
Chapter 2

I was listening to all the talk while waiting for the visitors to arrive. Not long later i hear a great commotion coming from outside it sounded like they were here. Then there was a knock at the front door and rushing of some trying to hurry to get the door for them. "Alpha Rem it's nice for you and your sons to join us. Where might they be." Father stated in a firm, but nice tone. "Well Sam i just thought that it was time you meet my twins. Also they are helping their mother out, so they will be in a little later.". **OMG** Twins were a wonderful rarity, because they always ended up sharing the same mate. Not many wanted to share, and they were usually stronger than most. "Plus this will also be a great way for my boys to find their mate. It's been hard since they have been looking for 5 years now." Alpha Rem stated with sadness tinting his voice in the end. That made me think of my mate and made me want to cry. I had to be quiet so i held it in, and i heard another knock at the front door.

Lily's little steps echoed through the floor while she rushed to open it for the rest of our guests. "Thank you little one" a soft warm voice said lightly. Then i heard Lily with a blushing tone respond with a querious "No thank you for blessing us with your beautiful presence Luna Amber.". "Well i appreciate it little one, and it's nice to meet you all. My sons are just grabbing our luggage since we are visiting for a few days. They should be in any....". Since the door was still being open they just walked in, but the surprising part is the loud thump that followed with a loud thud and two louder growls. Then mother screamed "PUT MY HUSBAND DOWN.". Then two sexy, yet scary voices said in sinc "WHY IS OUR MATES BLOOD SENT COVERING YOUR BODY.". At the sound of their voices i moaned, and then fast footsteps rush to where i was. As soon as the door to the basement smacked the wall and they were staring at me i painfully gasped from my fast scared movements. Then from the same pain i passed out.

(I was being beat, and he didn't stop. He beat me till i couldn't breathe correctly. That's what father did the last time i was found out. He had made Lion watch so that he would learn that if anyone found out that father would hurt me greatly for it. Ever since then i had learned to stay quiet even when i was in an immense amount of pain, because for two weeks while i was trying to recover from my injuries he would come and beat me more if he even heard me breathing from upstairs. )

This memory shoot through my brain, and then i shoot up scared from the dream and the yelling. As soon as i did that something underneath me creaked, and two big men throw the door open. Before i could be surprised that i was actually in a room and on a bed i throw myself backwards fast to escape. This made them very mad and made me even more scared. "We wouldn't ever hurt you." the blue eyed one said sadly. The brown eyed one just growled and walked out. **Oh no he hates me** That though brought pain to my heart which was odd. I didn't want them to hate me.

They stayed quiet not speaking a word because they were furious. Many times they left the room and then came back. While they were gone though i heard lots of yelling from afar. soon enough they stay in the room and brought me food. I was scared to talk, but for some reason i warmed up to the two men fast and ate the food. They decided to introduce themselves as i ate the tasty food. "Hello little one i'm Ki." said the brown eyed man. Then the blue eyed man said "And i'm Kay Baby.". The nicknames gave me intense butterflies. At the same time though i let out a light and almost silent yawn. "Get some sleep Baby. You're safe now." They both said sweetly as i fell asleep.

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