Core World: NTR:Netsuzou Trap First World: Rakudai Kishi No Calvary --------- Ren was a normal young man, with a single extra detail, who slept with his friends' girlfriends. Which cost him his life when one found out
Heading towards an apartment complex, three figures could be seen walking towards the aforementioned, being two women, one with purple hair who had her arms entangled in the pale gray haired man's, while the pink haired woman was looking back the man with an affectionate look in her eyes, while look the woman a determined and nervous look.
Arriving at the apartment complex, the three young people said goodbye, to go each one to their apartment, once inside each of their apartments, the man with pale gray hair and the woman with purple hair sat on the sofa.
"Did you see Yuma-Chan's look?" - Asked the purple haired woman, known as Mizushina Hotaru -"She looked so adorable, with her nervous and determined look directed towards me" -Smiling affectionately as she remembered Yuma's look Hotaru looked at Ren.
Fujiwara Ren, also known as the man with pale gray hair, looked at Hotaru with amusement. "Yes, he was very adorable, I wonder what he would say to you?" Wondering at the end of his words, Ren had a curious look on his face, then look at Hotaru.
Looking at Ren's curious look, Hotaru smiled amusedly, "I don't know what she going to tell me, but when she tells me, I'll tell her I knew this," Hotaru answered, as she looked amusedly at Ren.
Listening to Hotaru's words, Ren nodded, since that was what he intended to tell her -"That's fine, I had thought of telling you that, since I don't want to leave you"- Ren answered with an amused smile on his face, seeing a slight blush appeared on Hotaru's face.
"You are despicable"- Hotaru said with a disdainful look on her face, which contrasts with the blush on her face, looking like she was a 'Tsundere' when she is not.
"And you still love me"- Placing Hotaru on his lap, Ren could see how she pinched his hand, then relaxed with a satisfied look on his face -"We also forgot to buy a play 5"- Ren said, since he had forgotten to buy a play 5.
"Don't worry, we can shop one morning, since we'll be free"-Hotaru answered, while she stroked Ren's head as if he were a child, making him laugh slightly.
"I'm not a child, but I'm not complaining"- Laughing slightly, Ren said those words, since it was satisfying to feel the caress of a woman, even if she treated you as if he were a child.
"A question just occurred to me," Hotaru said, looking curiously at Ren. "Have you slept with a mother?" Hotaru asked, looking at the calm smile on Ren's face.
Looking amusedly at Hotaru, Ren shook his head. "No, I haven't," Ren replied, since it was technically correct. In this life he had not slept with a mother, but who knows the future.
Is it because they're not interested in you or you haven't tried?"-Hotaru, upon hearing Ren's words, nodded, since from what she knew of him, he always answered honestly every time she asked him something.
"I haven't tried"- Ren said, as he stroked Hotaru's head, which as if it were a cat, snuggled into his chest-"You look like a cat"-Ren answered, while he looked at Hotaru.
Hotaru upon hearing Ren's words, smiled amused-"If you want I can be your kitten Nya ~"-Raising her arms with closed hands, while she said those words. Ren remembered this typical pose.
"I accept with pleasure"- Ren nodded at Hotaru's words, making her laugh amused, seeing that he accepted easily.
"Won't you be ashamed?" Hotaru asked after she finished laughing.
"No, I won't." Shaking his head at Hotaru's question, Ren got up from the sofa with her hugging his waist with her legs, while her arms wrapped around his neck, at the same time Ren placed his hand on her butt.
"Now let's change clothes." Nodding at Ren's words, Hotaru leaned into his shoulder as she blew into Ren's ear, hoping he would blush.
"You won't make me blush." - Laughing amusedly at Hotaru's attempts, Ren continued walking towards the room.
"And I will not give up"-Hotaru replied with an amused smile on her face, while at the same time she said those words with determination.
Nodding at Hotaru's words, Ren placed her on the bed, then grabbed the last piece of clothing he had - "Tomorrow I'll go get my things" - Ren said, as he grabbed the shorts, along with the shirt and underwear. .
"I'll go with you, I want to see how clean your house is"- Hotaru answered, while she looked at Ren with amusement.
When Ren saw that, he smiled-"You'll find her clean, since I didn't spend much time at home before"- Removing his clothes, Ren was left only in his underwear.
"That's what I thought"- Hotaru nodded at Ren's words, since it was something she expected, and then she got out of bed and undressed.
Grabbing their dress clothes, the two went to the bathroom where Ren ended up to undress, then help Hotaru to wash by sponging her back and other places where she couldn't reach, and then it was his turn.
"Do you want me to use my breasts?" Hotaru smiled, as she grabbed her breasts and showed it to Ren, who had an amused smile on his face, seeing that.
"Of course, who would say no to a beautiful girl like you"- Hotaru hearing Ren's words, stuck out her tongue with amusement, and then continued and approached his back, to clean it with her breasts.
"You must have told many innocent girls"- Hotaru answered, while she continues cleaning Ren's ample back.
"No, you're the first girl I say beautiful in this life"- Ren smiled, while he looked at Hotaru, making her stop for a few moments, to then continue wiping his back, with a smile on her face.
"You know how to make a girl feel special" - And after that conversation, and Hotaru cleaning Ren with her breast, the two got out of the shower after a few minutes relaxing with each other without doing anything sexual.
Once outside in comfortable new clothes, the two made their way to the living room, where they sat on a sofa, with Hotaru on Ren's lap. To then watch television for some time, since they had nothing to do, and he was too early to make dinner.
"(I should check the quest)- With that thought in mind, Ren said the word/command [Missions], and started reading the quest description, which gave him many rewards and there was even one that was very interesting.
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