
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · Cómic
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52 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10


- Peter, I used to think you were a nerd on steroids, since you didn't socialise or date much. But now I've realised that you're very interesting. - Liz smiled as we finished eating our lunch. She had changed her mind because we had been talking about various topics, and she had been laughing a lot.

- Well, Peter, it's been a pleasure chatting with you, but now I must leave your company. So to speak, to settle a couple of important matters. - Liz waved goodbye and then quickly left.

I assumed she'd gone to see Flash Thompson to end their farce of a fake relationship. After all, once Flash officially loses his place on the team, at the very least his "status" will instantly go downhill. And in the worst case scenario, he'd be laughed out of school and then expelled for failing grades.

But I didn't give a damn about him. After all, he only had himself to blame for everything. If it hadn't been for his initial lie so he could get the captain's job, he wouldn't be in this mess right now. And besides, I didn't decide to become captain just to stroke my ego and piss him off.

Since I still had some free time left in the afternoon, I decided to go outside for some fresh air. But my plans were apparently not destined to come true, because when I was almost at the exit, next to the personal boxes, I was called.

A shout of "PARKER!" from Flash, who was literally seething with anger as he came towards me, shoving anyone unlucky enough to get in his way.

- Parker, what do you mean? Explain yourself to me right now! - He grabbed me by the pecs and pressed me hard against the iron lockers. And if I was just a regular guy, my back was definitely bruised.

- Thompson! I see you've had your brains blown out or something. I suggest you get your damn hands off me before I make you do it! - I looked him in the eye. And he was a real anomaly, by the way. I was tall enough for my age, but this gorilla was almost a full head taller than me. Although we were the same build, plus or minus.

- Oh, you want an explanation, do you?! I'll give you an explanation! - He was literally seething with rage.

- I was suddenly informed that my girlfriend was dining with you at the same table. And then right after that, she comes to me and dumps me! Bitch, you stole my girlfriend! - he kept pressing me harder and harder against the drawers.

- Your girlfriend? You mean Liz? - I grinned.

- Yeah, Liz!

- Um, don't be ridiculous Thompson! - I finally got the smile off my face, because there were too many people around.

- First of all, I didn't steal anyone from you. She and I were just having a conversation. - I squeezed one of his hands, so that he couldn't squeeze my clothes anymore, and then I started to pull it away.

- Secondly, are you hearing yourself? How could Liz start dating an uncouth gorilla like you? Have you ever looked in a mirror in your life, if you have, tell me! Are you the right man for her?! - I squeezed his other hand, and just like the previous one, I bent it to the side.

- Well, and thirdly, you damn self-righteous arsehole, I warned you not to meddle with me, much less let go! - Having agreed up to this point, I raised my right leg sharply, and then letting go of his arms kicked him in the chest.


Like a rag doll, Flash flew a few metres away, knocking over a few hapless onlookers with his carcass. But to my surprise, he was able to get to his feet after that blow.

On his face I could clearly see a little fear, bewilderment and indignation. But still he did not rush to attack me, for the fact that he clasped his hand to his breast and breathed heavily, clearly showed that the blow had not passed without a trace for him.

- What's Thompson? One punch was enough to knock you off your arrogance and arrogance? Where's that confidence and fury you had a minute ago when you came at me, huh?! - I began to mock him. Because I despised his kind with all my soul. The kind who only knew how to bully the weak and run away from the strong.

- Rubbish, just as I thought. - I gave him a scornful look.

Thompson began to look around, and noticed all the students around him whispering quietly as they looked at us. Occasionally, a chuckle slipped out of some of them as they saw Flash's pathetic state. For he, with his insufferable and arrogant temper, had done a lot of damage to everyone.

- PARKER! DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME! - Finally, he couldn't take even that little pressure, and then he ran screaming towards me.

- AAAH! - He shouted like a wounded and cornered animal, swinging his fist at me.

*His fist whistled near my face as I dodged his blow by just bending my back a little. In the next moment, I had already straightened my torso, and punched him in the liver.

- ugha. - came out of his mouth. From the pain in his side, his body froze, only to get hit in the jaw and fly a couple of metres away from him.

Such was something his resilience could no longer survive. Thompson lay on the cold floor for a few seconds, but still began to move. He tried to get up, only to collapse back to the ground. Finally, a few tries later, he got up and leaned against the wall, giving me a fear-filled look. But beyond fear, somewhere in the depths of his eyes was an incredible rage and thirst for revenge.

Thompson didn't say anything, the difference in our strength and his humiliating loss... a lot of people had witnessed it, and so any further words, could only make it worse. So Flash made what was probably the only good decision of his life, which was to silently walk away on his wobbly legs.

- Peter, are you okay?! I'm sorry, it's all my fault! - Liz jumped up to me as soon as Thompson was out of sight.

- I don't know what you're talking about Liz. - I shook my head.

- Thompson hadn't liked me for a long time, and it was only a matter of time before his resentment towards me reached a certain threshold and he would show up on my doorstep without controlling his actions. - I smiled calmly.

- But still, if I hadn't wanted to leave him after what you said, he wouldn't have come to you. - She bit her lip.

- No, Liz, you're wrong. He would have come anyway, if not today, then tomorrow, when the news was announced. So don't take it personally.

- Phew, I'm glad you don't blame me, but I'm still surprised at how strong you are! - Liz smiled with relief.

- Yep, now go ahead Liz. I have plans to get some fresh air. - I turned my back to her, and then raised my hand and waved goodbye....



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