
Chapter Seven

Wood watched us with enthusiasm.

Everything happens to me.

You see, Malfoy grabbed Neville's reminder and went up, then Harry went after him like the hero he is. I determined that I would just watch them, and of course, that held until Malfoy insulted my parents. I took the broom and with the shouts of the others and Hermione's irritating voice, I took to the air.

I was going to give him his comeuppance, or so I thought, we surrounded him with Harry as we passed around the reminder. Malfoy, like a cheating gambler, came at full speed to throw me off the broom, but I didn't know how to maneuver, and I avoided him until I heard McGonagall's scream.

- "Harry Potter! Ronald Weasley!"

We got down to the ground as fast as we could and amidst murmurs from the teacher we entered the castle.

I hope it's not what I'm thinking.

Yes, it was, she took us to Wood and showed Harry as his new Seeker and me as his new Chaser.

This wasn't in the book.

It seems that my theory was true, my arrival changed things. Me and my bloody stupidity, I felt like banging my head against armor. I tried to give up, but Wood looked like he was going to burst into tears at any moment.

Harry on the other hand was more than happy. His enthusiasm showed for miles after I showed him his father's Seeker's badge.

Hermione as well as Malfoy seemed disappointed that we weren't expelled, well in Hermione's case it was only me.

My business was booming, Thomas informed me that the broom manufacturer wanted to make a deal with us. The offer we made exceeded his expectations. I asked him to order Nimbus 2000 and arrange delivery to Hogwarts.

I wasn't going to ride on those unsafe brooms.

Fred and George Weasley appeared in the dining room and quickly approached.

- "Well done," - Said George quietly. Wood told us. - "We're on the team too. We're beaters."

- "I'm telling you, we're going to win the Quidditch Cup this term," Said Fred. - "We haven't won it since Charlie left, but this year's team will be very good. We have to do well. Wood almost jumped when he told us."

They knew how to put pressure.

- "Well, we've got to go. Lee Jordan is going to show us the jokes he bought at the new shop."

- "Jokes?" - I asked pretending to be stupid.

- "Yes, little brother, Diagon Alley has a new shop." - Crooned the twins as they left.

Just then, Malfoy and his faithful puppy dogs Crabbe and Goyle appeared.

- "Eating your last supper? When do you catch the train home?" - His tone was gloating.

- "I'm hungry, Harry, come on." - I completely ignored him.

- "Hungry? That's all you've got, it must be a feast, so much food..."

- "There must be chops." - I interrupted him.

His face flushed red.

- "We'll see each other anytime. Tonight a wizard's duel, wands only, no contact."

- "You're brave now that you're with your little friends." - Harry rebutted.

- "Let's have a duel, then."

- "I don't think so." - I refused.

- "I wasn't asking you." - Malfoy looked at Harry with a raised blonde eyebrow.

- "Harry won't either." - I looked at him like he was stupid.

Harry looked at both of us like a ping pong match. - Hey.

- "You smug dye job." - I snapped at him

- "Poor sod." - He said angrily

- "Stupid"

- "Hungry."

- "You bland coward." - His face was one of bewilderment.

- "Uneducated on top of that." - The knuckles of his bodyguards rang out.

- "You're going to beat me? Come on" - I raised my hands into fists.

God, I'm a grown man and I behave like a child.

They were both going to advance toward me, but with a wave of Malfoy's hand, they stayed in place.

- "Don't fight with..." - He cast a contemptuous glance at me. - "I don't think I need to say it." - His bodyguards gave a derisive laugh.

Malfoy turned to Harry - "Hey Potter, you're afraid of me you need to consult Weasley."

Harry, being the hothead that he is, released his grip on me.

- "Anytime Malfoy."

He gave a mocking laugh in my direction as if to say, "See he wants to."

- "In the trophy room at midnight tonight, a duel. " - And he left.

- "What's a duel?" - I snort.

- "It's where spells are cast between the two."

- "And if I don't cast anything"

I remembered Ron's line. - "You punch him in the nose." - I exclaimed.

- "Excuse me" - Hermione's voice interrupted us. - "I couldn't help overhearing what you were talking about with Malfoy."

What a gossiper.

She gave me a dirty look.

Shit, I said it or thought it.

- "You said it," - Said Harry.

- "I'm not a gossip..."

- "What do you mean, you're not?" - I interrupted her imagining the meme.

- "...and you mustn't hang around the school at night. Think of the points you'll lose for Gryffindor if you get caught, and you will..."

- "You're psychic." - I interrupted her, again and again, but she ignored me.

- "..... the truth is very selfish of you."

- "It's none of your business what we do." - Harry said to her.

- "Goodbye." - We both turned around.

I felt her stomp the floor in irritation.

In our dormitory, we got ready to leave. I told Harry that Malfoy wasn't coming, but he insisted.


So I had to take precautions. As we walked down to the common room, a light shone from one of the armchairs. It was none other than Hermione-meaning-Granger.

After an exchange of words as she continued to lecture us, she left the room.

For being mean.

She had no choice but to follow us. As we were walking along, we bumped into Neville, who had forgotten the password and followed us. We all arrived at the place together and as I already knew, Malfoy wasn't there.

I am a psychic.

- "Come," - Hermione said in a demanding voice.

- "Shut up." - She was going to open her sandwich again, but she shut up, Filch's voice could be heard nearby.

- "Run." - Harry muttered in panic.

We ran down corridor after corridor until we ran into Peeves who started shouting "Students out of bed!" In a shrill voice.

Hermione opened a door and we crowded in.

It was too late when I realized where we were.