

The two of them created distance. It was clear to Sequencee that Iona's intention here wasn't to harm him– it was likely a test of sorts. As Schwii's maid, Sequencee had no doubt that she was a capable person.

Iona took a black blade which had been attached to the leggings of her thigh. The motion looked somewhat awkward, Sequencee thought he shouldn't speak his mind out loud.

"Are you not preparing?" Iona asked.

"I am."

"I see. Then give it your all."

Iona's figure disappeared completely. Sequencee extinguished the beads floating around him and quickly honed in with his spatial magic– a ripple.

He ducked forward and brought forth a bombardment of various magic spells to his flank.

Pushing his hands out a black matter spear appeared before him. The ripple turned solid, Sequencee quickly turned around and found a blade striking towards him.


He slipped to the side. The short blade snaked over as Iona matched her body to the flow, forcing him to back off. The bombardment struck the ground, having deviated because Iona had forced Sequencee to enter the very red zone he created.

The rumbling of the ground threw him off. He narrowly dodged a blade and managed to sweep a strike towards Iona with his spear.

It didn't hit the target of course. Iona had disappeared once more, appearing at the side of all places and struck– a barrier. Unfazed, she forced mana into the dagger and simply tore through.

'This is really odd.'

That slight delay gave Sequencee the leeway to bring the shaft of his spear up to block Iona's attack– but the spear was severed into two. A high kick was sent his way.

Sequencee tilted his head back, the gale created from the motion sent him tumbling backwards. As he struggled to get up, he kept layering invisible barrier magic to hinder Iona's movements. Ice hail and boggy earth marshes were invoked to disturb her momentum. None of these had any effects as her figure kept appearing and disappearing.

Each time a defense had been set up at one spot, she would appear at another where he would yet again have to erect another measure of defense.

He had to constantly dodge the narrow strikes, which ended up with him suffering a few small nick on his neck and arm. Blood dripped from it and trickled onto his clothes.

It was a mock battle between an assassin type fighter and a close combat magician.

Iona found it disappointing how Sequencee was not able to utilize his latent to the fullest. He was able to come up with these compound spells reactionary yet it didn't seem like he had a proper grasp of what it was that he was doing. Simply coming up with ideas and throwing random spells, fighting without really reflecting on anything.

His mastery and talent for magic is indisputable. What he lacked was the understanding of a timeless concept to put his abilities to proper use. Up till this point, Iona had seen enough.

[Activated Trait: Presence Adjustment]

To Sequencee, her figure turned hazy until it vanished. To Iona, her body entered a monochromatic state.

This gift allowed Iona to control the level of exposure she had to the people in the surroundings. It is also the reason why she was able to avoid lecherous gazes from the humans despite her enchanting cold beauty. Unfortunately, this gift was only applicable to herself. She was unable to shield Schwii from the people in her surroundings.

She burst in a triangle formation at breakneck speed, stacking on the gift in evocation as her swift movements and low presence synergized with each other to produce the killing blow.

Sequencee felt a sharp breeze sweep by, he lost track of Iona. In panic, he erected a barrier around himself to stall but.. by then the dagger had already been held behind his neck. Iona had already come behind him.

"Commendable. But, much of your strength is not expressed in appropriation."

Her soft indifferent voice echoed behind him.


"Would you be willing to listen to my evaluation?" She asked.


"Less is more. Derive from your repertoire a curated, minimal variety of spells to use which can bring the most value in offense and defense. I will leave no comments on your unique magic art fighting style except that you use inefficient spells without prior consideration."

Iona took away the dagger and stepped back, assuming the posture of a maid holding a tray with both hands held at her lower torso.

"I may be overestimating your ability but, I believe it may be of much value that you choose spells on the edge of conventional. Fabricate spells unique to you, add hidden properties to throw people off guard, that includes the use of any possible gifts you might have to your advantage."

'She's right.'

"A last note. Please consider Schwii's concern for you. There's no need to push yourself so far."


"I may not know the full extent of your story, however, you'll only find mud at the end of your journey."

"Schwii told you about it, didn't she?"

"I'm her confidant."

'Yeah right.'

"Schwii was Leviath nation's queen for a period of time. Which means you are her.."

"I'm her maid."

'I don't know if I can force an answer out of her but she's likely a demon general. Do anything rash and I might get myself killed.'

"What is Schwii's objective? Why did she come to me saying that I'm her fiance? There's something going on in the demon nation isn't it?"

"It's something which Schwii will tell you in time. It's not within my abilities to persuade you except that it would benefit her greatly if you would listen to her pleas when she reveals it."

'Pleas? I have absolutely no idea what she's talking about.'

"I hope you consider it. She's working hard to win your heart, I hope you may reciprocate with the same."


"If nothing more, may you end your session today? Spending your time during your next training session to limit the range of spell choices should help with your advancement."

"Got it."

Iona simply walked off as if harboring no expectation that Sequencee would take her seriously. It was an unusual way of treating someone, nevertheless, as long as she's an ally..

'.. For now at least.'


A week has passed since then. Rika Nation was on edge with news that the hero was going to arrive today. There was an unexpected delay in the schedule whereby the class of the first semester will be pushed back a few days. It was said that because there were two heroes summoned, more time was needed to adjust their itinerary to match the rest of the enforcer course. Another reason was to arrange a grander welcome party as the birth of two heroes was a blessing no one expected.

"It's been a while.."




On this particular day, Sequencee who had no interest in becoming a pack of sardines at the academy entrance went to explore the festival precincts within the academy before the official premier. He was interested in the kinds of foods which will be available later tonight.

Even thought many of the students had gone to the academy gates to catch the first sight of the new hero, the streets were still rather crowded. With students busily moving supplies around such as frozen goods or cooking equipment which Sequencee had never seen before, he was growing expectant of the delicacies he could try later. Takoyaki, Gyoza, Onigiri, cotton candy, crepes, croissants, Mochi– food items which originated from the hero's home. Sequencee noted down a few stalls which he and the rest of his dormmates would tackle. It wasn't when he saw the stall for the konbini store near the apartment complex that the realization hit him.

All of these stalls were simply just an extension of the stores that already exist around campus. There wasn't a need to squeeze with the crowd just to try limited-time food items when– there really was no such thing. They could eat these all year round.

Suddenly Sequencee felt like all the effort he had spent analyzing and planning the perfect shopping run had been wasted.

Well.. it wasn't entirely a waste.

He bumped into Leticia.



Sequencee had come alone. Schwii was exploring the other side of the festival precincts with Iona while Ro and Lilian were busy training themselves at the theater.

"You're exploring?" Sequencee broke the silence.

"Yeah.. um.."

"Alone? What happened to your other roommates?"

"They sort of.. I'm here alone. That's it," Leticia showed an unconvincing smile.

'Yeah right.'

"Anything that interests you here?" Sequencee began walking. Leticia followed him from behind.

"Let's see.. there's that super tall shaved ice green tea milk thing I want to try."

"What's that?"

"Er.. I think it's like ice and milk and green tea powder? I don't know much about it myself."

The two of them shared their findings in the festival, exchanging information regarding the location of some of the more unique places. Their topic shifted to the coming of the hero, and the surprising revelation that there would be not one, but two heroes in this era.

"Are you still aiming to become their companion?" Leticia asked, without turning to meet his gaze. Sequence contemplated for a moment before speaking.

"I think so."

"You think so?"

"A lot has happened over the past week and I'm starting to think that maybe there is some other method out there to achieve my goal."

If Sequencee's prediction was on point, there must be some conflict happening within the demon nation. Schwii's chance to turn him into her spouse may be a part to winning some political battle of sorts. Maybe she was a member in support of a revolt. Even if that was the case, he couldn't understand Schwii's reasoning for enrolling into Riestallia Academy. Did she have the time to spare?

'It'll take some time to rebuild trust.'

Sequencee was convinced that he'll have to take care of Schwii until she was comfortable enough to share her story with him.

"Good for you then," it was an unexpected response from Leticia.

Sequencee wanted to ask for an explanation when he felt a spark of mana. From underneath his shirt, he took the pendent. The red mana crystal was buzzing. Leticia's eyes went wide.

'It's the same one that succubus has!'

["Enemy subjugated."]

["T-This! Release me!!"]

"What in the world is going on.." Sequencee had a feeling that something was up. Iona's voice was plain as ever but the scream in the background created an unusual dichotomy.

"Who is that?"

["An elf.."]

Before Iona's could finish her message, a faint sparkle of light caught Sequencee's eye and from within, human worm plopped to the ground. That worm being Nynim, the magic elf proficient in teleportation. She was roped up in magic chains.

"T-This is queer.. why didn't these chains go away– ah! Leticia! Save me!"

"N-Nynim?" Leticia was startled.