
I'm reborn as Rudeus Greyrat

This is a fanfic based on the world of Reincarnation of the Unemployed with Rudeus as an assassin. Not that it's better than the original Rudeus, but I enjoyed the world, its characters, and the story. In addition to Rudeus' basic plushies, the character will have a game system, but a more willful one than usual in this type of fanfiction. Yes, it's the type of system that has a mind of its own and often trolls the protagonist. But in the end, the system ends up on his side. This fanfic was banned, I tried to change some things maybe now it will be ok. and the story is at patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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37 Chs

Part 24

Your chapter 

Don't forget the gems and reviews.

advanced chapters.


Enjoy reading.


And I probably would have died here like that, but then Eris came along and wouldn't listen to me. Eventually, she came back.

- Brother! - Norn exclaimed surprisingly clearly.

Gods, she even brought her.

- Rudeus! - Tears are falling on me. - Please... no, don't die... you're a healer! Heal yourself!

- Ahem.


I can't just die in front of my sisters, can I?

Eris's crying had a sobering effect on me, so I summoned a status. I had six points to distribute. So I put all of them into stamina. After that, I immediately felt a surge of strength. My consciousness stopped trying to fall into darkness and die.

- Eris..." I said with difficulty.

Every little thing mattered now.

- Rudeus?

The bag collapsed next to me.

- Find the box.

- What?

- Hurry up.

With a tense nod, the girl dug into the bag. In the meantime, I started collecting mana by using a healing spell. It's not enough, and I haven't even pulled out my spear yet. But, it'll buy some time. That's right, I have twelve skill points, all in healing magic.

- Oh, I found it!

- Eris, will you be my wife?

- W-what? - The girl was stunned.

- I don't have time to explain, just say yes and put on any of these rings.

- Oh, no, you're not gonna die in here, are you?

- I won't!

I gripped the shaft of the bone spear with my hand.

- Okay... I... yes, I agree! - Eris blurted out.

And put on a ring that immediately burst into flames.


By the power of fate, you have been pronounced husband and wife! 

Your harem is complete.

Well, that's one more item to add to all my credentials.

- Now, Eris, help me.

- Yes! What do I have to do? - The girl asked excitedly.

- Spear, take out...

- Err... d-yes...

She looked in horror at the bone spear that was piercing my stomach. I, on the other hand, was preparing a new healing spell. Eris found the strength to fulfil my request and, clutched at the shaft. She was in no hurry to do it.

- Do it quickly, in one pull.

- Yes.

- Do it!

- AAH!

Screaming loudly, Eris squeezed her eyes shut and pulled her trident sharply after summoning her fighting spirit.

- Ghhh...

I felt like my insides were being twisted and wrapped around those teeth right now. Hey, is that... my guts? I barely managed to keep the healing spell from overgrowing the wound like that, with my insides out.

- Boohoo.

The Norn threw up. I should have asked her not to look, it really wasn't a pretty sight after all.

- No... no... it's supposed to be inside... - Eris panicked when she opened her eyes and saw the result.

Well, what else was there to do? I picked up the intestines that had fallen out and stuffed them inside, then used a holy healing spell. It gave me a little more time and allowed me to catch my breath. In my current state, I was already able to calmly create a healing spirit, which instantly used all its abilities to prevent me from going to the other world.

And the good thing is that the elemental rampage I created seems to have frightened the magical beasts. At least they hadn't surrounded us yet, and they weren't visible on the horizon.

Meanwhile, I had recovered enough not to die on the spot.

Mission accomplished!

Overcoming the deadly stalemate

You have defeated the end of the path and survived

Reward: Random Talent

Mad Healer

You have gained a special talent in healing and have gained an intuitive understanding of healing magic and medicine

Well, that's a pretty good reward. Especially considering the fact that even with the support of a healing spirit, I still can't feel my legs.....

I use the regeneration spell, not only for healing, but also for diagnostics, to feel the damage to my body with magic. Part of the spinal nerves in my lower spine have been severed. This is not only the loss of the ability to walk, but also possible some difficulties with the work of internal organs, especially the intestines. Moreover, the healing spirit had already started healing, but it was not able to fuse the nerves properly. I had to consciously correct the errors in the healing and set a course of action for the spirit.

It won't give me instant results, but I might even be able to walk again in a few days.

- Well? - Eris asks excitedly.

- I'm fine," I answer her. - I'll live, and in time I'll fully recover.

- Phew... - She sighed with relief.

- Rudy... - Norn approached me.

- Ehhh... told you to leave. - I smiled weakly, ruffling the girl's hair.

- Who was that, Rudy? Eris asked.

- Supard.

- А...

The girl's eyes widened in horror.

Then she looked away, to where Ruijed's charred body was lying.

- He... he's breathing! - The girl exclaimed in panic.

- What?" I was genuinely shocked.

And, looking round, I saw that the charred corpse's chest was actually heaving as if it were breathing.

- Nooooo!" cried Norn, hiding behind Eris.

My first impulse was to finish off the enemy, but.....

Mission received!

Capture the figure

You can convince Path's End that you are not Laplace and he will owe you a favour if you heal him

Reward: bodyguard

The system was clearly hinting that killing wasn't the only option.

- N-n-need to kill him..." Eris said in a trembling voice.

- Take your time. - I exhaled.

He's in no condition to hurt anyone. In fact, if he doesn't get help immediately, the supard will die. It's actually surprising that he survived. On the other hand, would I even be able to heal him? At least just keep him from dying. And, will I be able to hold back if he recovers?

With a wrinkle, I point my hand at the supard, and a green light shoots from my palm.

It gives me a better idea of the nature of the damage. And, I'm surprised again. How can he still be alive? Almost half of his body has been destroyed, and another quarter or so is already effectively dead. Most of his organs are a burnt kebab. But his heart is still beating, his burnt lungs are breathing, and even his brain is working.

- Holy crap.

Just pouring powerful healing magic over him, not letting the supard die. He's really not dangerous anymore anyway. The nerves in his arms and legs are completely burned out, if not restored, he won't be able to move his limbs.

- R-rudy... are you... are you healing him? - Eris exhaled in shock.

- Don't worry, he won't be able to move, and later I want to question him about some things.

- He... surely he won't be able to attack?

- Definitely.

- Good...

And still, she was very afraid of him. No wonder.

- Brother... - Norn whimpered.

- What are you... ahhh... - Eris panicked.

It's just that the baby peed herself. Given that she was holding on to the girl while clinging to her from behind, Eris felt it too. I had to take some more time to calm the girls down a bit. To do so, I even walled the supard into a vented stone sarcophagus so the girls wouldn't see it and wouldn't be as scared. And that really helped.

- There you go, it's gonna be okay, Norn. Eris. We were attacked by a scary supard! And we did it, we defeated the monster!

- You defeated... - The fire-haired swordswoman smiled miserably. - I... I could only run away....

- Don't blame yourself. That was a really dangerous opponent. I'm sure when you're older, if you don't give up training, you'll be able to defeat such fighters.

That look again. The girl obviously thought about the fact that I'm even younger than her, but I'm already able to cope with the Supard. But she didn't say so, realising that now was not the time for that.

- Yes. And now, I'm sorry, Eris, but I can't go on for a while. And I'm exhausted again.

Well, not as exhausted as I was after teleporting.

- It's OK! You're alive. And you said you'd be healed soon. We'll wait, won't we, Norn?

- Yes! - The girl nodded.

Crawling somewhere with my injuries wouldn't have been the best solution. So, I just used magic to build protective walls of stone, forming a sort of bunker, an indestructible fortress.

Eris at this time was still looking around and found my wand.

- It looks like it's broken... - The girl sighed frustratedly.

- Not a problem.

I smirked and channelled the mana into the artefact, and it began to regenerate right before my eyes. The shattered crystal sphere had regrown and become even stronger.

- О...

Afterwards, I also checked my ring. As it turns out, being betrothed to Eris added the fire magic focus property to it, which isn't surprising at all. It's a good match for this girl. She's like a living flame herself.

- Rudy... and this...

The girl fidgeted awkwardly, rubbing the ring with her finger.

- Right... I think I should explain a few things now..." I sighed.

- You really want me to be... w-wife.....

Confusion tsundere.

- Well, I was considering it. I just didn't want to rush it. Especially since you don't know all the details even now.

- А?

- For starters... well, you did notice that there were a few rings in the box....

- Oh! So you want to marry someone else? - Eris understood right away.

- There were originally six rings.

I'm showing her mine.

- I gave one to my teacher Roxy and promised to marry her when I was older. I gave another ring to Sylphie when I left for Roa, promising I'd come back later and make her my wife. So, I already have two brides.

- А...

Eris opened her mouth in a daze.

Norn was also listening to us attentively.

- Biatik... like daddy! - The little girl came out.

- What? No! I was outraged. - Daddy promised Mummy he'd only be with her, and he didn't keep his word. Roxy and I agreed that I could have more than one wife. Do you understand?

Norn tilted her head incomprehensibly.

- The problem is not that Dad has several women, but that he cheated and betrayed Mum.

- О...

- You didn't tell me you already have fiancées. - Eris remarked unhappily.

- Yeah... sorry about that. - I lowered my head guiltily. - The thing is, you know... you could say I have... hmm, I guess that could be taken as miko power.

- Miko? People with a God-given gift?

- That's right. I don't know exactly what it is, though. But it's a rather willful and capricious ability, like a guardian spirit that sometimes messes with me. When we were in the demonic continent, this power helped me recover a bit of mana. It was also the one that allowed me to contact Roxy and Sylphie, it wasn't exactly magic.

- I didn't understand anything. - Eris frowned.

- Sometimes this ability gives me some sort of... contract. For certain actions, she can give rewards, make me stronger. Specifically, for each wife, it increases my physical strength and stamina. When you agreed to be my wife, it worked, and the miko's power increased my survivability. Perhaps that's why I was able to last long enough to start healing myself.

- Hmm...

Eris furrowed her eyebrows.

- I didn't understand everything... but, so because I'm your wife now, you were able to survive?

- It definitely increased my chances of not dying.

- Then it's all good. - Eris nodded.

- And... are you okay with that? It's just, I know you're in love with me. And I like you, too. But I still have Roxy and Sylphie.

- I don't... I mean... - The totally embarrassed girl hesitated.

- It's okay, Eris. And I'm really glad you liked me so much that you agreed to be my wife right away.

- You... fool...

She clenched her fist.

- Hey, I'm still hurt. Don't hit me.

Her fist immediately unclenched.

- I'm sorry.

- But don't think you can beat me any other time.

- We'll see about that! - Eris declared belligerently.

- Oh, that's right, there's Lily.

- Huh? The maid?

- Yes. By the way, Aisha is not my sister, she's my daughter.

- HUH?

The girl's eyes bulged.

- Well, that's it. Just because you're my wife doesn't mean we can't call it off. I mean, you don't have to become the wife of a man who already has fiancées.

- Bububu... - Eris muttered quietly, lowering her head.

- What?

- I'M SAYING IT'S OKAY! I AGREE! - She shouted embarrassedly.

I was almost thrown off by her shriek.

- Wee... - Norn raised her eyebrows pitifully.

- Sis, don't be scared, Eris is just very emotional.

I had to hug her with one arm.

- Now, now, don't cry. And you, Eris, don't scream like that.

- I'm sorry.

- It's okay. I know this has been a very difficult experience for you. And you're very happy to be the first wife of such a wonderful me...

- I'm gonna punch you now.

- Domestic violence! Eris, you're setting a bad example for Norn.

- Hnn..." she pouted unhappily.

She moved closer to me, coming to my side where there was still room. It was a little awkward, though. My other arm was there. It hadn't grown back yet, but there was already a not-so-pleasant outgrowth with little fingers that I couldn't even control properly yet. It's more like a baby's hand, which looks completely unnatural with my body.

But at least that outgrowth is covered by the cloak and can't be seen. And Eris snuggles more to my side.

- Norn is going to be a brother's wife too! - The little girl comes out.

- Ohhh... no... you're my sister, Norn.

- If it helps, let her. - Eris declared from the other side.

- Calm down. I'm all right now... well, almost. But my life is no longer in danger.

Except for possible monsters or more supards....

After thinking about it, I realised that staying here wasn't the best idea. Especially after the horror I caused with my magic. I'm sure there will be those who will come and see what happened here. And I'm in no condition to fight at full strength. I can still do some things, though.

On the other hand, in my condition, it's really better not to go anywhere, but to wait and recover a bit.

So, I just reinforced our defences and tried to cloak it like a normal rock.

But, for the next few days that I needed to recover, no one ever came here. Even the monsters avoided the scorched earth.

And Eris brought Ruijed's spear with her. And it was actually quite interesting.

The Soul of Supard

A bone spear grown from the tail of a Supard can embody a martial spirit

Even tested it with healing magic and was surprised to find that it was, in a way, alive. The spear was a deformed part of the spine, with the nerve fibres of the spinal cord preserved inside. I suppose that's what allows the spear to embody its master's fighting spirit. And it also gave me some thoughts, but I need to do my own healing first.

I could calmly assist the healing spirit by guiding the process. And, I could directly feel the changes, it became easier for me to see the whole healing picture. The talent and improved skill made the process easier. And, right during my healing, I figured out how to improve the regeneration spell by adding an explosive effect. That is, explosive regeneration that could quickly heal any damage.

And there was a volunteer lying nearby, ready to experience the effects of the spell!

Ruijed's dead flesh finally decayed under the new magic, split by the spell and replaced by new flesh. The only thing that had to be held back was the restoration of his nervous system, leaving his limbs paralysed. And, amazingly...

- Kha... kha... kha-kha-kha-kha... - The recovering supard coughed.

He opened his new eyes.

At that moment, Eris and Norn were still asleep, and I had turned Ruijed's sarcophagus into a separate room. Even put up a soundproof barrier, just in case.

Even so.

- If you scream, I'll smash your head in. - I slapped the stone of my staff defiantly on the palm of my hand. - I've got kids sleeping in here.

Supard opened his mouth to shout angrily, but he froze. He didn't look very presentable, by the way. Even after the healing magic, his body was covered not just with scars, but with some kind of stains on his skin, as if from old burns.

- Laplace..." he breathed out more quietly.

- You already called me that when you attacked me. - I tilted my head. - What makes you think I'm Laplace?

There was a look of doubt in the Supard's eyes.

- I've seen... your sorcery... wordless, powerful magic... and your mana... I've only seen so much from him....

- So what? Are you a complete fool? Although... yeah, my teacher told me that Supards are crazy bloodthirsty animals. I still had my doubts, but I guess it was true.

- No... it's not... - Ruijed muttered painfully.

Honestly, I couldn't help myself.

I remembered those episodes of the trident thrusting into my body, when I thought I was going to die. And this guy here, he's denying it. So, I couldn't help myself, so I actually hit him. With a rod in the ribs.

- Ugh.

- Damn it. Just a couple of days ago I was living in Asura, planning how to get a sexy cat into bed. And then this fucking thing brought me to this fucking continent with two kids! I almost got killed the first day! But I fucking survived! And then some other prick shows up, yelling Laplace shit and tries to kill me!

I just spilled my guts.

That fight really left a strong impression. It was like a nightmare in which you were fighting someone, but you couldn't win, no matter what you hit the enemy with, what in reality should have killed anyone long ago, in a dream only made the opponent sway slightly. That was exactly the feeling Ruijed was giving me as he continued to attack even through the hell I was putting him through.

And in the process of my breakdown, I almost actually smashed the guy's head in. But instead I hit the stone wall, leaving a huge crack in it.

- I don't even know if they can survive... if I die....

- You're... not Laplace..." Ruijed exhaled ruefully.

- Your Laplace could do that? - I growled irritably, creating lightning discharges in my hand. - I created this school of magic myself, and I've never heard of anyone else using it before me.

Supard shifted his gaze upwards.

- I'm sorry..." the man exhaled.

- What?

- I apologise... I jumped to conclusions. Recently, a creature appeared to me in a dream and told me that the reborn Laplace was nearby.

- And you just believed some delusional prediction? - I was stunned.

Although, the creature in the dream reminded me of something.

- No... I had my doubts. When I found you, I was watching... and I doubted even more... but you started casting sorcery without words, and I saw your mana....

- It's the Laplace factor. - I explained.

- What?

- Laplace created a reincarnation spell. But he can't just be reborn into any creature. His spell gives unborn children his traits. So, gradually, over generations, the perfect vessel for his rebirth must be born.

- So... he really can be reborn....

- Yes, perhaps in one of my descendants. Or somewhere else. I know a girl with a lot of mana and green hair. I only got a mana reserve. That's not enough for Laplace to be reborn in us.

Supard closed his eyes for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he looked confused and helpless.

- I can't move...

- You're inadequate. I healed you, but I didn't heal your nerves, so you can't move your arms or legs.

Ruijed tensed his abs. He almost rolled over on his side, but he calmed down.

- I get it... and I apologise again... I acted rashly... hastily... you could kill me.

- First, let's get something straight. - I interrupted him. - You mentioned a certain creature in your dream. Describe it.

- Hitogami, a white man.

- I see. I saw him too.

Supard looked at me in surprise.

- When the disaster struck, I lost consciousness and saw him. He wanted to say something... but my power, hmm, miko ability, kicked him. It seems he took offence and used you to get revenge. I don't know much about this human god myself, but he seems to be a manipulator who likes to act out of other people's hands.

Ruijed snorted unhappily. And there was anger on his face.

The man had clearly rethought everything that had happened and looked at the situation from a different angle. Which made him immediately feel like a deluded fool who had been taken advantage of by some mystical bitch. And, I have to say, Hitogami is clearly an arsehole. And he could be dangerous. At the very least, he's capable of appearing in people's dreams and talking to them, and he's also very well informed, since he knew exactly where I was after teleporting, and he contacted Ruijed right afterwards. If this wasn't just an attempt to mess with me, if he's intent on killing me, then we should expect other traps.

And I'm only taking into account his ability to communicate with people in dreams. There's no telling what else he's capable of! And I don't know why he wants to kill me so badly.

Mission accomplished!

Capture the figure

You have seized control of Apostle Hitogami, Ruijed will do whatever you ask of him.

Reward: a sense of duty and guilt End of the Road


By the way, Supard's mood is also worth checking out. He had his trousers full of anger last time.

Mood - oppressed by guilt, remorseful.

Looks like he might actually be able to relate.

But I'm still afraid to give him back control of his body.

- Can I hear your name? - He asked suddenly.

- Hmm? Yes. I am Rudeus Greyrat.

- I am Ruijed Supardia.

- Good. (chuckles) So, what do we do now? - I rest my staff on the stone floor, leaning on it like a cane.

- I will not attack... and you can accept my life as an apology... by giving in to anger... I endangered the lives of children... it is unforgivable.

- All right. - I nod to him.

- Then kill me.

- Э? What are you doing?

Supard blinked in surprise.

- We had a deal. Your life belongs to me now. Why should I throw it away? I could've killed you right away, but I was treating you.

- А...

- Someone asked me not to kill you. - I added grimly. - Afterwards, I wanted to ask you to help us get off the demon continent. But since you offered it yourself, then fine, I'll accept your service.

Ruijed seemed to be taken aback by such a statement.

- Although... I don't take just anyone as my servant. No, you'll just be a slave.

I'm still a little pissed at that jerk.