
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · Cómic
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52 Chs

Chapter 18

Chapter 18


As soon as I left the lab, I got an incoming call on my phone.

 Pulling it out of my pocket, I was surprised to see that it was Liz calling me.

- Hi, Liz. - I answered the phone.

- Hi Peter, are you okay? - Her voice sounded a little concerned.

- Yeah, I'm fine. What's with all the questions?

- Well, I saw you fighting with Jacob and Flash yesterday, and neither of you showed up for class today. I asked the teacher, and it turns out those two were grounded for a month, and you were this morning, but then you had to excuse yourself from class. So I was worried that something had happened to you. - she quickly whispered into the phone.

Hearing her words, I felt strange. The same feeling that I get when I look at Gwen started in my heart.

- No Peter, it's not love. It's just teenage hormones! - I whispered to myself under my breath, realizing that my brain reacts to a beautiful girl so much that it cares about you and gives you signs of attention. At times like this, you don't want to feel it, but you will feel something.

- Peter, what did you say? I didn't hear it. - Liz's voice came again. I felt a herd of goosebumps run down my spine as I accidentally voiced my thoughts out loud. Good thing it was in a whisper, or I wouldn't have known how to explain myself to her.

- Uh, nothing. Just thinking out loud. And yeah, I'm fine. I just had to go somewhere this morning, so I took the morning off. - I finally told her.

- Well, good, then I hope you didn't forget that I'm having a party tomorrow.

- Of course not, how could I forget? - I replied instantly, realizing that it had slipped my mind.

- Great, then I'll meet you at home at seven, see you then! - Liz hung up the phone. I found a secluded corner and started to wash off my makeup, then changed my clothes and went home.




- Aunt May, I'm home! - I let her know I was home, but there was no response. I heard a noise from the bathroom, and realizing that she was probably washing, I put the lottery ticket in the most visible place and started walking to my room.

At that moment, there was a click of the door lock, the bathroom door opened, and Aunt May came out into the hallway. She was completely naked, and was drying her hair with a towel.

At the sight of her naked slender body, I literally froze and didn't know what to do, and my gaze never wanted to leave her.

At that moment, Aunt May felt my gaze, and stopped and slowly looked in my direction.

Seeing me, Aunt May panicked a little. Her eyes widened sharply and she held her breath. But still, being a grown woman, she was able to pull herself together pretty quickly.

- Peter, I didn't know you were here. - she began to wrap herself in a towel to cover her nakedness.

- Uh, uh, it's, uh, I just got here, Aunt May. I kind of yelled, but I guess you didn't hear me in the bathroom. - I finally took my eyes off her.

A smirk appeared on Aunt May's face, but I ignored it and went on to my room.

- So, did you like the show? Do you think I can still compete with the young girls, Peter? - She suddenly spoke as I was about to retreat to my room.

I felt embarrassed, because it was the first time I had ever seen a woman's naked body in person, and especially my aunt's. So this question of hers, it was too much for me.


- "So Peter! Stop acting like a wimp! You're a strong guy with superpowers, so you should be used to women's attention, and their beauty. You're not a sucker!" - I gave myself a mental smack, and then looked at my aunt with a confident look.

- Hmm, I think you still look gorgeous Aunt May. Rest assured, if I didn't have good self-control, I probably would have pounced on you by now. - I gave her a confident smile, then locked myself in my room, under Mei's dumbfounded gaze.




*Knock, knock, knock* - at ten o'clock in the evening there was a knock on my door, followed by Aunt May's voice.

- Peter, are you awake? - her voice was somewhat excited, and I immediately realized that she had "found" my lottery ticket.


- No Aunt May, is something wrong? You're glowing with happiness! - A thoughtful expression appeared on my face.

- Peter, where did you get that ticket? - She almost shoved a piece of paper in my face.

- And this? I bought it today on my way home from school. By the way, I'm glad you came. They gave me a check for a hundred thousand dollars as compensation for making a false police report. - I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket.

- Screw the hundred thousand dollars! Peter, you're an incredibly lucky guy. The lottery ticket you bought was the winning ticket! And as soon as I entered the data, five million dollars fell into my account, can you believe it! - She was literally glowing with happiness, and then she gave me a big hug.

- Ha ha, Aunt May, is it true!? You're not kidding!? - I was also "happy".

- Yes! And it's all thanks to you!

- That's great Aunt May! With this money, you don't have to worry about money anymore and finally have a vacation, and we can buy a new house of our own instead of this old apartment! - I immediately told her what to do with the money.

- You're right, Peter. We can finally afford a better place to live, you deserve it! Now I'm going to go and dream about looking at pictures of houses.

- Good night, Aunt May.

- Good night, Peter.




Waiting until midnight, when Aunt May was asleep. I once again went out in search of adventure. About twenty minutes later, I spotted Gwen fighting some dude in a glider dressed in goblin style. And from what I could see, the advantage was on the Goblin's side. After all, he was high above the ground, and did not allow the girl to get close to him.

Sneaking up on the Goblin from a tall building, I jumped sharply in his direction and kicked the unsuspecting enemy hard on the back.

Unfortunately, the Goblin was wearing a sturdy armor that was tightly docked to the glider. And because he was in the air, he was simply thrown off without doing any significant damage. Seeing such contrived things made me want a lot of things myself. Thankfully, I wasn't strapped for cash, so flying freaks wouldn't be a problem anytime soon.

- Hmm, that makes two bugs. Two against one isn't fair, goodbye! - he said in a nasty voice, and then started flying high into the air.

- You cowardly bastard, next time you won't get off that easy. - I shouted after him, not really wanting to chase him, because next to me was finally Gwen, on which I immediately and switched....



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Chapter 28 has already been published