What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery
Lambert's Tea House.
A fancy cafe which sells drinks. It's a favorite spot for instructors to hold light meetings. A peaceful environment where the customers can relax to the ambience.
Stating their name and purpose of visit at the counter, they were guided to one of the private rooms.
Her Highness Titania was dressed in a mint coloured dress with bright coloured accents of blue.
Nearl wearing a loose traditional dress, cardigan over shoulders to cover her exposed collar bone. There was a sword sheath which clung to her waist.
Din who wore a dashing suit had his hair swept to a sharp right angle.
And Judy who was for once, not wearing a robe.
"Welcome. It's a joy that you were able to make it today."
"Your Highness Titania, it's an honor," Leticia greeted.
"It's been a while, Leticia. How have you been? Please sit."
"I've been well, Your Highness."
The pair took a seat on the open chairs. Sequencee guessed that there was one more guest who hadn't arrived, seeing as there was an additional chair right beside Titania.
"Here's the menu for the drinks. Order anything you'd like, it's on the princess," Nearl handed them a fancy black booklet.
Both Sequencee and Leticia ordered tea.
Their conversation progressed, touching on subjects like life in the academy and personal favorites when it came to food. Things to help break down the wall between the princess and those in the room. It goes without saying that she was a glib speaker, guiding Leticia along.
"How many students are part of an ensemble?" Leticia asked.
"For our academy, we've gone for a middle range, at 30 students," Titania responded
"The rules limit it between 25 to 35 students," Din explained.
"Oh, so that's how it is. So is the ensemble you're in with 30 students too?" Leticia asked Sequencee.
"Thirty one, including myself."
"If I'm not wrong, Sequencee, you yourself are not a direct member of the ensemble?"
"Come again?"
"Pardon me. What I mean is that you were an invited guest to join the ensemble, correct?"
"In a way, yea. I merely did it as was told by my mentor, Miss Judy."
"I see. I think it's most wonderful you're thinking outside the box for this year's competition Sir Din. How lucky it is that a talent like himself landed on your court before I could pick him up."
"All is in the name of the game no, Your Highness?" Judy said with a smile.
"Yes, yes. All is part of the game. We shall see how things fare this time around? I have a feeling it may be different."
"I wish your students the best, Your Highness," Din said.
"Likewise, it would be selfish to not wish the same for your students."
"Sir Din, I hear that there have been rumors going around that the academy has acquired a demon lord's horn?" Nearl asked.
"A demon lord's horn? Yes, quite intriguing, isn't it? While the controversy remains, the news has mostly settled with more emphasis on the coming competition."
"Could it be possible that this is the infamous secret prize for the winners of this year's Magic Showdown?" Titania asked.
"That I cannot say for sure. The committee of the competition is tight lipped about it. Though, I don't deny the possibility, after all, from what I heard, there are three horns."
"Three? What an odd number."
Judy gave Sequencee a quick glance out of concern. He acted aloof.
"The allocation of the schedule is still in its finalization process. We will release it after the meeting tomorrow," Din said.
"The quicker the better. With so many academies, the competition for space to practice would be hard," Titania spoke.
Spatial magic reacted. There was a knock at the door– the last guest had come.
The door opened, surprisingly–
"Why are you here? Oh, Your Highness Titania, nice to meet you."
"Lady Titania, it's been a while. My sincerest apology for being late."
It was Risa and Evelyn. Wasn't it supposed to be one guest?
"No, we simply came early. Look, it's not even 7 yet. It's a pleasure to meet you both. How embarrassing. Nearl, could you ask for another chair?"
"It's alright, I'll go ask for one instead," Risa said, moving out of the room once more. She came back with a waiter who offered to carry it instead.
It was plopped right beside Leticia.
"Hero Risa, is it alright if I referred to your esteemed self as such?" Titania asked with a gentle smile.
"Just call me Risa."
"That would be troubling for me. Please allow me some time to accustomed myself to it before I make the switch."
"Here's the menu," Leticia slid the drink list under Risa's hand.
"Wow, there's a lot of stuff here."
Evelyn and Titania began to talk in whispers. Giggling a little between banters.
Sequencee took a sip of his yuzu tea.
"Sequencee, tell Miss Iona 'good job' for me," Risa muttered, her voice fleeting.
"Hm? What? Oh, sure."
"Did something happen? Is it about Linzy's brother?" Leticia asked.
"She tied up Linzy real good. Seeing her struggle like a worm, never in my life have I felt so much like a winner," a dark smile formed on the hero's lips.
"So it would be alright?" Titania exclaimed in a voice of surprise.
"Risa, you wouldn't mind if I ask that you spend some time with the students from Eluive Academy, would you?"
"Is this part of using connection to bypass the norms? Sure thing," Risa gestured 'okay' with her fingers.
"This truly, thank you for this opportunity Your Highness," Titania lowered her head.
"No, no. I'm merely doing it for selfish reasons. Please raise your head Lady Titania."
"Where's Shiro anyways?" Sequencee asked.
"Big brother? He's dealing with Linzy's brother."
"And by that you mean.."
"You know, boy-boy talk?"
'Again with these weird terms again.. what is boy-boy talk?'
"Don't give me that.. you're saying you don't know what it means for two boys going out for a drink?" Risa's expression turned dead.
"You should've just said that earlier."
"Is this a word from your world?" Leticia asked.
"It's a made up thing.. Evelyn, sorry for disturbing you, have you ordered your drinks?" Risa passed the menu over.
"I have not, thank you."
"Eh.. I haven't introduced myself to you two yet. I'm Risa, nice to meet you," she turned to Judy and Din.
"It's a pleasure likewise," Din said with a smile, but you could see the astonishment in his eyes.
After all, Risa's arrival was unexpected.
The tea party continued for around an hour, topics were thrown at random. With Risa around, the mood was much less awkward for Leticia and Sequencee. Though, it made it more difficult for people like Din and Judy to relate. But they had each other, so no problems there right?
"It may be inpertinous of me to ask this, Hero Risa, may I request a duel?" Nearl asked.
"A duel? Later tonight? That's sudden."
"If it inconveniences you now, it would be alright if the duel was scheduled at another date."
"Nay. Let's do it tonight," Risa cracked her fist. Liking the sound of that, Nearl's lips curled up a little.
Titania had an expression that said 'oh dear here she goes again.'
Tilting his head to narrowly dodge the blade from the haze, Lancet shot a spinning upward's kick. Though he had failed to hit Seketh, a gale exploded forward to clear some visibility in front of him.
Sweep, strike–
A huge dust cloud rose.
Feeling a chill, Lancet threw his body to the side. A blade passed overhead.
Planting his foot on the ground, he kicked off and swiped his blade towards the shadow.
Two blades came into contact with one another and parted.
Clank! Clik! Clank!
Swords clashed repeatedly over a dozen instances.
Lancet was blown back. A sword came rushing for a pierce.
The earth below Seketh's feet tilted.
Lancet parried the sword away and aimed for a finisher, except that the ground below himself also gave way.
Seketh lowered his body and gave a hard blow to Lancet's abdomen using his free fist.
Lancet restrained the fist before it could reach him and used it as an axis to shift his momentum.
They passed each other.
And turned around.
At once their blades clashed. A strong shockwave generated from the impact. Lancet felt his arm go numb.
Smash. Smash. Smash–
Each strike felt like the cobbling of a warhammer, brutal and powerful. Lancet was soon overwhelmed.
Seketh gave a roundhouse kick to his flank. Bracing with his arms, Lancet toppled to the side, a blade now held to his neck.
Seketh looked down at him coldly, shoulders heaving.
"I concede," Lancet spar.
Seketh's hard expression softened.
"I win."
"I know," Lancet punched the ground.
"Though, things might've been closer if you had your system help you."
The two had spared under the condition that neither would use their gifts. If they had, the scene of battle would've been much more chaotic.
"No pressure. It's not like I'm going to win anyways. Just looking at those people, I get the feeling that I don't stand a chance," Seketh said with self deprecation in his voice. He looked off to the battles happening in the other bubble fields.
Lancet sighed.
'Whatever. I only came here to experience what it's like to stay in another academy. Maybe catch a glimpse of the hero while I'm at it..'
Even if by some miracle Lancet did end up clinching the first prize in the competition– which is very unlikely, he would still have to return to his family and manage the territory they had waiting for him.
The only freedom he had was now. Once he becomes a lord, his days will be busily spent ensuring things are running in order. To manage that along with his soon-to-be-wed fiance's hot temper..
"Hey look, it's Her Highness and the imperial princess," Seketh pointed out.
Her peculiar green hair colour stood out. They saw the elven princess with a group of people making their way somewhere.
"What do you think they're doing?" Lancet asked.
"No idea. Curious to know?" Seketh stretched out his hands.
"Is there a need to say anymore?" Lancet received his hand firmly and struggled up.
They followed the group.