

search WinterFox and click "Dethroned Prince Of Hell"

Giveupanddie · Fantasía
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1 Chs


I'm not neither a human or a demon

because I'm both of them.

I'm not good not bad either

because I'm just playing.

call me a murderer but it won't offend me

because you're a sinner.

I'll say sorry everytime I made anyone cry

because I don't feel sorry at all.

call me crazy but it made me happy when you're in misery

because it's amusing.

I'm not doing this for entertaining

because I just need to.

look at me with disdain in your eyes but it won't affect me

because I'm used to it.

I've tried my best to tame it but ended up being one with it

because that's also me,a part of me!.

I see myself as a worthless child

because it's true.

I don't want to but need to

because it's not a question or a choice.

I tried but it's no use

because I'm weak.

I'll try harder but I know nothing about myself

because I never want to know it.

I keep waking up only to get stuck in another past memory

because I'm traumatized.

please search WinterFox for the real novel

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