
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantasía
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54 Chs

The Bravest Mrs. Bunnies

As they strolled through the opulent halls of Ashford Manor, a striking lady with flowing red hair and captivating irises greeted Duke Caius.

However, her gaze lingered noticeably on Mabel, sending shivers down the child's spine beneath the intensity of her stare.

Isabella had once been his fiancée and cherished childhood friend, but their relationship had unraveled, torn apart by the woman who had given birth to Mabel.

Duke Caius still carried a burden of guilt for the way things had ended, but deep down, he knew he could never love Isabella the way he did that other woman.

A sense of unease began to wash over the Duke as Isabella arrived unannounced at Ashford Manor. Her sudden appearance raised suspicion, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was somehow connected to Mabel.

The rumors circulating about his adoption of a child only served to heighten his irritation. He was well aware that Isabella would pry for information about Mabel, and he had no intention of revealing anything about the child's past.

When Isabella fixed her intense and hateful gaze upon Mabel, the Duke's unease deepened, leaving him to ponder just how much she might already know.

"Why are you here, Isabella?" Duke Caius cut to the chase, positioning himself protectively between Isabella and Mabel.

But Isabella had already seen Mabel, rendering his protective stance moot. She knew precisely who the child was.

"I already informed you of my visit in the letter. Have you taken to ignoring correspondence now?" Her tone dripped with annoyance.

Isabella's arrogance and rudeness had remained unchanged over the years, effectively alienating those around her. It was one of the key reasons Duke Caius had distanced himself from her.

"I've been occupied lately, and no, I haven't had the chance to read your letter," Duke Caius replied without a hint of hesitation. He had no desire to engage with her any longer and aimed to make that abundantly clear.

Isabella's frown deepened, her annoyance growing more evident by the second. She crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Is this because of that child? I thought she was dead."

Duke Caius's annoyance flared up even further, though he couldn't deny his guilt for what had transpired in the past may have played a role in Isabella's bitter demeanor toward others. Regardless, she had crossed a line.

"That's none of your business," Duke Caius snapped, his voice rising. He clenched his fists at his sides as Isabella's gaze bore into him, his knuckles turning white from the force.

But in his arms, Mabel's small frame quivered. Her heart racing like a frightened bird, overwhelmed by the confrontation.

"Daddy, I want to go to my room," Her hands clung desperately to the fabric of Duke Caius's coat, her tiny fingers trembling as she tried to hide her face.

Duke Caius sighed, realizing he had neglected Mabel's feelings in the heat of the moment. She was still just a child, and witnessing such a confrontation was unsettling for her.

He needed to remove her from this situation, lest Isabella reveal information Mabel shouldn't know.

"Of course, let's go to your room, Mabel," he reassured her, leading her away from Isabella.

Before they could depart, however, Isabella seized Duke Caius's shoulder firmly, her voice cold and determined.

"Our conversation isn't over, Lirio. You can't hide that child forever."

Duke Caius felt his brows furrow at the audacity of her words. "Meet me in the drawing room later," he replied, realizing that Isabella might resort to extreme measures if he didn't comply with her request.

A disdainful chuckle escaped Isabella's lips as she relinquished her grip on Duke Caius. "Are you afraid I might say something untoward to the child? Rest assured, I'm not so heartless as to harm a child," she quipped before departing, leaving Duke Caius and Mabel behind.

"This child has a name; never address her like that again. Consider this your warning," Duke Caius declared with a cold, unwavering tone.

Isabella halted abruptly, her steps faltering as she turned to face Duke Caius. She squared her shoulders and tilted her chin upward, a challenging glint in her eyes, her posture radiating defiance. She understood well that Duke Caius wouldn't dare to harm her.

"I thought the dead didn't deserve names," she taunted with a smirk before finally turning away and leaving them.

As Isabella departed, Duke Caius's relief mingled with simmering anger, fueled further by the woman's parting words. Her presence remained a source of turmoil and unanswered questions.

At least, she had never broken her promises or told outright lies. He glanced down at Mabel, who clung to him tightly, and together, they made their way to Mabel's room.

The Duke felt a weight lift from his shoulders, but he couldn't shake the lingering unease of Isabella's presence and the secrets that still bound them all.

He charged toward Mabel's room, his heart heavy with the weight of his past and the fear of what was to come. He will talk to Isabella and make sure all of the things from the past were done, for the sake of Mabel.

As he looked at Mabel, Duke Caius' eyes softened as he reminisced, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips, a far-off look in his eyes. He remembered the scent of the blooming flowers and the warmth of the sun on his skin.

Prince Lirio as the second prince was egoistical and knew no bounds. He believed that everything was within his grasp and that he simply needed to topple the crown prince to claim the throne for himself.

It was a perfect day for a walk in the Golden Apple garden, the sun was shining, the flowers were in full bloom, and the sweet aroma of the apples filled the air.

He was enjoying one of the golden apples when suddenly he felt a great weight fall onto his back.


The impact was so strong that he ended up vomiting the apple he had just eaten. He lay there, momentarily defeated, while the woman remained seated above him.

Recognizing the aftermath of her collision, the woman rose to her feet and extended her hand, offering assistance to Prince Lirio.

However, he swatted her hand away with a resounding slap, his pride wounded and his temper flaring.

"What are you doing? How dare you not see who I am!?" Prince Lirio barked with an imperious tone, his voice carrying the weight of his royal status.

He looked up to see who had crashed into him, and he saw a woman with blonde hair and purple eyes, looking at him with a sorry face. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," she said with an innocent voice.

At that moment, the Duke was struck by her beauty. He could feel his heart racing and his cheeks flushing red. "Do you know who I am?" he asked, trying to sound arrogant despite his embarrassment.

The woman just smiled and said, "No, should I?"

That was the beginning of their love story. They spent many afternoons together, walking through the gardens and talking about everything and nothing. The Duke was smitten by her.

As he held Mabel in his arms, he remembered the crazy and chaotic times they spent together. The woman had a way of making him forget about his royal duties and just enjoy life. He couldn't help but smile as he thought about it.

The brief encounter and the fleeting moments they spent together, however short-lived, held a special place in Duke Caius' heart.

Looking back on those times, he felt a pang of nostalgia wash over him, reminding him of the joy and carefree spirit he once had.

Even though it was only for a moment, the memory of that woman and the time they spent together was a light that he could always turn to when the world seemed too dark.


As they entered Mabel's chamber, the Duke noticed the worried expression on Clara's face. Mabel was sobbing in his arms, clinging onto him tightly as if her life depended on it.

"What happened, Your Grace?" Clara asked as the Duke gently placed Mabel down on the bed.

Duke Caius gently brushed a strand of hair away from Mabel's tear-stained cheeks, his touch soft and reassuring.

He Whispered softly to her, "It's alright, Mabel. Nanny Clara and I are here. That woman is already gone and won't hurt you again."

Mabel looked up at him, her big teary eyes still filled with fear. "Really?" she asked in a trembling voice.

The Duke nodded and pulled a small stuffed bunny from his pocket, "Yes, really. And look, Mrs. Bunnies is here to protect you."

He then proceeded to move the toy bunny around, putting on a silly voice and making it hop around.

"Have no fear, Mrs. Bunnies is here to save the day! I'll hop over and protect you from any wicked witches that come our way!" he said, pretending to make the toy bunny jump over obstacles.

Mabel giggled at the sight and clung tightly to the toy bunny, feeling much more at ease. "Mrs. Bunnies is the bravest bunny of them all!" she exclaimed, her smile returning.

"Indeed she is," the Duke replied, still playing with the toy bunny. "Now, let's get you changed and ready for bed, so we can dream of all the adventures Mrs. Bunnies will take us on."

Clara smiled at the playful interaction between the Duke and Mabel, glad to see Mabel's worries were eased.

"Come along, my dear, let's get you into your nightgown," she said, taking Mabel's hand and leading her to the changing room.

As Mabel got changed, the Duke chatted with Clara, asking about her day and sharing some of his own stories.

He made sure to keep the conversation light and cheerful, knowing that Mabel would pick up on any negative emotions.

Once Mabel was ready for bed, the Duke kneeled down and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Sleep tight, little one. Mrs. Bunnies will keep watch over you all night long," he said, tucking her in.

"Goodnight, Duke. Thank you for making Mrs. Bunnies brave again," Mabel replied, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep

As the Duke stepped out of the room, Isabella was already waiting for him. She noticed a big smile on his face and asked, "What happened there?"

The Duke chuckled, "I just defeated a wicked witch with the help of Mrs. Bunnies." He then gave Isabella a knowing grin as they walked away, leaving Mabel to drift off into a peaceful sleep.