
I'm Not the Hero

I thought I was the hero witnessing the villain's execution, but everything felt so wrong. I was too late when I realised... this life was not mine.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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28 Chs

One Week

As soon as the king announced that the duel has started, both Eason and I immediately charged at each other. I flew at Eason with white wings made out of fire and he blocked my sword with his own. I couldn't push my sword forward but neither did Eason.

I felt that something was wrong. Even though this fight has just started, it didn't feel satisfying at all. I stared into Eason's eyes and took in his expression. He still seemed hesitant and that was when I knew he wasn't going all out like I told him to.

"I told you to not hold back. I find it humiliating to me," I whispered to him. Eason's eyes sharped in a blink of an eye and his strength seemed to increase as he pushed me back from the power he was putting into his blade.

"If you want a proper fight then fine," said Eason, "but don't you think it's unfair that you can use magic but I can't? Isn't this bullying the weak?" Eason let out a provoking smile.

His provoking grin made a wide smile stretch across my face. It was that expression that I'd recognise anywhere. No matter how much time has passed, I can't seem to forgot that provoking face at all. Lucas couldn't get my adrenaline pumping however, that taunting expression that I saw before Eason activated the relic could.

This was it, it's exactly what I wanted. I always wanted to fight the future Eason. While this Eason is younger, he still has the memories of the future 'him' which means his skills should still be the same. This time, there is no choice but to win because this is the fight that will decide whether I'd get executed or not.

"I think I should be the one who complains that this is unfair. Especially since you have 'that'," I replied. What I mean by 'that' is his hero halo. "But sure, let's fight with our own strength," the wings behind my back disappeared.

"'Unfair'?" Eason's mana spread across the whole arena, blocking everyone else's hearing. At this point of time, Eason can't use magic since he hasn't awakened Lumi's power yet, but he can do other things with his great mana control. The mana that created a barrier around them was very thin so it wasn't noticed by the others however, although it's a very thin barrier, it was still very effective. "You call it unfair but aren't you the one who won the sword tournament in the future?"

Even if he didn't know what really happened, I felt insulted. Even though he was in my body, the one who won was still him. Even when I was the 'hero', I still lost to Eason. That just proved how much better he was than me.

"But it was you who killed the God of Thanar," I said with an irk mark on my forehead, continuing to pretend that we didn't switch bodies as my mana mixed in with Eason's to make the barrier last longer.

"I was trying to give you some face. You can't blame me for ruining that compliment this time," Eason smiled. It really felt as if he was the future Eason before the relic was activated however, I know it isn't him. It seems the only memories that he remembers is after the relic was activated, not before that. I was pretty much given the greenlight to manipulate him.

"You're as shitty as ever," I blocked his attack.

"Enough chitchat, we're here to fight," said Eason.

I closed my eyes, recalling the sword skills Eason used in my body. From what I knew at the sword tournament, it was much better than my own sword skills. It's most likely that Eason is relying on the sword skills I used in his body, so it should be inferior to the one I'm copying.

"Don't you know you shouldn't close your eyes when your opponent is right in front of you-?!" Eason who was about to slash me with his sword was surprised. His eyes widened, realising I had just knocked his sword out of his grip just a second after my eyes snapped open.

"You made the same mistake before," I commented. It wasn't him who made that mistake, it was me. I had mistaken Eason of giving up when he closed his eyes in the middle of our fight but, I was terribly wrong. Closing his eyes made me lower my guard and using his sense of hearing as well as focusing on my mana, he knocked my sword out of my hand which surprised me and I lost my balance, falling onto the ground with his sword pointed at my throat.

'Felix, I've lost', was what I said before however...

"Felix, you really think I'll make the same mistake twice?" Eason extended his hand and grabbed his sword before swinging at me. I was taken by surprise and when I tried to block it, my own sword pressed against my neck from Eason's strength and slightly cut it. "I win this time," Eason smiled, but his smile soon faded as if he had just processed the situation.

I held my bare neck that was bleeding. The blood soaked bandages were cut off and my neck that was bleeding even though it had no cuts before was now bleeding from an actual injury. I recalled Owen's words, 'I'm sorry, I should've known that you wanted to execute that criminal yourself.' At that time, I was 'Eason' and would never do that, but now the cut on my neck was given to me by the actual Eason himself. It was as if he really is the one executing me. Because I lost, it means I am the one who will be charged for the crime of kidnapping the first prince.

"Infermel I-"

"I'm not mad. You did what I said and went all out." It was the truth. I really wasn't mad. I didn't feel any anger at all, only emptiness.

"How about we fight again? This time I'll be on the side that's trying to prove your innocence," said Eason.

"Then are you saying that I am the one who will be fighting for my own punishment?"

"No! I'll fight someone else then," Eason began to look around frantically, trying to find someone else to fight.

"What? You want to fight the king?" I chuckled. It wasn't because I found it funny or because I was happy, but it was because it felt like he was indirectly mocking me, telling me that I could only live if he, a hero; someone with the same role as the one who framed me fight for my innocence. "Eason, don't lose sense of who you are."

"What do you mean?" he was confused.

"You have the role of the 'hero' and I have the role of the 'villain'. Don't forget that the hero's role is to destroy the villain. You can't help me. Anything and everything that you do will only destroy me, just like now," I replied, turning to walk away.

As I was walking in the hallway, I noticed the king standing there.

"You know the consequences of loosing that duel don't you?" said the king, making me stop in my tracks "after all, you were the one who suggested it."

"Of course," I paused, "just like you said, I was the one who suggested it so of course I know the consequences," I clenched my fists and my grip on the now broken sword that dad gave to me tightened. "What's first? Sending me to the underground chamber?" I asked.

"No, you're lucky that you're Cyrus's heir. I'd feel bad for punishing someone with such powers if they really didn't really commit the crime. Besides, it's not like punishing you will bring Theodore back," said the king, "one week."

"Pardon?" I questioned.

"I'll give you one week to find him and bring him back to testify your innocence. Even if I don't want to get rid of someone with potential, it doesn't mean I won't do it. I can't let the citizens think that power can get you out of trouble," spoke the king.

"Thank you your majesty."

"However, you did lose to your own suggestion so there should be a penalty. I shall announce that you are suspected to have kidnapped Theodore and there will be a trial held in one week. Damaging your reputation should be enough of a penalty. Good luck in finding Theodore," the king pat my shoulder before walking away with Owen behind him, smirking.

I find it funny how the king said that my penalty would be getting my reputation damaged as if my reputation wasn't already absolute shit. He also said that he'd feel bad for getting rid of someone with potential however, I know damn well that if it was Owen who went missing and I was accused of being guilty, he would've already had my head in his hands, lifting it up in front of the people of Kassiel nation.

If anyone else witnessed the king saying this to me, they probably would've thought he is extremely kind since he's giving someone who most likely kidnapped his son a chance however, his words can't fool me. How could his fake 'kindness' fool me; someone who has experienced Eason's lies first hand for years?

The next morning, news of my upcoming trial and the kidnapping of Theodore soon spread like wild fire. I could see the looks of disgust outside the carriage window on my way back to the Infermel mansion.

I looked away from the window and touched the new scar on my neck. One week. I have one week to rescue Theodore or this scar will become my destiny.

No Felix is not gay and this story is not a BL between him and Eason, it focuses on plot.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts