
I'm your Destiny Milady

Flora Martin is 23 year old gorgeous young girl. she is born in a royal family which makes her the princess. she's the daughter of the most powerful businessman in the country. despite all these Riches and luxury she works hard to prove herself fulfilling the responsibilities as the daughter, a CEO and a single mother. her daughter is her treasure whom she wants to protect fron each and every possible danger that lingers on her. she has many hidden secrets which only few most trusted people in her life knows about. Arthur Kingsley is the youngest CEO of 'Kings Corporation'. one of the most successful companies in country S. with his stone cold gaze and icy personality gave him the title of devil's lord. he only shows his warm side to his family and his two best friends.he has super hot looks with the brain of Einstein. love is just another word with no meaning for him. like everyone he too has some secrets and a sad past which he wants to forget but couldn't. what will happen when these two will cross paths? and not once but several times. are they destined? can flora melt his frozen heart?. will he fall for flora's unique charm and her cute little daughter? can he fill the emptiness in flora's life? will the little girl accept him? we'll let's find out... ............................. Note : The cover doesn't belong to me and credit goes to the owner. This is my first novel so please forgive me for the mistakes and guide me through your comments and i hope you guys like it. Name of any country, city, company and hotels etc mentioned in this story are all fictional and has nothing to do with real life unless mentioned clearly, do not relate it to any culture , religion or nationality.

Firebird246 · Ciudad
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7 Chs


" Mommyy!!!... Mommyyyy!!!!! please Say some.. something mommyy!!!" heaven's scared voice pulled her out from the Abyss of darkness she was falling into. She took deep breaths to calm herself down because she was shaking like a dried leaf. she turn her head towards Heaven who was sleeping a moment ago is now fully awake and looks like she's about to cry any minute now. flora cursed herself inwardly for being such a week looser. it was the first time she had a panic attack in presence of heaven, all these depressing and negative things never come across her mind whenever she was with her. but today her emotions Overpowered her senses which obviously made the little girl scared.

flora immediately took her into a tight embrace and started rocking back and forth while patting her back. heaven locked her arms tightly around her neck and started sobbing... poor child got scared seeing her mother like this.

" mommy!.. what.. hap.. happend to you!.. why were you.. cry.. crying?? are you si.. sick? " heaven said pulling back a little while her hands were still locked around her neck.

flora gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. " I'm sorry sweetie. mamma just had a bad dream and got scared. "

" what bad dream mommy?? " heaven asked sobbing in between.

" Mommy saw a monster who was about to eat me but..." she pause and looked straight into her daughter's eyes " but what mama??" heaven asked tilting her head.

"but you saved mommy my dear.. you woke me up from that dream...you made those monsters disappear... you know what?.. you really are an angel, my sweet angel. " she said kissing her forehead.

"really? I saved you mamma? " she said pointing at herself. blinking innocently.

" haha.. yes you saved me" she said tapping her nose with her finger. ' yes my little Angel you save me from drowning myself into those dark memories once again.' she thought.

" yayy!!! I saved mommy!!... don't worry mommyl I will beat every monster... I won't let them scare you... I pinky promise you" she said holding out her pinky finger.

flora laughed at her cuteness and hooked her pinky with hers.

" now let's go home alright.. it's getting late. "flora called her driver to bring the car at the entrance, than she picked heaven in her arms and walked into the elevator after making sure that everything is locked. John who was waiting right at the entrance with the car saw them coming and immediately open the door of the back seat. flora thanked him and they both get inside the car and they drove away.

Next day....

flora and Heaven were having breakfast when the doorbell ringed. she looked through the peephole and found ella standing outside. she opened the door for her. ella is a 48 year old woman and heaven's nanny. she has been serving her family for almost ten years.actually she was her mother's helper but after her death she took care of flora like her own child. when flora shifted here she came along with her to take care of heaven. on weekends she spends time with her son who also lives in country A. " welcome back aunt ella... how's your weekend? " she asked pouring juice for heaven.

" it was good young miss. " she replied with a warm smile. " aunt Ella how many time I told you not to call me young miss... call me princess like you usually do. now I'm getting late for work so once again I have to bother you to take care of this little trouble maker".

" and how many times I've told you not behave this politely with me... and our little miss is not a trouble maker at all. " she said frowning.

" alright!!.. you win.. gonna go now!.. bye aunt ella and you!.. little missy come and give me my goodbye kiss" she said making a funny face. heaven giggled and ran to her side. kissing her on the cheek she went back to her room to play with her toys. flora smiled and went to work.

time skip 4:30pm

I was inside my room playing with my toys.. when nanny ella come inside holding a plate of cookies in her hand. she put the plate on the table beside me and asked me to eat them whenever I feel like. but I was not hungry, I was bored so I asked nanny ella if we could go the central garden to play.

" little miss... it could be dangerous outside why don't you play in the backyard?. "

" No aunty ella.. I don't wanna play alone. I'm bored!..."

sigh!.. " okey let me ask your mommy alright? " heaven nodded and ella called flora she picked up the call " hello! aunt ella what happened?.. is heaven okey? "

" yes she is okey ... but she wanna go to the central garden. I tried to convince her but.. "

" it's alright... take her there but keep an close eye on her... and take some guards too. tell them to watch over you guys from distance. and don't stay out for too long... we have a flight tonight "

" alright!." she cut the call and looked at heaven who was looking at her with hopeful eyes.

" let's go little miss... your mamma gave us permission."

" yayyy!!!!" heaven jumped up and down clapping her hands. ella helped her in changing clothes than they both went out taking two guards with them.

after 15 minutes of drive they reached there.

" come on! aunty ella!!!... quickly!!! " holding her hand I dragged aunty ella with me... " little miss wait... I can't run as fast as you.. I'm getting old honey" ella said huffing

" sorry aunty... I got too exi.. esited" ella chuckle lightly and corrected her " it's excited honey not esited okey?...and it's alright I will go sit there on that bench.. you go and enjoy yourself. " she said patting her head.

heaven nodded and ran to the area of slides and swings. after playing for some time with other children she came and sat beside ella.

" aunty ella I want ice cream " she said pointing towards the ice cream truck.

" ok you wait here, I'll go get it for you. don't go anywhere. " she said before walking towards the truck.

" why it's taking so much time for aunty ella to bring ice cream?" I thought swinging my legs.

' I was waiting for aunty ella when my eyes landed on a little puppy, it was too small to be left alone and her mama was nowhere to found.. I got up and went near him. I felt bad for him when I saw a wound on its leg which is making it difficult for him to walk. my whole concentration was on the puppy so I didn't notice someone standing near me and bumped into that person. I hissed in pain as I fell on my butt and my elbow got scratched. tears stated forming in my eyes but didn't fall. the person whom I bumped Into said something in a cold voice which made me flinch. I looked up to see a pretty lady standing with her arms on her waist looking at me with angry expressions.

" I'm very sorry aunty. " she said in a low voice.

" you!!... can't you see where you're going! you ruined my whole painting... it took me two hours to paint that...and look at my dress, all covered in paint. it was so expensive and now it's all ruined " she yelled at her not caring about the people around her.

" I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.." she said once again lowering her head

" will your sorry fix this?...such a feral child.. where is your parents...didn't they taught you any manners? " heaven kept her head low... the tears which she was holding back now started flowing like a river.

" I think it's you who needs to learn some manners" someone said from behind. the woman turned around and a saw a very handsome man leaning against the tree. his hazel green eyes throwing daggers at her.

a chill ran down her spine but she still managed to spit some words out of her mouth.

" wh...who are you!.. do you know who i am!!.. how dare you talk to me like that"

" I don't waste my time knowing unimportant people.. " he said in a bored tone. then he shifted his eyes on the little girls who was still looking down. he went near her and crouch down to her level... he could see the tears streaming down her little face and he felt anger rush through his veins. he don't know why he was feeling like that. it was really strange for him.

maintaining a poker face he said. " look up here little girl.. no need to waste your tears because of a moron's senseless words. "

" how dare you to call me a moron." the woman shouted again

" I don't need dare to speak what's true. yelling at a child for a little mistake even after she apologised doesn't seem like an human behaviour to me. " he said than shifted his attention on the little girl once again... heaven lifted up her head, her sky blue eyes met with his hazel green ones. his hand automatically made it's way to her cheeks and he wiped the tears from her face. he stood up and turned towards that woman.

" now coming back to you... i will pay for that trash you called a painting and that rag of a dress.. no need to create a scene here... so stop barking and tell me how much do you want and get the hell of of this place. " his face turned deadly serious as if he's gonna kill her right away... even his gaze is colder than the glaciers making the woman shiver in fear. " the woman felt extremely humiliated but couldn't say anything because of the murderous look he was giving her... she picked her stuff and left the place before that evil demon will kill her. "

at this point ella came running with the guards behind her..

" oh!! young miss!! you scared the hell out of me... what happened?... why are you crying are you okey? and mr who are you? " she said frowning her brows. the guards who saw everything told her what happened here. they wanted to interfere and put that woman in her place for making their little miss cry but before they could do anything the man came and handled the situation. ella thanked him for standing up for their young miss. the man nodded but his expressions didn't change at all. he was about to leave when he felt a tug at his shirt

he looked down to see the little girl clutching his clothes tightly in her fist. he don't know how to talk with a child as most of the children gets scared of his cold looks and start crying. but this little girl doesn't look scared of him at all which shocked him. he hesitated a little at first but than picked her up in his arms.