
A Full Saturday

"Okay, Clark, let's do this again. This time with more confidence!" I said to him, hovering in the air across from me. "EH-EM!" I cleared my throat before putting on a fake Valley Girl accent. "LIKE, OH MY GOSH, thank you so much for saving me! I'm ever so grateful. But, like, who are you!?" Nailed it! My accent was as perfect as it was cringe.

Clark gave a dashing smile along with a nod. "No problem, miss. I'm glad I was able to be here to help. As for who I am... I AM SUPERMAN!" He exclaimed that last part with a loud shout! Ow… My ears hurt a little from that.

"I loved your enthusiasm, Clark, just maybe a little less loud when you do it for real," I said, rubbing my ringing ears. The downsides of super hearing...

Clark and I were hovering above the clouds of Metropolis, out of sight from the population, as we rehearsed his introduction. I had some trouble driving the message, through the thick skull of this farm boy, that image and first impressions were everything! Social media existed in this world, and a bad public perception would not be good for a hero. Just look at Green Arrow—he's been working his butt off in Star City, saving people, and the public is still terrified of him... although, when I think about it, I suppose it has only been a week since he's changed for the better. Huh... This has been a really long week for me...

"I am Superman!" Clark, across from me, declared with confidence and an appropriate volume. He had nailed it!

I clapped for him, much to his embarrassment. "That's what we needed to see! Now, are you ready to go make history for the second time!?" I asked excitedly.

I flew down past the clouds and over the city of Metropolis. At first glance, it was easy to see that this city was a lot bigger than Star City... and half of it wasn't a dump. Clearly, the local government here wasn't a secretly evil Illuminati-like organization. Or maybe they still were and just hid it better...

We started off looking for small crimes, but it wasn't that common in broad daylight. Still, eventually, we did come across someone crying out for help. The voice, however, sounded muffled...

The two of us flew quickly towards the sound of the voice, and we found... an ass.

"Okay, what the hell?" Clark said next to me, looking at the weird sight.

"Language, Superman! What would your mother think!?" I said, and he just turned his head to the side, embarrassed. He was right, though...

What the hell...

We were standing on a roof, and a man was stuck in a chimney, upside down, ass out, legs flailing wildly. "Someone help me, please." His muffled voice called out from inside the smoke stack.

"How's it hanging there, buddy?" I joked about the man's unfortunate situation. Clark just gave me the stink eye.

"Is somebody there!?" The upside-down, stuck man said. He obviously couldn't see us since his whole upper body was stuck in a chimney... "Please, I'm sorry. I know I tried to break into this place. I know it was wrong. Please pull me out!"

"Well, Superman, what do you want to do here?" I asked. I mean, he was basically already caught. We could just leave him there and let the police handle him. Clark seemed to disagree, though, as he just grabbed hold of the guy's leg and pulled upward.

"Ow, ow, ow, stop, stop. You're gonna pull my leg off," the man screamed as he surprisingly didn't pry loose from Clark's strong tug. Wow! He was really stuck in there... The only way we were going to free him now was if we broke the house's chimney.

Well, shit...

"So, what do we do now?" Clark turned and looked at me like I had all the answers. "Do we just leave and call the fire department?" He asked me.

"I mean, I guess that's our only option. It doesn't feel very heroic, though…"

"Please, don't leave me! Please get me out of here. All the blood's rushing to my head, and it's giving me a huge headache. Also, this chimney has so many spiders, and they're crawling on my face!" It sounded like the man started sobbing a bit as his legs started flailing upside down in what I assume was panic.

"We tried to get you out, but you're too lodged in there… Sorry, but we don't really want to cause unnecessary property damage to innocent homeowners, so you're gonna have to wait for the fire department."

"Noooooooo..." The man's sobs trailed off as Clark and I flew down towards the ground. I knocked on the front door of the home next door as Clark had a depressed look on his face.

"Hey, don't worry about that one, Clark. Not everyone can be saved. Let's just agree to call that one a mulligan and never speak of it again. I'm sure your first real rescue will come soon, and we'll forget all about that ass." I laughed at my own joke, and I even saw him crack a small smile.

A moment later, a woman answered the front door and just gaped at me and Clark in shock. She didn't know who he was, but she sure recognized me!

"Ow wow it's really you. I'm not dreaming, am I!?" She exclaimed. I just nodded and told her she wasn't and that yes, it was really me.

"O-kay then….H-hello, Supergirl… and other superhero guy," she said, still in partial shock. "Why are you on my doorstep?" She justifiably questioned. I explained to her that a man was stuck in her neighbor's chimney after failing to break in and asked her to call the fire department/police to get him out. She just gave me a confused OK before Clark and I flew away.



A bit later, as we were patrolling the skies, we heard a loud car horn go off, followed by some screams. Time seemed to slow down for Clark and me as we both rapidly flew towards the source of the noises, and we saw a car barreling down a busy street at over 80 mph!

The car was heading right towards a crosswalk full of pedestrians! Clark didn't even hesitate and swooped down just under the speed of sound. The car was only 20 feet from the crosswalk and the now panicking people it was going to run over! Just in time, he finally reached the back of the car and lifted up the bumper, raising its back wheels off the ground. He then pulled backward and brought the car to a stop with only five feet to spare!

"Holy fuck!" The driver of the car, a young woman, cursed comically. She quickly exited her car. "I am so sorry," she said to all the pedestrians who were glaring at her. "My brakes didn't work, and my accelerator locked." Some of the glares lessened at that, but it still sounded suspicious. Both of those things going wrong at the same time in what looked like a brand-new Mercedes just didn't happen naturally.

I swooped down and landed next to her. "Oh my gosh, Supergirl!" She exclaimed! The pedestrians also cheered at seeing me.

"Supergirl is in Metropolis!"

"Can I get a photo?"

I gave everyone a wave and a smile.

"Wait, if you're here, then who's holding up my car?" The car owner asked me in shock. Ah right, Clark was still back there holding up the back of the car. The wheels were still spinning furiously. It seemed the accelerator really was locked to full throttle.

"You doing alright back there, bro?" I called out to Clark. I just saw an awkward thumbs-up peek over the top of the car in response. "One second, I'll stop this thing." I walked over to the front of the out-of-control car and easily pried the hood right off. I'm surprised the woman didn't even seem to care that I just ripped her car's hood off... rich people... oh wait, I was also a rich person now, wasn't I?

The woman walked up next to me and also inspected the engine. "Son of a bitch!" she exclaimed, looking at the engine block. "Someone cut my brakes and tampered with my throttle!" She exclaimed. I knew nothing about cars, so I just asked her how to turn it off. She just told me I could rip the engine out as it was pretty much ruined from the sabotage anyway.

With a shrug, I shoved my entire arm through the entire engine block before I yanked my arm back. The whole engine came up with it and rested comically in my smaller arms. The car's back tires stopped spinning as well. Clark set the car down. He stepped out from behind the vehicle, and for the first time, the pedestrians were able to see who had really saved them.

Many other people nearby had also converged to glimpse the chaos. Cell phones were out everywhere as people started taking pictures and recording videos. Naturally, everyone was shocked to not only see me but Clark as well, dressed in his own suit with the same red cape and signature 'S' etched onto his chest. Our resemblance would have been uncanny, except he had dark brown hair while mine was bright golden blonde.

"Oh my gosh! There's another one!" Someone shouted out before people started erupting in cheers. First impressions really were everything, and it seemed that last minute rescue had already endeared him to everyone here.

He was no longer just Clark at this point; he was now Superman.

"Thank you for saving me." The driver walked up to Superman and held out her hand to shake. "Who are you?" She asked loudly. The cheering also quieted down as everyone there also wanted to know who he was.

He took his practiced pose and bellowed out, "I am Superman! The new hero of this great city!" People took a second to comprehend what he just said before they once more erupted in cheers at their city having its very own hero!

"Superman! Superman! Superman!"

After shaking Superman's hand, the driver turned back to me. I was smiling at the scene going on in front of me. "Thank you as well, Supergirl. And can I just say that I'm a big fan! My name's Lena Luthor."

That caught me off guard. Was this a coincidence or some weird machination of fate? At least I now knew why this situation had occurred in the first place. She was a Luther, and just like the Waynes, they were titans of business in this world. They probably had no shortage of enemies either.

"Oh," she had a slightly sad look on her face, "do you have a problem with my last name as well? I know we don't have the best track record with the public..." She trailed off somberly.

"That's not it," I cut her off. "I was just thinking about why someone had tried to kill you, and then I heard your name." I explained to her relief. I didn't want her to think I disliked her just because of her name. I'd have to at least make sure she was evil first before that. My gut was telling me she was a mostly normal person though.

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Luther, but I'm afraid we have to go now. There are other people out there in need of saving," I said to her before lifting off into the sky. Superman noticed me in the air and gave one last wave to everyone before he followed after me.

"That went fantastic!" I said to him as he approached.

"That was exhilarating," he replied. I knew exactly how he felt. Being a hero and saving people was amazing! Especially when you get cheers of praise afterward.

"Okay then, I don't want it to seem like I'm holding your hand. This is now your city, Superman. I'll leave you to it now," I said, much to his shocked look.

"Wait, you're leaving already!?" He asked. "What happened to you showing me the ropes and us patrolling together for my debut?"

I just gave him a laugh. "That was your debut!" I said, to his shock. "All those people down there had cameras on you the second you appeared! I guarantee in the next hour, you'll be the number one trending topic on every platform in the entire world!" He just had a gobsmacked look on his face as I said that. Maybe it finally clicked for him how important that moment just was to the public's perception of him.

"That's why I can't be seen holding your hand after that. After all, you're Superman now... you don't want people to think you're my sidekick or anything with me sticking around, do you?" I asked, and he rapidly shook his head with a grimace. Yeah, nobody wants to be a sidekick once they're an adult.

"You've got my address, and I've got yours. Feel free to visit anytime." With that, I gave my cousin a final wave before I took off, rocketing back towards the West Coast.


I was flying over the Midwest, about halfway back to Forks when I heard the roar of a jet engine behind me.

I looked back and spotted a fighter jet rapidly gaining on me! I was getting a feeling that this was not going to be a friendly encounter.

I was proven right as the jet fired a missile right at me!

"What the fuck!"

I quickly spun around and released my heat vision right at the missile. The lasers tore right into its hull, and a second later, there was a massive explosion in the sky! The fighter jet continued on as it passed by me with a sonic boom. What the hell was that!?

I wanted to follow the asshole pilot, but before I could, I heard more rumbles approaching! Coming towards me fast were now three additional fighter jets, all of them flying in formation right for me again!

One jet firing on me could be attributed to an asshole pilot, but this was now an entire squadron. Something was going on here. I decided that engaging the Air Force in a dogfight over US airspace probably wasn't the best idea…This could be a set up with hidden cameras, for all I know, to make me look evil, Anti-American, or some other nefarious scheme. I decided it would be better to investigate this later and just bounce out of this airspace.

Doing just that, I spun around and really pushed my flight abilities hard as I could as I launched myself past Mach 5 and disappeared over the horizon! The jets couldn't hope to keep up…


I flew back towards my secluded home with my brows furrowed. Those were official US fighter jets that were trying to shoot me down... that was not good. Especially considering this was Clark's debut day as a hero. Hopefully, nothing like that would happen to him today...

As I landed in my front yard, I saw Alice sitting on my front porch, giving me a pout.

"It's about time you got back," she called out. "Did you forget we were supposed to hang out this weekend!?"

Yes. Yes, I did forget...

"I'm sorry, Alice. It totally slipped my mind."

"I figured," she sighed. "And that's why I was planning on calling you to remind you, but that's when I realized you don't have a phone, so here." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a brand-new Wayne Tech smartphone and handed it to me. "This is yours now. My and Rosalie's numbers are already in the contacts."

"Thank you," I said. "The reason I didn't have a phone, though, is because I can't keep it on me when I'm patrolling as Supergirl."

"Why can't you keep it on you?" She asked.

"Here, Alice, look at this." Right in front of her, I reached down and pulled off my boot. I flipped it over, and out the top spilled a small pile of ashes...

"What was that about?" She asked.

"That was about 500 dollars cash that I kept in my boot as spending money. That money is now literally turned to ash once I reached Mach 5 from air resistance heat buildup..."

"Mach 5!?" Alice asked in shock, to which I nodded. "W-well, at least keep the phone on you when you're not heroing," she said. I told her I would. Especially now that I was slowly gaining a list of actual friends to call.

Alice asked me why I was flying that fast in the first place, and I told her about what had just occurred. Needless to say, she was shocked that the Air Force tried to shoot me down for some reason!

"Let me check something real quick," Alice said as she spaced out for a few moments. I assumed she was looking at the future. She snapped back and spoke, "I just checked the future news headlines for the next month, and nothing in them mentions anything at all about the government sanctioning an attack on you," she explained. I figured that meant this was some kind of inside job from someone high up in the government. Hell, it could have been Amanda Waller herself ordering the attack from whatever shady secret agency she's probably running right now…

Still upset with me that I had missed out on our so-called girls day, Alice told me that I had to join her family for dinner. I was fine with that. I'd always wanted to see if Esme's cooking was as good as it was hyped up to be.


"It's so nice to finally meet you, Kara!" Esme exclaimed happily to me. I was currently standing in their living room, along with surprisingly the entire Cullen family. The majority of them still think I was a normal human. And while I could tell them otherwise, I couldn't help but find it amusing. Watch them pretend to be normal.

"Hi, Edward," I gave him a small wave. He was doing his best to not look like he desperately wished he'd rather be anywhere else. Jasper was too, but he always looked like that anyway. "You haven't really been talking to me in class lately. I hope I haven't done anything to upset you."

"You made me eat a rotten tomato," he whispered too quietly for an ordinary human to hear. Everyone in the room heard him, though.

"Edward," his mother scolded him, "you shouldn't be ignoring your classmates, especially one who's friends with both of your sisters."

I could hear Emmett snicker at Edward quietly.

"Fine," he sighed before he walked over to me and held out his hand. "It's nice to officially meet you, Kara. My name is Edward Cullen." I shook his hand and told him it was nice to meet him too. Then I went and greeted each of the Cullens individually.

When I got to Emmett, he just gave me a playful glare. "So, you're the one who's trying to steal my beautiful Rose from me, huh?" I could tell by his tone he was joking, maybe trying to get a reaction from me. Well, two could play this game.

I didn't respond to Emmett right away as I turned and walked towards Rosalie, who was smirking at me. I reached out and took hold of her hand before I turned back to the now gobsmacked Emmett. "Yes, the truth is we are in love and eloping," I said with the straightest face I could maintain.

"Noooooo!" Emmett played along as well as he slumped to the ground. "How could you do this to me, babe? What does she have that I don't?" he asked.

Rosalie just scoffed before she turned and looked at me up and down. I blushed a bit at having her check me out so intensely, even if I knew none of us were being serious.

"She has a great ass," Rosalie said bluntly, and I sputtered as my face probably went redder. I mean, yes, I did, but she didn't have to say it in front of her whole family, did she!? All the vampires laughed at my reaction. At least that eased all the tension that was lingering before with most of them from having a 'human' in their home.

"It hasn't been this lively in a long while, Kara," Carlisle, the patriarch, said. "Know that you're welcome here anytime." He gave me a small smile.

"Thank you."


My stomach made itself known by growling loudly once again. What was up with Kryptonian stomachs that made them so loud? It wasn't like I was reborn as a Saiyan... To be fair though, whatever Esme was cooking in the kitchen smelled fantastic.


The entire Cullen clan and I were sitting down at their dinner table, which they probably never used. In front of everyone was an amazing smelling and tasting lasagna. And to my immense joy, in order to seem normal, the entire family minus Rosalie and Alice were actually eating the food as well! The two girls had used the excuse that they already ate earlier to get out of eating themselves. The glares that they got from the rest of their family over that... priceless.

I don't know what it was that made these vampires eating food in front of me so hilarious, but I was quickly forming a small list. It could have been the small grimace Carlisle had on his face every time he brought the fork to his lips. It could have also been the subtle gagging noise Emmett was making every time he swallowed a bite of lasagna. Or it could have been that the food was genuinely delicious, and I was immensely enjoying it myself!

"Your food is absolutely divine, Esme," I said to her in between bites.

She hid her grimace with a smile as she took another bite herself. "Thank you so much, dear. I tried a new blend of spices, and it definitely made an amazing difference in flavor." She lied beautifully there.

"It's too bad you two aren't having any," I turned to Rosalie and Alice. "Are you sure you wouldn't at least want to try a bite? Your mom went through so much trouble to make it after all!" I said. The look of betrayal they gave me was even better than Edward's in biology.

"No, no, that's fine, really. We had a huge lunch," Alice said rapidly, while Rosalie nodded.

"Come on, babe," Emmett said with a smirk. "Mom went through so much work to make it after all." He held up his fork in front of her face with a big chunk of lasagna on it. "You have to at least have a bite!"

Rosalie gagged from just the smell so close to her face before she stood up and excused herself for not feeling well, leaving the dining room.

Alice was now the only one not eating, and the other vampires at the table wanted her to share in their suffering. Jasper took his fork and placed it in front of her! Alice gave him a look of shock that her husband would also betray her. Begrudgingly, she opened her mouth and swallowed a bite.

"Uuurggh." Alice managed to choke the food down.

Honestly, she was a great friend. I honestly wouldn't even blame her at this point if she told them all I knew they were vampires, but she didn't and decided to take the bite to make it seem like I was completely ignorant.

"It was truly... delicious, mother," she said with some hesitation.

"Thank you, dear," Esme replied smugly. "Too bad your sister wasn't feeling well. I'm sure she would have loved it too. It's usually her favorite, after all." Wow, she was really going the extra mile with made-up stories to make their family seem normal in front of me.


"Bluuuuuuurrrrrghhh" x6

I was sitting on their couch, waiting for the vampires to return after they all finished vomiting the food. They all made the excuse that they needed to use the restroom right after dinner.

Rosalie came into the living room from the garage door. She was wiping her hands on a cloth with some grease stains on it. "You know you owe me and Alice for keeping your secret after this, right!?" She whispered quietly enough so only the two of us would hear. I just nodded back. "Good, then next time Alice and I go out to Port Angeles, we're going to happen to run into Supergirl if you catch my drift. And I want pictures! Lots of pictures!" I had no problem with that, so I just silently nodded again.

I heard someone coming down the stairs and saw that it was Alice. She was the first to complete her purge since she only had one bite. "Okay," she said to me with a pout. "That was horrible, and you owe me big time for not exposing you, so we are going to have a sleepover party, and you will not refuse!" She declared as she grabbed onto mine and Rosalie's arms and proceeded to drag us both towards her bedroom. The rest of the night consisted of many cheesy movies and quite a bit of high school drama gossip. Alice knew some pretty shocking things about a lot of students. The kind of secrets that would probably force a teenager to move to a new school...


I made it back to my house the next morning, a bit groggy. It turns out that a vampire slumber party doesn't involve much sleeping at all, so I was pretty much awake the entire night with Alice and Rosalie.

I did have a lot of fun, though. All in all, other than the fighter jet fiasco, yesterday was a pretty good day. Possibly even the most fun day I've had so far in my new life. And the world now had another hero. Things were going well, and I was getting closer to my dream of being a member of the Justice League and together bringing down the Volturi or any other global threats that may come.

Those were all problems for later, though. For now, I was exhausted and decided I deserved a bit of rest. I tiredly plopped myself down on my living room couch and decided to just have a lazy Sunday and nap here for a bit. Good night earthly problems.




...What was that buzzing noise? I opened my tired eyes and glanced over to see that my TV was on for some reason. I don't remember turning it on. It continued to buzz with nothing but static for a few seconds before a blurry face appeared on the screen... You have got to be kidding m-

The figure of the man spoke out. "People of Earth! My name is General Zod..."


-End Chapter-

Leave some comments / reviews!!!

How'd you like it!? If you want to read ahead you can at p.a.t.r.e.o.n / FiveStarTomato. Thank you, regardless, for following my story to this point!

I would like to give a special thank you to my current Hero Team Patron(s): Rick, Nirojan, Benzaboyo, Carl, and William — Also another thank you to all my other patrons!