
I'm Revan (Star Wars)

Galactic Clash, a mobile game that grants players the ability to traverse the vast Star Wars Universe. Allowing them to embody their favorite characters, select different starting villages, and explore varying timelines. A devoted player finds himself unexpectedly transported into the universe of Star Wars, awakening within the body of his game character, Revan, as a Jedi starting at the Clone Wars. Armed with his limitless potential of the gamer body as Revan, and knowledge as a transmigrate, he sets out to shape his destiny.

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I'm Revan

In a modest bedroom filled with darkness, a young man lay nestled within the folds of his blankets.

His eyes were fixed intently on the glowing device in his hand, fingers moving across the screen with practiced ease as he played his favorite game, Galactic Clash.

The game, a beloved pastime for many, offered players the chance to immerse themselves in the rich Universe of Star Wars. From the bustling streets of Coruscant to the shadowy depths of Sith Lairs, every corner of the universe was theirs to explore.

And for our protagonist, it was more than just a game—it was an escape, a way to lose himself in a world of adventure and possibility.

Galactic Clash was unlike any other mobile game; it granted players the freedom to choose their favorite character, select their starting origin, and explore different timelines. With each decision, the player's journey would unfold in unique and unexpected ways, shaping the course of their destiny.

The man reminisced on his previous choices, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Revan had been his character of choice, not only for his formidable Force abilities, but since he thought his character design was cool.

The decision to start as a Jedi in Coruscant had been an easy one. It was the heart of the Star Wars World, bustling with activity and brimming with opportunities for adventure. Plus, you were given the option to defect and create your own army, that was an interesting story enough for him.

And as for the timeline, the man had chosen to start at the beginning of the Clone Wars. It was a pivotal moment in the Star Wars Universe, one filled with tragedy and heartache.

After a year of dedicated play, the man had honed Revan's abilities to near-perfection, and his character's stats were practically maxed out.

As he was playing the game, a sudden notification popped up.

[If you were given the opportunity to awaken in the universe of Star Wars, would you accept?]

The man raised an interested brow, before simply pressing yes.

'What's there to lose? Either it's real or fake.' He shrugged, but his eyes widened as he suddenly felt his vision contort.

[Then please enjoy your journey as, Revan, Prodigy of the Republic.]

Before he could speak, everything went black.


In another part of the vast expanse of the deep cosmos, a fleet of Republic ships hovered above the planet of Kamino, a water-filled planet, and home of the Clones.

Inside the leading ship, gray metallic hallways echoed with the steady rhythm of footsteps.

A man, clad in a black robe and golden intricate armor, moved with purposeful strides, his masked face concealed his features, adding an air of mystery to his presence.


As he traversed the corridors, the man suddenly came to a halt, for a moment, he stood in silence.

In the stillness of the moment, two differing souls abruptly clashed within him, but an instant later, the more dominate one easily absorbed the other. Causing memories of two lives to intertwine, calmly flooding his consciousness, leaving him momentarily dazed.

After a few moments, clarity gradually returned to his hazy mind, and a sense of calm washed over his features.

"Memories of the future..." He murmured softly to himself, his voice carrying a hint of wonder and introspection.

Remembering the prompt of the question asking about being transported to the universe of Star Wars, a knowing glint entered his eyes. As with a sense of realization dawning upon him, he couldn't help but feel bemused slightly.

It felt natural, as if he was always Revan.

He always assumed his game character simply had no backstory, because the game never provided it, but now that he was Revan, he understood that his past was far more complex then he had ever imagined.

Revan's journey began in the humble surroundings of the Outer Rim, where he was born to simple farmers in a time of unrest and uncertainty. Raised in a world where the rule of law often gave way to the law of the jungle, Revan's family was but a meager existence, far removed from the galactic conflicts that raged in the distant core worlds.

Life was peaceful but fragile, a delicate balance that was shattered when a Mandalorian bounty hunter descended upon their quiet city in search of his target. In the chaos that ensued, Revan's father was caught in the crossfire, his life cruelly snuffed out by blaster fire, he witnessed this at the adolescent age of 7 years old.

Consumed by grief and rage, Revan unleashed powers he never knew he possessed, tapping into the latent potential of the Force that flowed through his veins.

With a single devastating gesture, he extinguished the life of the Mandalorian, crushing him with the weight of his own power.

But Revan's actions did not go unnoticed. The Mandalorians, driven by a code of honor and vengeance, descended upon the city in search of retribution. In the ensuing chaos, Revan's mother fell victim to their relentless pursuit, leaving him alone and bereft in a world torn apart by violence.

With nowhere else to go, Revan sought refuge with the Jedi, drawn to their teachings of peace and justice in a galaxy rife with conflict. Despite his humble origins, his innate connection to the Force did not go unnoticed by the Jedi Masters, who recognized his potential for greatness.

Through rigorous training and discipline, Revan honed his skills as a Jedi, channeling his raw power into a force for good. As he experienced varying things as Padawan, he became a Jedi Knight at the ripe age of 14.

However, he didn't stop there, continuing to display his wisdom and prowess as a skilled Jedi Knight, he was granted the title of Jedi Master at 19, the youngest in the history of Jedi. Revan's feats were so grand that rumors of him being the Chosen One was spread, creating a split of opinions, as people couldn't determine who the Prophecy was about, between Anakin Skywalker and him.

Later on, it was revealed that Revan was not just a mere farm boy from the Outer Rim, but named after his ancestor, the legendary figure known as Revan, a Jedi Master and secretly Sith Lord, who had once shaped the fate of the galaxy thousands of years ago.

As the memories fully unraveled, he realized, he wasn't just Revan, but a combination of the two souls. Making him Revan, but also a bit different.

Nevertheless, his resolve hardened as he recited a poem quietly, "I am but a vessel, a fusion of souls, from the ashes of two lives, I emerge anew, as a singular entity, shaped by the mysterious powers of the Force." He continued, his words resonating with power. "Yet, I am no puppet to fate's whims. I am the architect of my destiny."

"Guided by the strength within, I carve my own path, with clear purpose and conviction. For I am Revan, and my journey is mine to unfold."

As if a soothing wave of energy washed over him, Revan felt the comforting presence of the Force enveloping his being, its gentle touch clearing his mind of doubt and uncertainty, giving him a profound sense of peace.

With that, he continued his stride through the hallways as if nothing happened, pondering on their current destination.

The fleet was supposed to be en-route to Geonosis, tasked with the urgent mission of rescuing the 212 Jedi who had been sent to the embattled planet. Master Yoda's orders were clear, and Revan understood the gravity of the situation. 

Given his rank as a Master, Revan had been entrusted with temporary command over 80,000 Clone Troopers. These forces would later be divided among the rescued Jedi, each designated their own legions to lead into battle. For now, however, Revan led a modest fleet consisting of one Venator-Class Star Destroyer and six Acclamator-Class Star Destroyers.

While the other 112,000 troops, were behind schedule with Master Yoda. 

The battle had caught them unprepared, with production of military ships lagging behind demand. Their fleet wasn't even a fraction of what it could be, a stark reminder of the peaceful circumstances that lasted for so long.



As Revan was contemplating, his thoughts were interrupted by the insistent beeping of his comlink.

With a quick press, a voice of a Clone Trooper came to,

[Sir, their is a Padawan Tano searching for you in the hangar.]

Revan's interest piqued at the mention of the Padawan. In the game, he had chosen Ahsoka Tano as his apprentice early on, recognizing her skill and potential as unmatched among her peers, not to mention he liked her character.

Bringing his wrist to his masked face he replied, "Understood, I'll be coming shortly."

With that, he turned around, as he headed for the hangar, it didn't take that long to arrive, as he entered the spacious room.

Inside, hundreds of Gunships and Star Fighters could be seen stationed, as clone troopers loitered around them, conversing casually.

However, the moment Revan entered, the chatter momentarily silenced, as various clones gave him a curt nod, acknowledging his presence with respect.

Revan paid them no heed, as his footsteps echoed, and his focus fixated on the young Togruta in the distance, adorned in a simple tube top and skirt.


Ahsoka's eyes brightened as she noticed his approaching figure, her expression a mixture of curiosity and excitement. As they met in the center of the hangar, she greeted him with a smile, her voice tinged with anticipation,

"Master Revan?"


Not bad, right?