
Chapter 1

WHY? Why would you make me if i was such a failure? I wish i could just ask them, but i wouldn't get an answer i would just get another beating. I can't see what reason God would have brought me into this world if i'm just going to be nothing and useless. I had no way to escape, because they just kept me in the basement hidden. Besides them knowing i was here my younger brother by a year was aware of my existence as well. Lion was born like mother and father; they were all Alpha's well the gene skipped me and i was a mare Omega. Never did i hold hate for Lion, because i knew what he would face if he disobeyed them. He was nicer when they weren't around, and any time he hurt me i could see the hidden sadness in his eyes. I love him, and won't ever hate him for the pain he does to me.

My father and mother faked that i died in birth, so they wouldn't have to have such a weak youngling. I was told by Lion that it was, because it was a sign of weakness in a pack to have a Omega and left a weak spot that they could have used against them. Yet when time started changing they stayed in the old ways and kept me a secret. I was feed once a day, bathed once a week, and was beat by mother daily. Once mother and father would go to other packs for work Lion would be in charge, and during these times he would take his free time to teach me new things and keep me updated on worldly happenings. It never lasted long, but i loved those times the most. This was how i lived for ages till i turned 16 years old. I wasn't happy about it like many others would be, because nothing would really change for me. Yet Lion was happy for me, because it was the age you could find your mate. Of course that would only be if you both were 16 or older. I was quite sad about this day all together.

Every inch of me was willing to give up when a month after my birthday. Not just was i not able to find my mate, but i also was being beat more often and by father this time. I hurt everywhere while i was quietly listening to father yell at Lion for not getting his act together. Supposedly some Alpha's were visiting and brother wasn't ready to show them that he could be a good Alpha and allie. Father was filled with anger right now so it explained why he was beating me more these days. I just wished it would end soon so i didn't have to hurt so much. It kept running through my head that it would only be a few more days then i could take some time to heal. Mother was weaker then father so i could handle it better.

I was counting the days left. *THREE DAY'S LEFT* I couldn't get a second to rest or even think, because father was stressed and stressing mother out so they both made multiple visits to me for relief. *TWO DAY'S LEFT* At first it started out with more beatings but then they slowed but didn't stop. *ONE DAY LEFT* It stopped they were too busy doing things in preparation for this to visit me, and i couldn't be anything but grateful in a way.

More pain, hits, and bruises. I was just happy that today they would be arriving so everyone including father had been absurdly busy since yesterday. I could hear the pack riddled with anxiety so i knew how important this meeting was for them. Lily a girl that liked Lion was even nervous, and usually she was nothing but sunshine and rainbows. This had me really worried for my brother, and i prayed for him to succeed. For measly hours i could feel and hear the people rushing to prepare for this meeting. I wished i could be up there too. I tried to rest, but the noise made it very difficult, so i waited and listened.

710 word count (:

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, because i worked hard on it. I will try my hardest to post when possible. I do hope you will let me know you thoughts on the chapters, because creation is hard, so please cheer me up! Also if you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Please Like it or add to library! Thank you!

MusicMagiccreators' thoughts