
I'm reborn as Rudeus Greyrat

This is a fanfic based on the world of Reincarnation of the Unemployed with Rudeus as an assassin. Not that it's better than the original Rudeus, but I enjoyed the world, its characters, and the story. In addition to Rudeus' basic plushies, the character will have a game system, but a more willful one than usual in this type of fanfiction. Yes, it's the type of system that has a mind of its own and often trolls the protagonist. But in the end, the system ends up on his side. This fanfic was banned, I tried to change some things maybe now it will be ok. and the story is at patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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37 Chs

Part 4

To get another chapter, let's hit 100 stones.

If you want to read advanced chapters and help me out:


Enjoy reading.


And the days of my training flew by. My schedule changed a bit, and now I was doing magic in the morning and training with Paul in the afternoon. Even the skill of swordsmanship came into play. In the meantime, I started trying to repeat familiar martial arts moves, making this body get used to them. But I didn't feel the fighting spirit, and I still don't feel it.

But I was making great strides in magic. Roxy seemed to have ambivalent feelings about it. On the one hand, she was pleased with my progress, like a teacher. But at the same time, my success seemed to make her uncomfortable. I guess she didn't learn as fast in her day. Yeah, well, we started practising advanced level magic almost immediately. Even though Roxy herself didn't exceed that level in most areas. It was only in water magic that she had a fourth, holy rank. Above that is the royal rank, imperial and divine, whose magic is able to influence entire continents. And, in general, the advanced rank is already considered a good level for an average wizard. What I achieved by three years, many other mages achieve in decades. I guess I seriously underestimated my talent for magic given by the system. Or is it not just the system, but a more mature mind and a slightly different type of thinking? The same silent spells are rare.

Once, after Roxy's lesson, I noticed her frowning her eyebrows and waving her hand, trying to use magic without words, but to no avail. There was that awkward feeling again....

Just like that, Roxy settled into our house, for the convenience of being a teacher. And, rather quickly, she became almost a part of our family, participating in the common life. While I was training with Paul, I noticed how she helped Zenith with chores around the house or in our vegetable garden. She was also eating at the same table with us.

- Mgghhh... - She reaches awkwardly for the bread, but it's far away and her hands are short.

- Can I get you some more bread, Miss Roxy? - Zenith smiled.

- Yes...please.

- Oh, sure, here you go.

She also sometimes goes out into the village and works part-time, fulfilling the requests of the villagers, mostly calling for rain or healing sick animals. Specifically in detoxification magic, she has proven to be a beamer than my mother. And, she really taught me with great dedication, trying to pass on all her experience, and not withholding any subtleties of magic. And, it was really easier to learn when someone more experienced helped you than to do everything by myself. Although, at some points our views on magic differed a bit.

I, on the other hand, was feeling somewhat inspired about the fact that there was now a young girl living in the next room. There it was, the burden of being a virgin.

- Maahhh... ahhhhh....

Zenith is at it again.

- Roxy's going to hear. - I grumbled irritably.

I was about to go out into the corridor to reprimand my parents, or shame them with a little knock on the door to be quieter. But what I didn't expect was to find my teacher outside my parents' room.


That was--

It was a marvellous sight. A young beautiful girl, peeking through the ajar door, was playing with herself, with a palm between her legs. She was dressed in nothing but a shirt. Roxy was clearly ready for bed when she heard the moans. Yeah, even though I wasn't aroused yet, I liked the view.

I was getting a little annoyed, though.

I mean, there's Paul and Zenith.

And, what is this, jealousy? Considering that I have nothing at all to offer a young girl at my age, it is somehow illogical to be jealous in this respect. But, after all, I'm a goddamn virgin who could easily fall in love with a girl if she's just being a little nice to me. And Roxy isn't just pretty, she's charming with her soft good-hearted nature.

So wait, seriously?

The achievement "Lolicon Man" has been obtained!

You have fallen in love with a loli wizard.

Even legit loli's are still loli's!

For crying out loud!

This message dumbfounded me so much that I involuntarily gave myself away by squeaking the door a little. And Roxy immediately flinched, glancing sharply in my direction. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she opened her mouth as if she wanted to exclaim something, but suddenly went numb. Her lips quivered, her eyes glistened, and her face began to blush rapidly. Although she had been pink from displacement and arousal before, the combination was now clearly intensified by shame.

- Ahhh... - With a quiet squeak, she covered her face with her palms.

And, snapping out of her seat, ran to her room.

- Mahhh... ahhh... - And Zenith continued to moan sonorously.

My parents, working hard to produce a sibling for me, didn't notice what had happened in the corridor. Perhaps the best thing to do was to pretend it hadn't happened. That's what I was going to do, actually. And, admittedly, I was used to the system just messing with me and giving me all sorts of perks. I didn't expect it to pull a stunt like this the next day.


The morning magic class started. Roxy and I went out into the courtyard, and there was this awkward atmosphere. Although the girl herself tried to pretend that yesterday's incident did not exist, but she was clearly ashamed.

And suddenly...

Time stopped. Everything turned grey, and it was as if I was stuck to the ground and couldn't move. Somewhere in my mind a bell rang, and a window of choice flashed before me.

You don't know what to say! You have to make a choice!

- Master, be my wife!

- Master! Teach me love!

- Master! I couldn't see anything, show me again how girls masturbate!

What the...

What's going on?

Now I was already in a panic and didn't know what to do, because none of the given options seemed adequate. All this time, all these years, I have never realised the insidiousness of this evil system! Its appetites are growing and now it is no longer enough for it to tease me in its messages, it wants to shame me in reality!

How could I even choose any of this?

And the system didn't wait for me to finally give up.

You didn't have time to make a choice.

The choice will be made automatically!

The world fills with colours and the rustling of the wind returns. My eyes go wide and...

- Rudeus, let's start today with....

- Master! - My mouth speaks of its own accord. - Be my wife!

- Huh? Roxy squeaked.

And I instantly let go, exhaling sharply, regaining control of my body.

- Ahhh... R-rudeus... - The girl's face instantly became flushed.

- Um... I'm sorry... - I hesitated. - If you're worried about what happened yesterday, it's okay. I understand!

Damn, I'm not sure I did any better!

- Ha ha ha ha... - Roxy laughed miserably. - Umm...

- Don't answer anything... let's better just start the class as usual.

- Yeah, that's a good idea... - Awkwardly agreed the girl.

And, as if the situation was over, we came to an awkward understanding. But, in addition to this awkwardness I now also have a nervousness associated with the fact that the system, it turns out, at any moment can give something else like this.

- Let's get back to connecting spells. - She sighed, adjusting herself to her work.

I couldn't resist scanning her, though. I just wanted to see how her attitude toward me had changed.

Mood - Embarrassment! Embarrassment! Shame!

Above, it was to be expected. I can imagine how embarrassed she must be.

And by the way, since Roxy came into my life, she's also appeared on my reputation list. She's one I decided to check out as well.


Zenith Greyrat - thinks you are an outstanding child and favourite son

Lily-- admires your success.

Roxy Migurdia - very ashamed, but grateful for your understanding, and very embarrassed.

I've already realised she's embarrassed. It feels like the system is directly savouring this girl's embarrassment. What if it is? Poor Roxy.

And, as if to compensate for all this embarrassment, fate gave me a little gift. In the afternoon, during physical training, when I remembered the kata. Fully trained judo techniques with my father I just did not have the opportunity, the difference in weight class and strength is absurd. So what I was doing was more like shadow boxing. But, my body was getting enough tension for its development and memorised the movements. Some moves I didn't need to fully control anymore, it was starting to happen on its own, on reflexes. No, it doesn't mean that I will reflexively make a throw if someone pats me on the shoulder. It's just that I can apply the technique at the right moment, without thinking, quickly.

So, that day, I felt it.

As the energy inside me swirls, my breathing becomes faster and, like an explosion, the power spreads out in a wave throughout my body.

Skill obtained!

Battle Spirit level 1

The system immediately rewarded me with a new skill.

- Don't even hope, I can't be so kind, I haven't forgiven you yet!

Usually it does not give a skill right away, only when I have already learnt a little in the right direction. But here it is, here's a skill for you, I just had to use this battle aura. And before I lose my concentration, I make a swift dash towards the cobblestone and strike.

- Haa!

It's already boxing, just a shoulder strike and my fist smashes into the rock. But contrary to what I expected, I didn't feel any pain. There was this elastic pressure sensation, like a gloved punch. Except that if my hand was okay, the rock was just blown to bits.

- What's that? - Paul was stunned.

- Fighting spirit! - I bellowed. - Ha-ha-ha! I can smash rocks with my bare hands!

And now a kick to the remaining half of the boulder. Yes, that's boxing too, or rather kickboxing.

And again, the kick just shatters the rock.

Only I'm the one who lost my balance and fell to the ground.

- Ha ha.

But, I was glad. I'd finally made it.

- Not bad, Rudy. - Paul grinned. - Now try it with the sword.

- Yes!

It wasn't that easy. I couldn't do the sword trick right away. Plus, I lost concentration and that fighting spirit just dissipated, and then I couldn't get it back. Not on that day, anyway.

But, after a couple of days, I was able to do it again.

So, my training with my father had reached a new level.

And, at the same time, Roxy continued to teach me, regaining my self-control. We never returned to the topic of peeping and girlish happiness. Also, when Zenith started moaning at night again, Miss Teacher was no longer peeping on my parents. I checked. Our teacher-student relationship quickly returned to normal.

- Rudy..." she sighed. - No matter what I teach you, you pick up on everything.

- Thank you.

- If you want, I could give you a lecture in the evening, before you go to bed. That way you'll learn even faster.

- Please, I'll be happy to take your night lessons, tutor.

- That's good.

She wasn't even embarrassed.

And, no, this time it wasn't the system, it was myself. It's just that, even though it was awkward as hell, an embarrassed Roxy is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life. I wanted to see it again. But, I was somewhat afraid that the embarrassment would make it hard for her to continue my training, and that she might give up on the job altogether. But she seemed to be more resilient than I thought!

And in the evening she came to me with a couple of books.

- Let's start the lecture, Rudy.

- Sure, teacher!

- Okay... perhaps... hmm, do you know where magic comes from?

I shook my head negatively.

- I see. - The girl smiled gently.

She even seemed pleased that I didn't know something. In practice, I learnt perhaps too fast, which made my teacher start to pick up on my talent already. Now she was relieved that my theoretical knowledge lagged far behind my practical knowledge.

- Supposedly, magic was created by the elves when they created a link with the spirits of the forest, gaining control over the earth and wind...

I'm not surprised there are elves in this world.

So, Roxy gave a rather informative lecture, not even so much about the origins of magic, but about the races that inhabit the world. They started with elves, who created magic, and then humans picked up the idea and developed their own magic school, even more advanced.

- What other races are there?

- Hmm, let's see.

The girl opened one of the books, and took out a folded sheet. It turned out to be a map showing several continents. It didn't look like Earth at all. Not the fact that it was the whole world, though. Just a few large patches of land connected by narrow steps of islands, and a huge sea in between.

- The elves reside on the continent of Milis.

She jabbed a finger at one of the continents.

- There is a tribe of beastmen who reside in the great forest....

There are also dwarves and even hobbits, some of them stocky, short, and others more like human children in terms of appearance and physical ability. There is also a celestial race that dwells in its own separate land. And finally, the demonic races.

- This is a general term... it's the name of the many species that fought on the side of the demons in the great war that lasted between humans and demons for almost seven thousand years.

- О...

- I'm a demon, by the way. - Roxy added.

- Demon? - My eyes bulged.

- Or rather, a migurd from Biegoa, the demonic continent.

- So demons are like humans?

- Not all of them. - She shook her head. - Some have the traits of monsters. And some of the worst demons have green hair....

The girl twirled a lock of her blue hair with her finger.

- That's why your parents were so surprised when they first saw me.

- Oh, I thought it was because you're really cute.

- Ha ha...no, it's just that sometimes the light can make my hair seem green.....

- Well, you have very pretty hair. - I'll be honest.

After all, that's what I thought.

- Thank you... however... you'd better save compliments like that for a girl you like.

- Oh, that's okay then, I can use those words for you, teacher!

Roxy puffed up her cheek, then snorted.

- Heh... then find me in ten years and repeat those words if you don't change your mind.

- Are you really going to wait ten years for me to grow up!!!? - Immediately, I feigned enthusiasm.

- Ahem... - She coughed into her fist. - Let's get back to the lecture, Rudy.

- Yeah, sure.

- Speaking of green hair... you should know why there's this superstition that green hair represents cruelty. It's a story about a tribe of Supardians from the demonic continent....

And she told of another tribe of demons that was once famous for its incredible cruelty and strength. Laplace's insane guard, ready to create a bloodbath among both their own and outsiders. The demons themselves fear them even more than humans.

- That's why it's best you never meet them. But, if you do, try not to go near the Supard, otherwise... he will kill you and your whole family!

- Understood... - I nodded tensely.

- You can tell them apart from the green hair, supards also have a red stone in their foreheads.

- Hmm, I see.

Actually, the lecture lasted quite a long time, so it was getting dark, and my eyes were starting to close.

- I think we're done for the day, Rudy.

- Okay, Roxy.

The girl smiled and nodded goodbye to me before leaving for her room.

I, on the other hand, had yet to use up the rest of my mana reserve. It was getting harder every day. After all, even the progression of spell changes has its limits. On top of that, there's also a limit to the amount of mana I can release in a single spell. Though that limit does grow with the practice of powerful enchantments. Though, with the more varied study of intermediate and advanced magic, it became easier as I had more "algorithms" for spells.

Still, though it was becoming more difficult, I continued to diligently empty my reserve every day, investing in the foundation of my future as a mage. After all, this effect would only last for up to ten years.

And then...

Roxy began to visit me often in the evenings for lectures. And not just on magic. Although, she was paid for teaching magic, but she willingly shared her other knowledge. I was also interested in learning more about her. More specifically, about her race.

- How are migurds different from humans?

- Well..." Roxy put a finger to her chin. - The first thing that comes to mind is that we age differently. Migurds live, on average, longer than humans.

- That's great! - I cheered up.

- You think so? - The girl smiled.

- Of course, living longer is better than living less.

- It's not how long you live, but how you live.

She leaned towards me and ruffled my hair.

- It also means you'll still be cute in ten years.

- If that's what you think.

She's still not embarrassed, and I don't risk going to some very extreme measures.

- Ahhhh... - It came from the corridor.

- Zenith is at it again. - I rolled my eyes.

Roxy was petrified and looked away with her lips pressed together in shame.

Here it is, the chance!

- Don't worry, I understand, Master. - I nod sagely. - You can mind your own business.

I give you a thumbs-up.

- Oh... what are you talking about? - She babbled.

- Of course you have your needs and you need to take care of them to feel better. If you want, I can give you some help!

- No! - Roxy's face flashed bright scarlet. - That's it, we're done for the day!

- Of course, I won't embarrass you. You can have some privacy.

- You... - The demoness squinted her eyes.

- Embarrassed Roxy is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

She seemed to blush even more, not just her face, but her body under her clothes, even her arms. And, unable to bear it, she took a quick step and headed for the exit.

- We'll continue tomorrow, Rudeus!

And then, reaching the door, she took and fled as fast as she could.

She even left her books here.

The very next day, I was shocked because Roxy's stats had changed a bit. Specifically, her strongest skill from water magic changed to....

Her strongest skill is masturbation.

I was right. It's not just me the system likes to mess with. It's clearly taking real pleasure in messing with Roxy. Well, that's understandable.

And I couldn't resist making a comment.

- Did you have a good time, Master?

- Rudy. - Roxy squinted at me. - Aren't you at all ashamed to mock your teacher?

- I'm not mocking. I feed on your embarrassment.

- You're going to starve, Rudeus.

- Ha ha ha...we'll see about that, Roxy.

Perhaps the system enjoyed it too, and therefore didn't screw me over more with my choice of lines. But I still haven't forgiven her for that episode.

So, my training continued into the next year. Mornings and evenings were lessons with Roxy, who I sometimes tried to embarrass with various lines, but she seemed to get used to it over time. More or less. In practice, I was ready to move on to the next level of magic, but Roxy told me to take my time and hone my spell and mana control even more.

During the day, I practised with my father. Sometimes without my father, I did the exercises myself, trying to develop my flexibility first, taking advantage of the plasticity of a child's body. As an adult it would be more difficult to do this and it would be better to worry about the foundation right away. And, in the same way, I gradually began to get to grips with fighting spirit. I even learnt to use it in fencing. Although it was more natural without a weapon. But what was annoying was that martial spirit made it seriously difficult to use spells. It was possible, but it felt like trying to balance on a tightrope. And even while maintaining balance, one couldn't avoid weakening one's morale when using magic. And, likewise, spell control was weaker while spirit was active. They were different forms of mana control, they had the same source, and that was the problem.

But, I wasn't going to give up on this kind of training. These skills would be useful anyway.

And so another year went by.