
Chapter 2 : How You happened !

I could mention the fact of meeting the boy as if it were yesterday .

I sat down under the blossom tree . The wind blew lightly on my face . I looked up , only to find him . his eyes . They were icy blue , they seemed as if they could eat you up , if he felt the need to . One could dive in and never come back up . His hair , that was red in a wolf cut , so silky and fluffy . He stared at me as if I were an animal , and he was the predator that was ready to pounce on any second . I smiled and looked away . He followed my gaze , and sat down beside me . Examining me . He was tall , and his legs crossed , bumped me . Causing me to fall and roll down the hill . I didn't know that his strength would have such an impact . He got up and watched me roll down .

" Not even a " I'm coming to save you ? " " I said quoting . My back hit a rock , although , surprisingly , it didn't hurt . I opened my eyes and turned . There I saw him again . I didn't hit a rock , I fell into his arms . My back was leaning against his chest . He dared not say anything . He gently pushed me aside and got up . He wore black pants , a white shirt that had " Life's strength " written on it and a red coat with golden hems . He looked down at me and walked away . I spared no time to getting up and following him to where he was headed to .

" I'm Ming Xiao zhan " I said . He stopped and turned to me , I felt my face turning red . " I'm Ling Min . " The boy said . He turned around and started walking again . " How come I don't see you much ? " I asked him . He turned back his attention to me . " Kid , You have anything else to do then to annoy me ? " Ling asked , annoyed by my question . I wasn't feeling any less than angry when he mentioned that fact . " You know , I could have said the same thing to you when you scared me off the top of the hill ! " I screamed at him as I pointed out to the hill . He rolled his eyes and ignored my protest . I let out a deep breath and walked to my tent .