
I'm Taking My Throne

Silver lived a normal life, school,friends, and loving parents. On the first day of college, she woke up and started having a conversation with her cat. A few months later, she discovered something that turned her whole life around. Now, she must take back her throne and save her kingdom with her sister.

Violet_Ch123 · Fantasía
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Chapter 1- First Day of College

Alarm clock: Buzz Bzzzzz

Silver's Mom: Silver hunny, please wake up, or you'll be late for your first day at college.

Silver: Got it, Mom. Mmm, ugh, I hate first days! *Gets out of bed*

Night: Mew

Silver: hi Night. How are you doing on this awful morning?

Night: Meow, Meow

Silver: HeHe, That's nice. Wait, how did I just understand what you just said?

Night: Meow, meow meow

Silver: True...How would you know?

Mom: Hunny, please hurry up, or you'll be late

Silver: Yes, mom got it. I just need to get ready.

Clothes: *fly's over to her*

Silver: What in the world is going on? *puts on clothes* Not bad. *Goes downstairs after brushing teeth*

Mum: Good morning. Nice to see that you finally woke up.

Silver: So... what's for breakfast?

Mom: For breakfast, I made toast, and I also put it in a lunchbox.

Silver: Ok thanks Mom *takes food and then goes to the living room* Bye, have a good day at work, mom and dad.

Mom: Thanks! *Gets in car*.

Mom: Sweetie, do you need a ride?

Silver: No thanks, Mum, I'll walk

Mum: ok then silver have a good day.

Silver: You too

Mom: *drives off*

Silver's Mind: Ok, now better get to college before I'm late! *checks phone* OH GOD, I'M LATE *runs out front door*

A little while later

Silver's Mind: woah, this place is huge!

Silver: *goes in and sees a guy riding on a skateboard right towards her* *moves and bumps into a girl* AHHHHHHH, oh my god, I'm so so so sorry!!!

???: No no it's fine. It's that guys fault anyway. So um, my name's Luna. You?

Silver: Silver

Luna: Nice name!

Silver: Thanks. so, um, wanna be friends?

Luna: Sure

Silver: So... umm, can you help me find my first class?

Luna: Sure! What's your first class?

Silver: A-1

Luna: ok, let's go.

After classes

Luna: Wanna hang out in my dorm?

Silver: There are dorms here?

Luna: Of course there are!

Silver: Oh, nice!

Luna: Now come on, let's get your dorm keys! *Pulls Silver's arm*

Silver: ok fine, let's go.

Luna: Yay!

A few minutes later

Silver: Hello, I would like my dorm key, please.

Lady: What's your name?

Silver: Silver Nimin

Lady: Alright, silver, here are your keys

Silver: *takes keys* I'm going to go get my stuff. Oh, by the way, do they allow cats here?

Lady: Yeah,they do

Silver: ok, thanks

A few hours later

Silver: Ah, finally.*Puts bags down*. Wait... LUNA?!?

Luna: SILVER?!?

Silver: So you're my roomie?

Luna: Seems so..... yay

Silver: Yay.

Luna: *sigh* okay okay um, so where's your cat?

Silver: right here *opens cage*

Night: Meow

Luna: Oh my god... You have the cutest cat in the world

Silver: Haha, I know right, he is just so cute

Night: Meow, meow meow*pushes Silver's leg*

Silver: Okay, okay, I get it.*Takes out bag of cat food and feeding bowl out of bag* Here you go *pours food into bowl*

Night: Meow, meow

Silver: You're welcome

Night: Meow?

Silver: Right, sorry, here you go. *takes out a water bowl* *Takes out water bottle**pours water in bowl*

Night: Meow

Silver: You're welcome

Luna: Did you just talk to your.... CAT?

Silver: Um, yeah, I think so. I don't know, this has been happening since the moment I woke up. Weird, right?...

Luna: Yeah,that is weird

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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