
I'm ruby rose

I wake up as ruby rose I guess I'll have to slay monsters now

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Cómic
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83 Chs



After a few minutes my vision began to clear up, as I looked around to see that I was in a wall heavily injured and my aura low, as I sighed and pulled myself out of the wall

[hello to all I am the voice of the world, the world of Remnant has completed its healing, magic has returned, but because it's been gone for so long humans have forgotten how to use it and would die with in a few days, so to provent this I've created a system for every single thing, which means the grimm will receive one as well

There have also been a few changes

*monster have been add to balance the world

*dungeons have been add, they will be filled with grimm and powerf monster

Other than that you all can figure it out yourself, but to give you something say States, a stats window will pop up and you will be able to see your stats, now good bye and best of luck]

The voice said as I cracked my neck as my wounds slowly healed

"huh so they actually did it huh, STATES" I said as a blue window pop up

[The System

The System allows living beings of the world to gain levels, Skills, titles and magic


LEVELS govern the progress of an individual or monster. When a level up is achieved, all Stats gain a set value based on the experience of that level. In regards to Monsters, stat and ability point distribution is also given based on species, which will sometimes favor one stat over others. When a monster gains enough Levels, they are restricted from gaining more experience until they choose an evolution path. The amount of experience required to level up is not cumulative from the previous level prior to the evolution after evolving


HP is a common enough term in video games. Lose this, and death comes.

Magic Points/aura

Many creatures and individuals don't find a use for MP considering that it governs magic and skill use. The overuse of MP can cause the user to faint or lose consciousness temporarily.

Stamina Points

SP has two numbers within the System: Yellow and Red. Yellow SP is immediately available stamina, which drains on certain ability use and recovers after a short rest. Red SP is overall energy. Running out of red SP is nearly fatal, causing a massive amount of HP and MP loss due to starvation.


Ability represents areas of strength in an individual or monster. Unlike energy values, ability is a generalization of power. Raw numbers can make up for a deficiency in ability, and efficiency can increase their usefulness.


A measure of an individual's ability to deal physical-attribute damage. As this is an average, the power of each specific body part may be different.


A measure of an individual's ability to resist physical-attribute damage. As this is an average, the defense of each specific body part may be different.

Magic Power

A measure of the average effectiveness of an individual's magic. As this is an average, the power of a specific type of magic may be different.


A measure of an individual's ability to resist magical-attribute damage. As this is an average, the resistance may be different depending on the context.


A measure of an individual's average aptitude for speed. As this is an average, the quickness of each specific body part may be different. Even large monsters will dart around agilely if their speed stat is high


Skills make up the vast majority of actual power within the System. Skills can either be bought by having knowledge of the skill name and then spending skill points, or earned by gaining enough proficiency by using the skill without the assistance of the System. Likewise, being exposed to and surviving a certain element or attack will eventually unlock the appropriate Resistance Skill, e.g. fire damage leading to Fire Resistance skill, which can then be leveled-up through proficiency or skill points. Human and demon books have glossaries of Skills and their effects for people to learn. The unique skill Wisdom grants complete knowledge of the skill list, along with in-depth access to System information. Some Skills can also be learned by evolving into an appropriate monster, or by leveling.


Magic is an assistance mechanism for the invocation of magecraft. Each magic skill grants access to new spells as they level-up. When a magic skill reaches level 10, it will often derive a more powerful magic skill of the same attribute.


Titles are granted to individuals when they meet certain conditions]

{this was copied from so i'm a spider so what wiki}

"okay that's very interesting but it seems some information has been left out.... Doesn't matter Stats"

Dragonoid elite human


Skill Points: 30,050

Ruby Rose


HP 30,701/20,555

MP 39,122/1007

SP 67,698/1999

Offense : 20,281

Defense :15,009

Magic : 49,601

Resistance : 50,435

Speed : 78,999


Darkness and light LV???, Petal Burst speed increase ×2000, darkness light mode LV1 increases stats by 3000%, dragon mode 10000% increase(locked)

[Duo to Rubys abilities, system is unable to allocate skill for Ruby Rose while other skills have been hidden, as such one free tier 2 skill can be bought from shop]

"huh I'm still way stronger then the me before dragon mode" I said as I vibrated a little as hundreds of after images of me appear

'huh in the past I need my semblance to do that, and it seem my semblance also got a boost as well or it was already that powerful, but I feel like I'm missing something' I thought as I reached for my weapon guns

"no" I said as I disappeared as I went around the whole dungeon within a second

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, MY SWEAT BABIES" I shouted as I dropped to the ground as I had a little tantrum, before I got up

"calm down there with other you, so calm down" I said as I closed my eyes then began to look for my cross as I reached for my neck

"huh there you are Pan" I said as I sighed in relief

"huh anyways I best get out of here, but before that I was allowed one tier 2 skill" I said as I opened the window and looked at all the skills


"this should prove useful" I said as I began to walk as my body began to turn into roses and blewed away

(entrance of dungeon)

As I got to the entrance I slowly began to reform as I stopped and held out my hands to the sides as I took a deep breath as I looked to the sky the red dark sky as my silver eye glowed as silver energy began to flare around me

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'VE RETURNED" I shouted as my silver energy began to rapidly expand as erasing all Grimm in it path and opening the sky up

"huh there we go" I said as I saw a ship at a distance as I disappeared and appeared on the front window

As I knocked on it and waved, as they where to shocked to do anything so I just phased through it

"if you don't mind, could you take me back to Vale, I've completed my mission" I said as they nodded




Skill Points: 50



HP 701

MP 122

SP 698

Offense : 381

Defense : 109

Magic : 201

Resistance : 35

Speed : 29



Skill Points: 50



HP 701

MP 1000

SP 698

Offense : 381

Defense : 109

Magic : 1000

Resistance : 35

Speed : 29

'huh interesting, but they are just normal humans in a way' I said as I went to the back as I sat there and fell asleep

(a few hours later)

As I was woken up by the ships landing

"time to go report to the heads" I said as I got up and made my way to the door as it opened, I was met with Ozpin, Qrow, Ironwood, Goodwitch and Winter

"miss Rose I see you've returned to us safely" Ozpin said as I walked down to them

"yes and what it was good of you to send me instead off the cannon fodder" I said with a smile as Qrow laughed

"that's my girl" Qrow said as I placed his hand on my head

"you should tell me what happened and what kicked your ass" he said as I looked at him

"huh something kick my ass, hahaha" I said as I fake laughed

"while we would like to hear your story miss Rose, this is not the best place to tell it, come to my office" Ozpin said as he turned around as I followed him and the others from the back as I used [appraisal] on everyone

'so the average student stats are 1000 to 5000 and if I'm going with experience hunters like Qrow, Ozpin ironwood and Goodwitch are 10000 to 25000, but it seems that they also had higher levels with Ozpin being the highest with a level of 79 and Qrow is second at 67, it seems that levels don't count for shit, I'm as strong as these five but my level is way lower then there's, no my level is way above there's since I'm a elite human and qrow, ozpin and goodwitch sime to high humans, more information is needed' I thought as we went to his office

"now miss Rose, if you would what did you find, in the dungeon" Oz said as I nodded and told them what happened in the cave but I left out the dragon heart and blood, as well as not telling them then snake bitch went human and beat my ass

"after all that I cam across a door, I opened it, there was a flash then I woke up, the first thing I was greeted with was the voice of the world" I said as I crossed my arms

"huh yes exactly, three hours ago we where all greeted with the voice, as well as new sites of whole new creates that are way stronger than Grimm, but these ones are not interested in killing us.... Well some" Ozpin said as I looked at him

"I see, to think you where able to get information so quickly" I said a little shocked that within the three hours Oz was able to get so much information, makes you wonder how he was kill in the story

"yes, now miss Rose why are you so injured"

"snake bitch was way stronger than I thought, she was not a Grimm so my eyes where useless so I had to kill her the old fashioned way which took way too long and I only won by luck, but at the cost of my weapons" I said as I sighed a bit sad

"is that so, well here you go" Qrow said as he handed me his scythe

"what, but she's yours, I can't" I said as the weapon nerd in me told me that this wasn't right

"yes you can I was always going to give it to you kiddo, it was just a matter of time" he said as I took the scythe with open arms

'it is a work of art'

"beside your mother made it for me, now I'm give it to you" he said with a smile

"thank you, uncle Qrow" I said as I gave him a huge as he gave me a head pats

"oh and miss Rose" Ozpin said as I turned to him


"take a few days off, you need to recover" he said as I nodded and disappeared as I appeared outside the door of my room

"RUUUUUUBBBBBBBYYYYYYYY" a load voice shouted as I looked to the side to see Nora running at me full speed at me as she jumped with her arms open as time slowed for me

'does she have some sort of Ruby sense, I just got here' I thought as I opened up my arms as she crashed into me, but I caught her and span so that she doesn't get hurt, I'm really well balanced

"do you have some sort of Ruby sense or something" I said to her as I held her in my arms

"IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU, AFTER YOU DISAPPEARED WE THOUGHT THE WORST" she shouted as she squeezed me as I sighed

"yes yes yes, but can you let go Nora, I need to address my wounds" I said to her as she dropped me and then looked me over

"what-" she was cut off by a voice as the two teams came around the corner

"Nora, there you are..... Ruby" Yang said as I crossed my arms

"yes, it's me who else would it be" I said as I raised my eyebrow

"it's just, it's been three days since you disappeared, where did you go" she asked as I looked at her

"hunting, anyways right now is not the right time for any of you, this includes you Nora"

"oh poo"

"so if you would kindly leave me alone for at least a day, I would appreciate it" I said as Nora dropped me as I went into my room and changed out of my torn clothes and into more comfortable clothes as I sat cross legged as I closed my eyes to feel out the energy in my body

"I see, so my dragon, and magic fused into one while my aura is separated, and thanks to that training I did before coming back" I said as I held out my hand as a flame lit up

[fire dragon flame, the flames of the first dragon emperor, these flames burn hotter and stronger then any normal flame and can not be extinguished by any normal means]

"good its seem that while I have been nerfed I still retain most of my abilities" I said as I stood up and went over to my bed

"I'll need to check out what happened while I was gone and I'll need to speak to torchwick but he can wait, for now I'll just relax, most probably ozpin will address the school at a certain point in time" I said to myself as I closed my eye and spread my sense out

"hmmm reality of out situation has not kicked in yet, they will think that this is a video game for the first month as they throw caution to the wind as they try to raise their level and the semester will be ending soon so there will be less student's by the next.... Huh nothing I can do about that but I can go clear a dungeon or two, most probably or Nora will try and get me to go with them, when Onyx like every isekai will probably get luck, find a dungeon that will give him an edge and then there's also the shitty possibility of him getting an op skill.... " I said as I stopped

"nuh that won't happen right"