car that awaited them.


"So, that's your reason? why didn't you tell me!" Ava asked

"Because, you had a lot to handle, Jackson, the court case... moving and all!"

"Still Kim, so you think that your father is still seeing your mom?" Ava emphasized.

"I really hope she isn't" Kim looked at her.

"And she hasn't said anything about that?" Ava asked, folding her hands across her chest.

"Yeah, every day I look at her... I want to talk about it... you know?" she sighed.

"Did he sound like your dad?"

"No, he didn't..." Kim raised her gaze at her.

"Oh God Kim," Ava placed her hands on her lips, speechless.

"I know she loves him so much, but can't she realize he isn't the one for her... after all the hell he made her go through,"

"It's love, Kim, you can't stop love" Ava shrugged.

"I don't even want to see him, and I don't want to bring Miran close to him, what if his family knows about me? My dad? Do you think they would accept him? or me?"

"At least, you don't talk to him anymore..."

"It's better to reject them than to be rejected.... and I hope Miran doesn't turn out like that," Kim let out.

"God, don't say that" Ava snaps.

"You know this saying... like mother like daughter, it makes me believe that"

"You know... Miran is hotter than your dad" Ava says, smiling.

"Yeah, I know that..." Kim laughed.

"Richer, not only that, he is crazy about you!" She continued.

"And I am scared his feelings are gonna change, '' Kim started.

"So you're admitting you're still in love with him" Ava nudged her.

"Girl," Kim giggled.

"I mean, you can't be scared of someone who is literally obsessed with you, Miran taught you how to love... and I don't think his feelings are gonna change, Kim." Kim chuckled, seconds later, they heard a knock at the door.

"Yes!" Kim says, picking up her phone from the bed.

"Hey" Miran opened, Kim froze staring at him "I'm sorry to bother,"

"Oh, is something wrong?" Ava asked.

"Can I have a word with Kim?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead... I would be outside" Ava says.

"Thanks" he smiled, watching Ava step out of the room, Kim breathed loudly.

"You wanted to talk" She cleared her throat, folding her hands across her chest.

"I'm sorry," He says.

"For what?" Kim asked.

"Coming here?"

"You should have called Miran," She sighed.

"Yeah, I thought I would surprise you," He says, Kim, looked at him.

"Surprise me? why? we ain't even together" she lets out.

"Right... we ain't, would you have picked my call if I did?" He asked, Miran stared waiting for her reply. He knew Kim just well and Kim knew she wasn't going to pick up his call.

"That doesn't matter..." she brushed.

"Are you mad at me?" Miran asked.

"No, I am not"

"You seem mad?" He asked.

"That's because we ain't together, you can't come to my place unannounced, how did you..."

"Do you want me to leave?" He says, Kim looked at him, and Miran had this mocking smile on his face.

"It's fine... you're already here," She says, despite the smile on his face.

Silence engulfed the room, with their eyes locked on each other. Kim smiled awkwardly, she felt tense as he stared at her, it was something Miran could do, stare at her all day.

"Happy Easter." He smirked, stepping closer to her. Kim's eyes followed his feet, she took steps backwards.

"Thanks... Happy Easter" she managed a smile, she tried avoiding any awkward situation. "I didn't know you're a Christian" She gulped.

"I am not," He replied.

"Okay... a Muslim?" She says, avoiding eye contact with him, she wasn't going to stop him from coming closer to her, he smelt good.

"No, I don't do religion," Miran clarified.

"You don't pray?" she asked, confused, all this while she had thought Miran had a religion.

"Tú Kimimela?" Kim let out a soft whine, Miran calling her name full, was a big turn on. (Do you Kimimela?) Kim bit her lips, she loved whenever he spoke a language.

"Yeah, I did... today" She managed to say, Miran was feet away from her, Kim stopped resting on the wall behind her.

"¿Sobre qué oraste? , Kim?" He whispered. (What did you pray about, Kim?)

"Miran..." she swallowed. "Yo-yo" she stammered. (I-I), she could imagine her hands wrapped around his neck.

"In that dress..." his hands slowly touched her waist. "Eso es muy corto y sexy," he says, staring at her. (That's very short and sexy)

"I-I... um..." she searched for words, she felt shock down her spine, Kim could hear her heart beat loudly.

"Kim! Oh, lo siento" Lara shut the door immediately. (Oh, I am sorry)

"Excuse me" She glared at him, heading towards the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys," Lara says, heading to the kitchen, Kim follows behind.

"Mom, that was nothing"

"You two were making out" Kim's eyes found Ava staring.

"We weren't!" She says, looking away from Ava who had her mouth wide open.

"Okay, well... I still wouldn't have barged in, I was going to ask of him"

"Is there something you want me to do?" Kim shook her head, she wasn't going to continue this conversation.

"What? we are just packing up... Ava, is the turkey ready?" She asked, Ava, looked away from Kim, and nodded.

"Yes, do you want me to wrap it?" Ava asked.

"Please do," Lara says, smiling.

"Kim, you have a visitor" Marie interrupts.

"Huh? Kim?" Ava asked, she looked at her mother and back at Kim, Lara stared at them both.

"Yeah, a young man" Ava and Kim's eyes met.

"Mom, did he say his name?" Ava asked.

"Oh, Pablo," Marie says, Kim scoffed, shaking her head.

"Pablo?" Miran's voice echoed.

"Querido señor" These words escaped from Ava's lips.

Author's note: Don't forget to add this to your library, Thanks for reading ❤️