
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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evaluation agency, full name "new century genetic biology evaluation review and supervision agency".

The biological agency primarily oversees and evaluates the genetic species currently on the market in the dragon tengguo, including species that are already popular and newly bred in the people.

in general, the supervision of new species is relatively strict, and only by obtaining a certificate issued by the institution can it be opened to the outside world.

There are two main types of applications.

one of them is a normal application, just need to submit some material fees, the process is relatively smooth, most of three or five days will be sent to the agency staff.

the other is an accelerated application, which requires a fee and the process is cut in half.

"biotech pokemon?"

wang zhi, an auditor 118 from the evaluation agency's yunhai city division, and several other auditors received a form.

an urgent application from pokemon biotech.

this app was released yesterday, and its side happened to be vacant, so the application form dropped to several people ready to go in the afternoon.

"I have not heard of this company, it must be a company that has just emerged recently."

"pokémon..., the company name is very interesting, huh!"

someone pointed to the address on the form and was surprised, "do you think the lab address is familiar?" close to that, if I remember correctly, there was only one laboratory of a road biotechnology company! "

they looked at the address they were going to, and it really looked familiar.

It's not that they remember very well, it's that Lulu Biotechnology has recently made a name for itself, and many of them despise Lu Sheng, Lulu's owner.

the last time anyone at the institution talked about lu sheng playing porcelain, the fishing wheel was almost one-sided, and no one was willing to support lu sheng.

"Wouldn't that be a coincidence?" It's hard for Lu Sheng to see that the company's reputation is stinking, so he sold the lab by hand? "

wang zhi, who had short hair, said a word, looked down, and took out his cell phone to operate.

ask about the company...

"I said, Lulu Biotechnology was found to have been renamed Pokémon Technology, the company was not sold, and the shareholder was still Lu Sheng."

wang zhi found the results on the industrial and commercial network, raised his head, and there was a bit of mockery in his voice: "does he think that if he changes his vest, the rotten things he did before can be covered up?" naive! "

she has been in this business for many years and is very brazen for this type of person.

when I thought of reviewing Lu Sheng's company today, I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect to be bumped into by us."

one of the auditors blew a whistle and smiled: "we have to deal with this strictly..."

everyone understood what he meant, and the potential meant raising the bar a little, a letter from lu sheng.

The group departed, contacted Lu Sheng, and arrived at the door of Lu Sheng's laboratory half an hour later.

"Are you an auditor at an appraisal agency?"

the door guard looked at the uniforms on their bodies a few times and said "our road is always waiting inside, you come with me..."

one of the security guards led a crowd inside.

halfway through, lu sheng just left, saw everyone and smiled, "five auditors from the assessment agency?" come with me. "

the bouncer backed off, and wang zhi and the others followed.

"you're?" wang zhi looked at lu sheng, and his first reaction was that he got lucky and met a handsome man.

"lu sheng".

"are you lu sheng?"

wang zhi's face was suddenly cold, and the good impression was now swept away, and he couldn't help but scoff: "mr. lu, the affair between you and mr. gu has made a lot of noise on the internet, and we know him before we arrive." "


lu sheng replied lightly, not expecting the joke made by this incident to be minor.

I hope this group of people is not ruined for private reasons, if it's a small action, he doesn't mind suing some people at the appraisal agency!

"mr. lu just needs to apologize on the internet, i believe mr. gu's generosity will forgive him." if you know you can change your mistakes, you might be able to save your company's reputation, instead of just changing your company name and covering your ears and ringing the bell. "

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

lu sheng stopped and looked at wang zhi: "you're not a party, how do you know I must have done something wrong, can't it be gu li who stole the information from my lab?"


wang zhi scoffed: "mr. lu is really the same as it is said on the internet, his face is thick enough!" the company of mr. gu has developed a new breed of "greyhound", can your company do it? "

"It has nothing to do with you, if you are dissatisfied with me and not willing to rate and review, can you please come back, I don't mind going to the rating agency to reason."

lu sheng has another layer of potential meaning: don't make any moths for me later, dare me, I'll go to your boss!

the hearts of many people were cold.

"cough, mr. lu said laughing, xiao wang was impulsive, I will make it up to him for her, today is still an important point for the evaluation ..."

someone intervened to mediate the atmosphere.

"ahem!" wang zhi wasn't convinced, if it weren't for the identity restrictions, with her saucy personality she would have scolded him sooner.

"come with me."

led by lu sheng, they arrived at a bright, spacious grow room.

"pichu picchu..."


right after entering the grow room, I heard a soft, fluffy milk sound.

subsequently, the attention of the five auditors focused on the hundreds of beautiful pichus in the room.

"pichu picchu..."

a pichu came out of the baby's room and jumped up to lu sheng with open hands.

lu sheng owned, hugged and smiled: "ji ji, how are you this little guy again?" "

the palms of my hands couldn't help but rub the pichu's hair.

After a few days of growth, the little Pichus' hair began to take shape and is quite soft to the touch.

at the same time, they begin to walk and jump, but their steps are not very steady, and they often stumble.

so cute!

wang zhi could hardly help but speak from the heart.

several other auditors looked at each other.

"what species?"

"have you seen it in the market?" It's hard to be a new species, that..."

"It doesn't look like some kind of mouse, but these little things are so much cuter than the big mice with sharp mouths."

"It's really beautiful, shouldn't it be dyed?" the hair is beautiful, yellow and black..."

they walked to the baby's room, and after a closer look, they wanted to grab a small thing and touch it well.

when Pichu saw the stranger appear, there was some vigilance at first, and a crowd huddled in the corner, watching carefully.

but did not see the danger, one by one stressed the small head, issued the question of "pichu pichu", slowly approached, or tilted his head to observe, or continued the entertainment activities now.

"dormant, pretty, girly heart of the old."

one of the great masters in his forties was impressed by little pichu's every move and couldn't help but speak from the heart.


as soon as those words came out, the people around him were speechless.

aren't you ashamed of a boss?

zhuo churan and other researchers laughed out loud and were happy for the little ones.

pleasing in appearance and personality will be a major factor in your liking your owners!

why are old dogs and cats nice to people?

because handsome, handsome, close to humanity, loyal...