

'Should I be honest here?'

"They were the ones who stalked us.. you do get that right?"

"So that girl had a part in it too?"

"They were trying to harass her! How could I just stand back and look?"

'Yeah no. Let's put on an act instead.'



'Or did I go too far?'

Nearl lowered her sword. Sequencee wasn't dumb to think that things have ended here.

"Explain why you did it so many times. Why was it that it always happened in a back street?"

'You know, let's just reveal it. Otherwise, I might get myself into more of a pickle.'

"Fine. Since you're so insistent. It's because of my system."

"Your system?"

"My system requires me to kill people."


"That's why."

"That doesn't justify why you needed to take their lives."

She sheathed her sword back into the holster.

Sequencee began to disperse the magic. The floating ice pikes began to fade.

"Don't do that again. Next time they approach you, just run away unless you're in a desperate situation."


"I'll assume I haven't found the culprit and turn in that as the report for the guild. In exchange, I hope you.."




With the tension gone, Sequencee dropped to the ground.

'It's just an act of course.'


Sequencee could use healing magic on himself. But, using healing magic properly actually required an additional layer of knowledge (human biology) to perform the procedures without leaving any adverse effects.

Unlike buff magic or curses, healing magic wasn't as simple as one would think.

Healing a gaping stomach is great and all, but do it improperly and the intestines would get connected all in the wrong way. The same could be said for blood vessels, lung tissue, muscles, etcetera.

And that was only on the surface of things. There were many other medical aspects which had to be taken into consideration like the connection of the neurons and connective tissues.

Alas, the convenience of such magic came along with its troubles.

Small cuts, nicks and internal bleeding were of no problem for those that have learnt basic first aid. Sequencee could've very easily healed himself during the fight with Nearl, but for the sake of cutting the conversation short, he had chosen to fake his injuries.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better now. Thank you, Priestess Mary."

"You're welcome," she smiled back at him; then she turned to Nearl with a dark smile. "Apologies for being brusque Your Grace, please don't go on and bully our students as you wish, if you will?"

"Y-Yes.. I will keep that in mind."

Priests and priestesses were respected people throughout the continent. It didn't matter what class of noble you were, individuals that have studied to acquire this title held a lot of authority in the empire. This was because they hold the lives of the citizens in their hands.

"Good. Then good day to the two of you– yawn– I'm going back to sleep."

The priestess waddled out of the infirmary.


"I'm sorry."

"What is there to be sorry about?" Nearl looked at Sequencee as if he were some oddball.

"Of course, people will begin to suspect something if with so many missing people. I'll take care not to go overboard next time," Sequencee said with a sigh.

'Hope that takes care of it. I'll get the chance to kill more people once I get to Rika's nation. I hear there are a lot of bandits there I can devour.'

"Anyways, I'll be going back to my room. See you around.." Sequencee got up from the bed and walked off.



".. n-nothing. I believe you will make the right choice."


"You'll know soon enough," Nearl showed him a resolute expression, "We welcome you with open arms."


'What's that about?'

With an uncanny farewell, Sequencee left for his dorm. There was still an hour before dawn. He took out his journal from underneath his desk and began to write.

'I'm grateful my identity wasn't found out today.'


There was a commotion in the auditorium.

Students that were about to graduate from the home had been asked to assemble to hear Her Highness Titania's special speech. A rostrum had been placed at the center of the platform, chairs arranged along the backend of the stage.

The director of the orphanage, Mane looked like a man in his prime despite nearing the age of 60 by this point. His hair had a nice gray sheen which added to the sagacity of his countenance.

"As you may know by now, we have had the privilege to welcome two unexpected guests to our home. Her Highness Titania Eluive and Her Grace Nearl Rayon, please show your warmest applause for their efforts, having trudged through the countries to meet us."

A roar of applause buzzed through the crowd of a hundred somewhat students.

Director Mane's speech continued, Sequencee and Leticia listened from the rear of the crowd. Dylan, who had sparkly eyes, kept staring at the Princess and her escort, almost drooling. It made for a sight for sore eyes.

'They're not food..'

"I'll pass it over to Her Highness. I hope you students listen attentively to what she has to say."

"Thank you Sir Mane."

Titania received the amplification orb, a microphone-like tool from Mane and turned to the students. A hush fell throughout as a sort of excitement and adoration spread within the hearts of students.

The princess showed a hospitable smile.

"Titania Eluive, fourth princess of Eluive Kingdom greets all of you. I have heard from Sir Mane that those in this group will soon graduate and leave for society. In light of that, I have been travelling the continents in search of talents. It is this year that a new hero will rise and bear the flag of the world. Hence, it is more important than ever that we strengthen our forces against the darkness that is to come."

'So what's she saying?'

"Having come to Sir Mane's home, I will put down an offer of 4 full scholarship slots to accommodate students to enter Eluive's Prestigious Academy for Heroes."


Almost at the same time, different thoughts coursed through Sequencee and Leticia's head.

'There's no way I'm going.'

'There's no way Sequencee will pass on this chance.'

A jolt ran through the crowd, the students eyes blazed up in passion.

"So coming from afar, I have decided to hold a small competition to see who is deemed worthy. Those that win will receive a full scholarship funded by Eluive Kingdom."


Such a sound rang through the auditorium.

Nearl stepped forth, having hit the stage with her sword.

"All students here will move to the open field at the eastern side of this venue. I'll give you 20 minutes, get changed into appropriate clothes and come to the training ground. We will hold the examinations there. Begin!"


"N-No way?! A full scholarship?!!"

"I'm going!"


The crowd of students scattered like a bunch of ants. Sequencee was also about to leave just like the rest when Leticia conjured a mist of clouds with static to block his way.

"What?" He turned to her.

"We're in the presence of Her Highness, how dare everyone show such discourtesy."

'Is she from a noble lineage?'

Was the conclusion Sequencee arrived at. Leticia had proven herself to own knowledge in noble etiquettes since he met her.

The auditorium became empty, except for a few students who didn't leave their spot. One of which noticed Sequencee and Leticia, thinking that this must have been some trick. The other two students were aware that they were in the presence of royalty, so they didn't dare to move.

Each had their own justifiable reasons for staying.

"Hm? Is there anything wrong?" Titania asked.

"No, pardon us, Your Highness. Then we shall take our leave and meet at the proposed venue?" Leticia spoke.

"Yes, that's right."

"Your Highness, if you allow it, may I hold the right to nominate the first seat to someone in this room?" Nearl stepped forward with a request.

"Already? The test has not begun has it?"

"I have already deemed him worthy," Nearl's eyes turned sharp.

"Ah.. I see.." Seeing that Titania realized something.

Of the remaining 5 students in the auditorium, four of them turned to the guy with brown hair blue eyes.

'So this is what it is..'

'No way..'

Leticia felt dismayed. They judged him to be worthy even before the examination began?

"Sequencee. You may be exempted from the examination, I grant you the first seat."

"Your Grace Nearl. I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline."

'Heh? What?'

Leticia thought she was hallucinating. Sequencee just said what?

"Pardon?" Nearl's voice cracked.

"I'm grateful for the offer, it's just.. I can't?"

"Sequencee, what are you talking about? Didn't you say you wanted to become an enforcer? This is a one way ticket to.."

Leticia caught herself, quickly, she shut her mouth.

'Why? Why? Why?'

An unknown frustration welled up inside of her.

'It's in front of you, so why?'

"May I know why, Sequencee?" Titania's voice rang out.

"Personal reasons."

"You're playing with fire you young child," Nearl drew her sword, an immense pressure filled the room.

Everyone winced, Sequencee faked his.

"Y-Your Grace, please pardon his behaviour. Our students aren't necessarily knowledgeable in regards to etiquette, I ask that you overlook his actions, please," Mane said in panicked defence.

"Oh dear, Your Grace, hadn't I told you not to bully our students?" Priestess Mary stepped forward with a 'enlightening' smile.

Nearl clicked her tongue and sheathed the sword. The pressure disappeared, and the students gasp for air.

"16 minutes! If you are not at the field by then, it'll be an instant disqualification!"

Nearl jumped off stage and approached Sequencee. The three other students in the auditorium scattered.

Leticia stood frozen beside Sequencee.

"So she's your companion?" Nearl asked, almost hissing.


'Companion? What companion? Are these two acquainted with each other?'

Leticia held back the urge to leave. She wanted to know why exactly Her Grace Nearl granted him such a privilege and.. Sequencee's reason for rejecting it.

"Tell me why."

"It doesn't align with my goals."

"What goal?"

"In another month, a new hero will be summoned. That new hero will enter Riestallia Academy as adjourned by the late hero in her last will."

"In that you're implying that.."

"My goal is to become the hero's companion."

Nearl closed her eyes and nodded in thought.

'Hero's companion. Not only that, he's aiming for Riestallia Academy.'

"Are you aware that you can still become the hero's companion by joining Eluive's Prestigious Academy for Heroes? Becoming a hero's companion has more to do with fate than skill and character. There is a certain degree of luck involved. I won't deny that going to Riestallia Academy would increase the likelihood of becoming acquitted with the hero, however, with so many other individuals aiming for the same, wouldn't it be wise to be unique and stand out in some other way? The late Hero Rika's companions, if you know, none were from the land she began in."

'Even the desperate Equestrian prince back then hadn't the courage to join the front lines.'

"I'm sorry. I'll still have to decline.."

"Sequencee, what if you don't win the scholarship appraisal at Riestallia? Would it.." Leticia tugged at him.

"I don't know. I'll see by then."


"Leticia," Nearl called out.

"Y-Yes Your Grace?"

"Will you drag him along with you if I were to grant you a spot right here?"


"I'm not going." Sequencee turned and began to walk off.

"H-Huh? Wait, Sequencee!" Leticia chased after him.


She tried to grab his shoulder, but he twisted his body and made her grab air.

"Nearl, why him suddenly?" Titania approached Nearl and asked, watching as the two left in an almost cat-and-mouse chase.

"What do you see with your [Passive Trait: Mana Eyes]?" Nearl asked.

Titania narrowed her eyes. The barely visible blue fog from when she saw him the first time was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he had taken her advice.

"He's not expending any mana at the moment."

"I'm asking about his talents."


"I fought him earlier in the morning."

The princess' eyes jolted wide open.

"He's hiding his real strength," Nearl said, turning to the path he left.


"What the hell Sequencee! It's your chance to become an enforcer! Why are you so adamant about becoming the hero's companion!"

Now that they were out of the auditorium, Sequencee could be relieved of the tiger (Nearl) breathing at his neck.

He turned to Leticia.

"Leticia, if you want to join Eluive Academy, then do it. I'm fine going to Riestallia Academy alone."