"I'm not impressed." He said and Kalina guessed the laughter in his words. "Still." She returned, trying to match his amusement and completely failing. That man had a knack for annoying her, that was for sure. ¿Why? Kalina didn't know for sure. She felt a little stupid about the discovery, but there was something else. Something attracted her to him, that was undeniable.
"A wyvern…" Zintia reiterated after touching her plate of fruits lightly.
Kalina raised an eyebrow, thinking that Her Majesty should eat better. For her part, she had finished with her food. It was about time for dessert, her favorite part. Oh, right, wyvern. ¿What on earth was a wyvern? Thinking like this, she looked at Valian and found him taking possession of the piece of cake that had been served to her.
"Pfft…" Valian dared to chuckle, and Kalina frowned at him. Then, he seemed to regain his seriousness:
"Bound to his soul, a wyvern is the beast carried by a Drake. They are colossal and powerful beyond comprehension."
Well, shit… Kalina knew she was staring in amazement. A sideways glance at Zintia showed her frightened while Lala was still in a daze. The little maid had chosen to concentrate on eating, obviously not understanding much of the conversation.