The concept of summoning adventurers to another world had always disgusted me, the idea of making other people fight a war that has nothing to do with them is sick.
The sun was shining with no cloud to be seen in the sky, 18-year-old Alen had finished his morning workout, and his room was filled with cloth on the flow. Seeing the condition of his room Alen let out a sigh before he started to pick up the various type of cloth on the floor while picking up a piece of the shirt, he came to contact with a photo album that had fallen off the drawer.
The glass had a few clicks but nothing that would require his attention for now, the picture had brought memories of the day it was taken. He and two of his best friends Quinn Haj and Samantha, it was in their first year of college admission and the group had decided to take a picture to capture the moment forever.
Alen placed the picture down and after cleaning his room, he took a shower and grabbed his cloth along with a light black robe with gold patterns and his bag, before leaving Alen was greeted by a hug from a woman.
"I'm so proud of you Alen, you finally graduating college, I promise we won't miss the ceremony so give it your best," The woman said.
"Haha, it's just a graduation Mom there won't be much to do except sit and listen to people speak about education and things like that."
"You know for someone who bothered to even attend classes you don't seem excited" a woman who seemed like a younger version of the mom spoke, she had long black hair and even though she was still in her pajamas she still looked like a perfect angel.
"I'll be excited if that piece of paper they are giving me today can earn me some money back and get dressed before coming out of your room please" Alen replied.
"Wow! You've grown some balls to lust over me, you creepy little pervert."
"I'm not lusting over you, you mid evil looking, witch. I'm into girls who look like goddesses' perfect shape, intelligent, pretty, a goddess not goblin."
"What did you just say to me!"
"Okay, kids that are enough hug it out and stop insulting each other" The mother of the two siblings walked between them, her short black hair was shining and well-kept although she was the only parent of two children, she had managed to raise them well. She garbed both her children and pulled them in for a hug.
"We promise will to attend the ceremony, so go and do your best."
"Yeah, and when you get back, I'll cook something tasty for you to celebrate," said his sister.
Alen's face relaxed as he had a smile on his face looking down on his family who was embracing him, he couldn't help but smile at the loving site.
"Mom, Tanya is trying to kill me," Alen said before rushing out of the door.
"You little shii!"
He slammed the door before his sister was done with her sentence, and now he stood outside a restaurant facing the streets. The street filled with people going about with their day cars honking and beeping. Alen took a moment to look around, near their restaurant was a flower shop, and picking up some roses he made his way toward the university.
On the way he took a little shortcut past an alley that led to the cemetery, making his way past the tombstones alien couldn't help but feel sad, he eventually came to a complete stop by one of the tombstones. He picked a few fallen leaves from the tomb and cleaned the surrounding area; the tombstone had the name Samantha engraved on it.
"We did it, Sam, we finally graduated, I'm sorry I came alone again I'll make sure to drag Quinn with me after the ceremony. I grabbed you some roses they were your favorite right, anyway, I gotta get going or I'll miss the ceremony, see you soon my friend." Alen placed the roses on the tomb before picking up his bag and heading off.
Once he reached the university Alen could see all the people working hard to prepare, the staff was underseeing the preparations while some students helped out. Suddenly he felt someone grab him from behind.
"You idiot are you seriously coming now there's only five minutes before the ceremony starts to hurry up," the muscle boy said as he grabbed the former by the hand and dragged him to their seats, the boy had blonde hair and although his body was well built and rigged, he was still the same age as Alen.
"QUINN!" Alen called out.
"I know I'm sorry I didn't go to see her; I'll make it up to her with some fried octopus later."
"Yeah, it was her favorite, remember when she said if you graduated, she would let you f*ck her mother," Alen asked with a smile on his face, but although he had a smile on his face his eyes displayed sadness.
"YEAH, I REMEMBER SAMANTHA'S MOM IS A HOTTY!" Quinn said shouting at the top of his lungs, the noise had turned the heads of some of the students and staff members who were in the venue as well as some of the guests who had already arrived.
"Just give up, her mom is way out of your league," Alen said as he gently tagged the latter's shirt signaling him to sit down and be quiet.
Quinn had steered down and the venue was now flooded with guests every parent wanted to see their children so the first seats in the rows filled up quickly, the ceremony started, and although the headmaster was making a speech Alen's attention was in the group of guests. His gaze shifted from one place to another looking for his family, suddenly a bright red light hit his eye causing him to shift his head toward the direction it came from.
There he could see two beautiful women with black hair, his mom was holding a camera in one hand while waving at him with the other while her sister held a laser pointer in one hand, and with the other hand had flipped him off.
"I see your sister is still as barbaric as always" Quinn whispered in his friend's ear, this brought a smile on Alen's face and a warm feeling in his stomach.
But suddenly the sky lit up as drawings and patterns formed a circle, the circle emitted a bright lay of light that came shooting down on all the graduates.
"What is happening, is this part of the ceremony?" Some students asked.
"How we're outside, where is the light coming from?"
Slowly the students started feeling a pulling force on their bodies, some were already floating in the air heading in the direction of the strange drawings in the sky, chaos spread across the venue as parents tried to save their children. The clear beautiful skies turned dark as black clouds engulfed the skies emitting lightning and thunder, the wind picked up and now the once peaceful venue was in the middle of what seemed to be a storm.
Tanya rushed over jumping over the fallen people and stepping on the heads of guests, her target was her brother who was now also floating in the air with no way to stop or get to the ground. She reached out her hand inside the shining light and grabbed her brother's hand, unlike outside the inside of the light was peaceful all the graduates floated peacefully as they watched their family members struggle to survive the wind and harsh conditions on the outside.
When they tried to get out their bodies would hit the light like solid matter, the light prevented any of them from escaping but Tanya had reached her hand from the outside of the light and her hand passed through easily, she wrapped a wire that was connected to some lights on the venue on one of her hand and grabbed her brother, now she was in a middle of a tug war with the mysterious light that wanted to take her brother. Alen hung on to his sister's arms until he saw what the light was doing to her hand.
The light barrier seemed to be pulling anything inside it and Tanya's hand had begun to tear apart, the skin peered back and off the hand, and the blood started to float as her muscles also began to tear apart. Alen looked at his sister who looked to be holding back the tears from the pain and her grip got tighter and tighter.
"I knew you loved me," he said with a gentle smile on his face as he looked at his sister.
"Alen please don't," Tanya said as tears began to flow down her face.
"Take care of Mom for me, okay sis."
Alen let go of her sister's hand causing him to be pulled into the light after he closed the mysterious drawings in the sky the light vanished. Without any force holding her up Tanya fell to the ground at the edge of a circular scorch mark on the ground. Her arm was bleeding as all the skin had been burned off, but that didn't seem to be her concern at all as she looked up at the sky tears fell from her face, and she let out a heartbreaking cry.
Somewhere in a hall made of marbled walls and manned by soldiers with swords and shields, the circle appeared in the middle of the flow emitting the same bright light only this time it was pointing up when the light dissipated it levered 25 graduates in black and gold robes.
Before everyone could get their bearings two more circles appeared on the ground a few meters from the first one and just like before when it disappeared it left graduates only these had different colored robes and the symbol on their robes indicated that they were from different universities.
In total one hundred graduates had been gathered here by the strange light, 25 from two universities and 50 from one of them.
"Thank you, great heroes, for answering our plead for aid" A man stood up on the walls of what seemed to be a castle, he had an expensive red coat with animal fur on the collar a yellow beard and a golden crown on his head.
"We are grateful that so many of you were able to arrive safely," The man said.